CONSULTATION-LIAISON - School-Based Consultation Flashcards
A child with ADHD and anxiety would
need a Individualized Educational Plan
(IEP) instead of a 504 for? (2x)
Holding the student to a different
academic standard in challenging
What is the type of intervention when a
school psychiatrist makes
recommendation for program after a
recent student’s suicide? (2x)
Systems consultation
Most important components to get a school
to initiate an IEP eval for a 7yo with ADHD
who is struggling to read?
Vision problems ruled out, child has failed
high quality interventions to learn to read,
emotional factors inhibiting learning have
been ruled out by psychiatrist
Interval to reevaluate kids in special
education to verify eligibility?
3 year period of time
Psychiatrist reviewing evaluation request
from a school, notes that 8 requests are
from the same teacher. Next step?
Meeting with teacher and observe the
Psychiatrist calls the school and asks to
meet with teachers and learning specialist
to discuss needs of patient with ADHD and
learning disorder who is not getting
adequate services. This action would be
What is the primary evidence for schoolbased mental health centers?
Clinic attendees have better school
What is the difference between 504 and
Federal funds support the development of
an IEP
Point of contact for eligibility of child to
receive special education services
according to Education for All Handicapped
Children Act?
Multidisciplinary school based team
How does a child get an individualized
educational program under the Individual
w Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?
Need for specialized instruction
Before conferring IEP, you could conduct a
manifestation determination review to
determine if?
Patient’s disruptive behaviors are related
to disability
Quickest action family can take if they feel
child with IEP is inadequately progressing?
Request an IEP review meeting to be held
in the upcoming days to weeks
Child with Tourette’s and individualized
education plan (IEP) was suspended for
swearing. Parents feel this is due to
Tourette’s. Appropriate recommendation?
Request manifestation determination
review from school
10 yo with acute leukemia has finished
chemo and is better, pt has been out of
school for 2 months. How to best manage
Resume the usual class as much as possible
What is the best approach when helping a
school with systemic problems of violence
and bullying?
Reviewing the existing school policies and
Child with psychiatric condition, academic,
and social difficulties. Parents want an
evaluation for special education but teacher
doesn’t feel it is needed. Recommendation
to parents?
Submit written request for special
education evaluation
Preventative interventions in school have
been proven beneficial when applied to
students with?
High school students screened for
subclinical depression and given CBT
intervention had low conversion to MDD at
one year follow up. Type of prevention?
School-based mental health practitioners
provide which type of mental health service
to students?
Case management, crisis intervention,
classroom behavior support, individual
evaluation and treatment
In addition to providing services for
infants/toddlers with history of abuse or
neglect, most recent reauthorization of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) also covers young children in which
Exposure to parental substance abuse
Funding source for school-based mental
health programs?
Medicaid and school funding
What is the best treatment approach for a
17 yo w/multiple hospitalizations due to
non-adherence to care for a recent
diagnosis of diabetes, who feels different
from peers?
Work w/school psychologist to encourage
peer group involvement.
15 yo pt with declining school performance.
What should be addressed in private?
Presence of self-destructive thoughts or
15 yo w/ sickle cell disease has poor
academics. Missed school and changed
school. What factor leads to his cognitive
Sickle cell disease