The Reformation Flashcards
Explain the layout of the church at the time of the reformation
Pope(head of the church)
Cardinals (elect Pope, help Pope run the church)
Bishops (head of dioceses)
↙️. ⬇️. ↘️
Priests( parish) Monk. Nun
Give the main problems with the Catholic Church at the time
Opens were unholy men and lived unholy lives, they were distracted by the art and science of the Renaissance and forgot about their church. Others had wives and were at war
The wealth of the church and the power of the church
Nepotism, absenteeism, plurlism, simony
Poorly educated priests knew little about the bible and many didn’t understand or speak Latin
Explain the term indulgence
The church sold these to people and indulgences were said to have shortened your time in purgatory when you died. These were given to people who prayed or paid money to church or good cause.
Explain purgatory
A place where you went before heaven and were punished for all of your sins and purified before going to heaven.
Explain nepotism
Giving family members important roles in the church. (Cardinal, bishop)
Explain simony
The buying and selling of church positions ( bribery)
Explain pluralism
Holding more than one church position ( bishop of two dioceses)
Explain absenteeism
Not living or regularly visiting your diocese or parish
When did the reformation take place
16th century (1500s)
Explain Protestant
Someone who split from the Christian religion and the Catholic Church.
How did the Renaissance influence the churches reform
People were beginning to doubt different ideas including the power of the church. The printing press also spread different peoples ideas and beliefs
Explain humanists with an example
Humanistswere every critical of the wealth of the church Eramus of Rotterdam wrote a book ‘ In Praise of folly ‘ which poked fun at the church and translated the bible to Greek to show the flaws in English.
What were the consequences of the reformation
The counter reformation
Religious persecution
Religious wars
Explain counter reformation
A consequence of the reformation was the reaction of the Catholic Church. While the Catholic Church fought back against the spreading Protestant religion this was known as he counter reformation.
What two in portent decisions did Pop Paul III make?
He set up the council of Trent
He agreed to the formation of the Jesuits.
Why did people want a church council
They believed they would tackle the abuses in the church
When was the first meeting of Trent held and where
In Italy 1545
Explain the decisions reached by the council of Trent in relation to church disciplines
Abuses like nepotism, simony, absenteeism, pluralism were ended and indulgences were controlled
A seminary was set up to train to educate poorly educated priests
Bishops made sure than priests lives holy lives.
Explain the decisions made by the council of Trent in relation to church doctrine
An index of books was written that Catholics were forbidden to read.
What the decisions made by the council of Trent effect
The decisions reached brought discipline and unity to the Catholic Church and made them stronger in taking on the Protestant threat.
Who set up the Jesuits and why
It was set up by a Spanish ex soldier from Spain called Ignatius Loyola
•he was wounded after a battle and decided to devote his life to god
• pope Paul III approved it in 1540
What was the role of the inquisition
The inquisition played an important role in the counter reformation. This was a church court set up to try people who had different views to the Catholic Church. These people were heretics
What happened to the people brought before the inquisition
People were not usually told their crime and were often to rutted until they admitted they were a heretic even if they were not. Then they would be flogged, burnt alive, or imprisioned.
Explain the terms sanbenito and auto-de-fé
The auto-de-fé was the ceromonies at which sentences passed by the inquisition were carried out ex. Burning at the stake. The heretics had to wear a tunic known as a sanbenito
Why did religious wars break out
Kings and queens saw it their duty to protect either Catholic or Protestant faith
Most rulers wanted one religion in their country and persecuted other religions, this could lead to wars
Name the most serious religious war and who was involved
The thirty years war lasted from 1618-1648.It was fought in Germany but involved many other countries
Describe how the french civil war came about.
There was a civil war in France between Catholics and Protestants or Huguenots.
Describes religious war involving the Netherlands
The Netherlands was mainly a Protestant country ruled by Sapin. Spain wanted it to become Catholic and invaded the Netherlands but in the end the Netherlands won their independent from Spain
Describe a religious war between England and Spain
King Philip II of Spain was annoyed that English ships were stealing treasures from Spanish ships coming from the new world. He sent the Spanish Armada to invade England but England defeated the fleet of ships.
What was st. bartholomew’s day massacre
In 1572 lots of Protestants were massacred in Paris which became known as st. bartholomew’s day massacre. Part of French civil war