CONSULTATION-LIAISON - Hospital-Based Consultation Flashcards
What are the expectations about drug
and alcohol use among prospective
pediatric liver transplant recipients?
Infrequent experimental use of alcohol
is not an absolute contraindication
What negative thoughts are 6 yo patients
more likely to experience, compared to
teens, when hospitalized multiple times
for medical reasons? (2x)
Thoughts about being punished
What is the best approach for a consulting
psychiatrist’s first interaction w/a child
who has just been diagnosed w/acute
lymphocytic leukemia and has been
refusing medical procedures?
Ask how much the child wants to know
about the medical procedures.
First step of psychiatrist in doing inpatient
pediatric consultation?
Define the referral questions
Psychiatrist consulted on 12 yo with
multiple fractures from motor vehicle
accident 2 days ago when pt’s father died.
The main priority?
Ensure adequate pain management
Neuropsychiatric symptom (along with depression) in a 7 y.o. patient with HIV?
Pediatric consult placed for child with
concern of somatic symptom disorder.
Parents feel they are not being taken
seriously. Appropriate response?
Since the mind and body can influence each
other, it is important to address both
The 2005 Youth Risk Behavior survey
found youth with asthma had higher rates
of using what recreational substance?
Tobacco (cigarettes)
3 yo with delirium after surgery. Most
important information?
Caregiver reports
Core criteria for delirium diagnosis?
Cognitive changes
Child with ADHD and depression taking
melatonin, clonidine, and high doses of cod
liver oil, presents with vomiting, headache,
increased ICP, hepatosplenomegaly, skin
desquamation, abdominal pain,
musculoskeletal pain. Type of toxicity?
Vitamin A
Relative contraindication for ECT?
Active pulmonary infection
Adolescent with history of MDD attempts
suicide by planned, intentional overdose on
tylenol after learning charges were dropped
against their rapist. Now says they promise
never to attempt suicide again. Plan?
Admit to inpatient psych
Medication that worsens delirium in
Diazepam (benzodiazepines)
Child hospitalized for abdominal pain,
extensive workup negative, mother insists
child is sick, won’t let you interview child
alone. Next step?
Obtain outside records from past/present
Most appropriate patient to drug test?
Teen in ER with altered mental status