Psychological testing for behavioral
problems that has subscales, including
adaptive skills? (2x)
Behavior assessment system for
children (BASC)
Wisconsin card sorting test measures
which cognitive domain? (2x)
Executive functioning
Which ADHD screening measure has a
child self-report? (2x)
Conners 3rd edition rating scale
Tool most appropriate in assessment of 6
month old child
Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social and
Emotional (ASQ:SE)
Which rating scale includes indices of
“faking bad” and inconsistency in response?
Behavior Assessment System of Children
Psychological testing results should have a
written report of _____ to determine testing
Behavior of the child during the testing
What screening tool is used for acute mania
and depression in youth?
Child symptom inventory
Child in ongoing therapy, therapist
frustrated with patient not being honest
about feelings. Best test to provide insight
into inner world of child?
Children’s apperception test (CAT)
Name a clinician administered depression
rating scale?
Children’s Depression Rating Scale
Screening tool for adolescent alcohol and
drug use?
A child scores on WISC at 33rd percentile
and KABC at 62nd for intelligence, what
factor likely contributes to the difference?
English language ability
Diagnostic tool for an obese child with hx of
hypotonia, feeding problems, crying until
exhausted when denied food?
Genetic testing
Aberrant behavior checklist helpful for
diagnosis of?
Intellectual disability
Commonly used structured diagnostic
interview tool for children with psychiatric
Kiddie Schedule for affective disorders and
schizophrenia (KSADS)
Neuropsychology testing over general
psychological testing is best for?
Traumatic Brain Injury
ADHD rating scale available in public
Vanderbilt ADHD rating scale
Most reliable diagnostic instrument to track
ADHD symptoms?
Vanderbilt Rating Scale
First standardized scale for intelligence?
Binet-Simon Test
Texts used to help diagnose early childhood
disorders are the Research Diagnostic
Criteria Preschool Age (RDC:PA) and?
Diagnostic Criteria: Zero to Three, Revised
DC: 0-3R
How is the risk of repeat aggravated assault
in a 16yo in juvenile hall determined?
Structured professional judgment
Purpose of initial self-report tool in 6 yr old
w/problems focusing, insomnia, and
To get general idea of the breadth and
severity of major problems
How to measure fluency in reading
performance test?
Have child read a list of words. Number of
correctly read words divided by time
According to AACAP, you must complete
_____ before starting ECT on adolescent.
Cognitive assessment
Objective of functional behavioral analysis?
Identify antecedents and consequences of a
11 yo with straight A’s, except always
below average in math. What is the best
assessment instrument?
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement
What respondent-based interview
combines structured and unstructured
techniques and can be used for a 12 yo with
history of multiple psychiatric diagnoses?
Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children
Which general screening of behavioral
health symptoms can be used for children
in a primary care setting?
Pediatric symptom checklist
What is tested in neuropsychological
evaluation, while not normally in
psychological testing?
Sensory perception