Archaeologists Flashcards
What is a source
Evidence, for example a document and pictures used by historians to find out what happened in the past
Explain archaeology
The study of the remains left by our ancestors
What is history
The historic period is when writing was used. For example we know, about the monks in early Christian ireland because they wrote manuscripts
What is pre history
The period in the past before writing was used. For example the Bronze Age, we used archaeological evidence to find information
What are the two sources.
Secondary and primary
Which is more correct Secondary source or primary source
Explain the term primary source
It’s evidence that comes directly from the past
Give examples of primary sources
Diary, person who was at the event Interview, with an eye witness Letters or emails Artefacts Speeches Autobiography, written by the actual person Pictures, government records,
What is an artefact
It’s an object made by a human.
Ex: coin, tools or pottery
Give examples of a secondary source.
Movies Internet Biographies, written by another person Book, history books Tv programmes
How do the historians analyse the source.
They ask themselves these questions, where, when, who, why. They look at the time and place rule ( when they look at how close the evidence is written etc….. to the event. Ex: a man telling a story in 2002 about something that happened in 1094) they cross check the source, and they judge weather it should be trusted or not
Name the 6 things a historian has to check if they are checking a source. How do they know to trust them
Is it: Bias Accuracy Exaggerated Propaganda Time and place Opinions
What does BCE stand for
Before common era
What does CE stand for
Common era
How do historians measure time
For short periods: days, hours, minutes
For long periods: years, 2002-2003
For really long periods, centuries. 1900s - 2000s
How do objects end in the ground? Archaeological
Some are lost,
Some were buried for safe keeping.
They were buried because people believed they would need them in the afterlife
Abandoned buildings eventually get covered by soil
Where can objects be preserved in the ground
Bogs deserts.
How are sites chosen to be excavated
Some are chosen because there is reason to believe that there is some sort of evidence there, maybe form an old map or picture. This is called research archaeology
Sometimes when a new building is being built the site is excavated to make sure any evidence is not lost from the past. This is called rescue archaeology
What does excavate mean
When archaeologists dig into the ground looking for remains from the past.
What does survey mean
A study carried out before archaeologists excavate a site .
How do archaeologists prepare a site for excavation.
First they take a survey of the area.
This could be a geophysical survey. This uses a machine like an x Ray to look at the soil underneath the surface.
They might dig test trenches to get any idea of what they might find.
Aerial photos are taken of the site. And a detailed plan of the site is made.
How do archaeologists dig up the site.
First the topsoil has to be removed with either a JCB or an spade and pick axe.
Layers of earth are scraped away using a trowel
A handpick is used to loosen soil.
When an object is discovered in the ground they use brushes or tooth brushes so they don’t damage the objects
Shamal objects are found by putting the soil through a sieve
What can the soil itself tell an archaeologist about the past
Poles for building houses leave dark round patches, post holes
A square dark patch is a fireplace
A layer of dark soil suggests fire.
What is dendrochronology
It’s a type of dating when objects have been discovered. If the object is wooden you can use this method. The number of years old a wooden object is can be told by the number of rings in the wood. A new ring forms every year.
What is stratigraphy
The method of dating objects that are found through archeaology they are dated by looking at how far down underground they were found.
What is carbon dating
Carbon is in live things. The older the object the less carbon will be in it.
Where do archaeologists send the artefacts after they have been excavated and dated.
What can archaeologists tell from a skeleton
Gender, skull pelvis
Height can be estimated by the length of the femur bone.
Age of death, teeth
If it’s well preserved they can reconstruct the face.
Their diet, their bones
Explain midden
A mound or deposit containing shells, animal bones, and other refuse that indicates the site of a human settlement.
Explain bias
Favouring one side over another
Explain propaganda
When information is presented in a certain way to influence people’s opinions from one side to another