Plantations Flashcards
What law did the Gaeilc lords, old English lords and the pale use
Gaeilc: Brehon law, there were no executions or gaols. Fine was the only punishment
Old English lords: Mostly Brehon law but also English law
The pale: English common law, King appointed judges to try for crimes and people who were guilty could be fined, imprisoned, or beheaded
What sections was Ireland divided into in the1500s
The land ruled by
The Gaelic lords
Old English lords ( descended from the Normans)
The pale (ruled by English King or queen)
What language did the Gaeilc lords, old English lords and the pale speak
Gaeilc lords: Irish
Old English lords:Mainly Irish because they married into Irish families
The pale: English
Explain lords deputy
The Kings representative in Ireland
Why did the plantation of Laois Offaly start and name the families involved
The first Plantation took place because two families, the O Moores and the O Connors were proving to be troublesome to the English. These were constantly raiding The Pale and had to be dealt with
How did Queen Mary and the Lord deputy go about the Laois Offaly plantation
First of all the Lord Deputy gradually pushed the O Moores and he O Connors back to the River Shannon and built a number of Forts on their land to keep the peace. This land was very boggy and could not be used for farming. Queen Mary then granted the land surrounding the Forts to army officers and old English officers
What were the conditions of the old English lords and army officers getting the land during the Laois Offaly plantation
They had to build stone houses.
•• They had to set up towns and villages.
•• They had to arm themselves for defence.
•• They had to cultivate the land in the English Manner.
•• They could not mix with or marry the Irish.
•• They had to employ English servants.
What were the aims of the Laois Offaly plantation
The land was used to reward loyal servants of the Crown.
•• Queen Mary hoped it would ease the cost of running Ireland.
•• That the armed settlers would control the Natives.
•• That towns and villages would act as “beacons of civilisation” and calm the Irish.
How was the land divided in the Laois Offaly plantation
The land was split into three and one third of the land which was very boggy was given back to the Irish and the other two thirds were kept by the English.
The land was also divided into Counties. Laois became Queen’s County and Offaly became King’s County. Forts were built at Maryborough and Philipstown.
What were the outcomes of the Laois Offaly plantations
The Plantation was not very successful, for the following reasons;
•• The O Moores and the O Connors terrorised the Planters who had taken their land.
•• The Planters were unable to attract workers from England and had to employ Irish labourers.
•• More money was spent protecting the Planters than was raised by them.
Explain surrender and regrant
Gaelic and Anglo-Irish lords gave their land to the king and got it back with a title, of they promised to speak English, obey English law and practice English customs.
Between what years did the plantations happen in Ireland
Between the 1550’s and the 1650’s Four Plantations took place in Ireland
Why did the English use the plantation
Bringing new settlers into Ireland was cheaper than keeping a full time army there
They wanted to spread Protestant religion
They wanted the Irish to obey English customs and laws. The settlers would set up towns and increase trade.
Who did queen Elizabeth quarrel with in Ireland during the Munster plantation
The Fitzgerlds of Desmond
Why did Elizabeth argue with the Fitzgeralds of Desmond for the Munster plantation
- The Fitzgeralds did not like the interference from England and would not accept English law and customs
- The Fitzgeralds were devoted Catholics and Elizabeth was Protestant
- Adventurers arrived in Ireland and this worried the Fitzgeralds.
Explain who and what adventurers were during the Munster plantation
Adventurers were English and Welsh men descended from the Normans who hoped to make their fortune claiming back Irish land on the grounds that their ancestors owned it before them,
How did Elizabeth deal the Fitzgeralds during the Munster plantation
In 1581 Elizabeth sent an army to Ireland and they destroyed farms, killed livestock and wiped out people’s ability to feed themselves. The earl of Desmond was executed and many Irish died from famine.
How did the plantation of Munster work
The earl of Desmond’s land was divided into holdings that were granted to English nobles called undertakers under certain conditions
What were the conditions under which undertakers were given land during the Munster plantation
To bring in English workers
To employ English farming methods
To maintain a part time army to protect the planters
To build a defensive enclosure
What were the results of the Munster plantation
The plantation failed because :
The land was damaged from war and famine and was impossible to farm
The Irish attacked the planters and caused English to return home and those remained were forced to employ Irish and rent land to them
Planters did not spend enough on army and it was not strong
New towns like Killarney were established and new industries were set up.