the hepatic, pancreatic, and biliary system Flashcards
liver function
- conversion and excretion of bilirubin
- produce clotting factors and storage of vitamins
- metabolizes drugs, chemicals, and toxins
- filters all of blood of GI
liver is a major site of
production of proteins associated with inflammation
pancreas primary function
in digestion, exocrine secretion of digestive enzymes and pancreatic juices
- neutralizes acidic substances
endocrine glands secrete
glucagon and insulin, secreted by islet of langerhaans. are responsible for carbohydrate metabolism
gallbladder duty
bile resorvoir
during fasting periods, the gallbladder
stores and concentrates bile
during eating period, the gallbladder
passes bile to the duodenum
- helps in alkalizing intestinal functions
- plays a role in emulsification, absorption, and metabolism of fat
primary signs of disease
- GI issues
- edema
- dark urine
- Right upper abdominal pain
hepatic failure
impaired function bc of cirrhosis, liver cancer, infection or inflammation
-mass of liver decreases
dark urine and light stools
- happens with jaundice [when the serum bilirubin go 1.0 –> 2.0-3.0]
spider angiomas
vascular manifestations of excess estrogen
palmar erthyma
warm redness of skin over the palms
neurologic symptoms - hepatic system
confusion, sleep disturbances, tremors, asterixis
motor disturbance
- inability to keep wrist extension with forward flexion
- tremor is sustained during sustained posture, decreased in intentional movement
asterixis test
ask client to flex the wrist while resting of a firm surface
MSK symptoms
- thoracic pain between scapulae, right shoulder, right upper trapezius right
aging and the hepatic system
liver decreases in size, mass and blood flow with age
- require more time to process substance, medications, and alcohol
yellow discoloration of skin (x>2.0)
cirrhosis of the liver
final pathway of chronic inflammation caused by liver tissue damage
progressive loss of liver tissue that is replaced by fibrosis or nodular regeneration
portal hypertension
an elevated portal pressure gradient is higher than the pressure of blood in the IVC
mechanical barriers that increase resistance [portal hypertension]
abnormal architecture of the liver
hepatic encephalopathy
neuropsychiatric syndrome with symptoms that range from neuropsych disturbances to coma/death
hepatic encephalopathy causes
portal hypertension
hepatic dysfunction
portosystemic shunting of blood
abnormal accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity
dyspnea with increased respiratory rate when the fluid displaces diaphragm
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
infection of ascitic fluid in the setting of portal hypertension
pain at this area is a primary sign of liver disease
right upper abdominal area
impaired PNS [neurologic symptom of hepatic pathology]
increased levels of ammonia and urea levels