The Renaissance Flashcards
Explain briefly what the Renaissance is.
A time in history where people questioned old ideas and in the Middle Ages and took an interest in the Greeks and Romans. There were many progressions in Art, sculpture, architecture,and science
What does the Renaissance mean
Explain Humanism
Humanism puts humans at the centre of everything and unlike the Middle Ages people were interested in all aspects of life on Earth and not just heaven after a person died.
Why did the Renaissance start in Italy
Because of:
The old Roman Empire: people started to get interested in their history
The influence of Greek scholars: Greek scholars escaped to Italy and this made people in Italy interested in Greek ideas.
Wealthy Italian merchants: merchants brought back, spices and herbs from other countries and this gave them money to spend on art.
Influence of new ideas because of Italian merchants
Independent States: each state had its own rulers and ideas
What is a patron
A person who pays an artist to produce a work of art
Where did the Renaissance start in Italy and why
They had great trade in Florence in Italy and there for the city was very rich so it could afford to have the best painters, sculptors and architecture and that’s why the Renaissance started here.
Name some characteristics of Renaissance artwork
Sfumato,perspective, depth, anatomy, portraits, 3D, not all religious based.
What is a fresco and what is a canvas
A fresco is a picture painted straight onto a wallop ceiling.
A canvas is a painting on cloth that is tightly stretched.
Explain sculptor
An artist who makes sculptures out of stone wood or metal.
Name features of Renaissance sculpture
They were often nude and the anatomy was very precise. They weren’t so much part of a building they were free standing statues
Name some characteristics of Renaissance architecture.
Dome Symmetry Rounded arches, on windows, doors, or just the walls themselves Columns Pediments
Explain pediment
Structure in architecture supported by columns which is triangular in shape and can be placed above entrance.
Explain sfumato
When tiny brush strokes were used to blend areas of a painting into each other so there were no harsh lines
Name three famous Italian architects
Andrea Palladio- designed many houses for wealthy people and his design style was known as Palladian
Filippo Brunelleschi- figured out how to build the dome after studying old roman structures
Michealangelo - designed The dome of St. Peter’s basilica
Who invented the first moveable printing machine and what was the first book printed
Johannes Gutenberg the bible
How did printing change the world
Printing changed the world:
Books are cheaper and easier to get
People begin To want to read and write
New ideas spread quicker as people could write about them
It became harder for the church or rulers to stop what they didn’t like because so many copies of books were made
Explain vernacular literature
Literature written in the everyday language of the people and not Latin
What is a manuscript and why were books so expensive before the printing press
A manuscript was a book written by hand and they were so expensive because they took so long to write and were very rare
Compare the knowledge of the anatomy in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
In The Middle Ages people used herbal remedies and doctors didn’t understand how the human body worked. They thought the soul was an organ and the Most important part of a human
In the Renaissance people began to question these ideas and people like Vesalius and Harvey discovered how the body worked and the blood flow.
Why was it almost impossible for people to dissect bodies in the Renaissance
It was almost impossible because it was against the church and also the pope later on banned it.
What did William Harvey discover
He discovered how the blood circulated the body. The heart pumped the blood
Explain astronomy
The study of the universe including the sun, moon and stars.
What did people believe about the positioning of the sun before Copernicus
People believed that the earth was the centre of everything probably because the influence of the church. People thought the sun revolved around the earth. And the moon as a matter of fact and that the earth didn’t move at all.
What did Copernicus discover
He discovered that the earth moved around the sun and that the sun was the centre of the solar system. However Copernicus could not prove this as there was no telescope in his time