GI system 1 Flashcards
upper GI tract
- mouth, esophagus, stomach,
and duodenum - aids in ingestion and digestions of food
lower GI tract
Small intestine accomplishes digestion and
absorption of nutrients
▪ Large intestine absorbs water and
electrolytes, storing waste products of
digestion until elimination
enteric nervous system
- Function completely independently of the CNS and have its own psycho-neuroses.
- mind and body connection
- among emotions, brain functions, GI functions
- emotional expression or active coping generates a balance in neuropeptide receptor network
percentage of immune cells in the gut system
70 to 80%
antibiotics and the gut
Reduction of normal bacteria in the gut after
antibiotic treatment or in the presence of
infection may interfere with the nutrients
available for immune function in the GI tract
most common GI problem in older adults
▪ Constipation, incontinence, and diverticular disease.
hiatal hernia
- Esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm becomes enlarged, allowing the stomach to pass through the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity.
- Congenital or acquired
hiatal hernia incidence
- 5 per 1000 people
- Increases with age (60% in people > 60 y/o)
- Women > men
hiatal hernia - clinical manisfestations
- heartburn: 30 - 60 mins post meal
- incompetence of lower esophageal sphincter allowing acid into the esophagus
hiatal hernia PT implications
- avoid flat supine position and valsalva maneuver
- pt must be warned against activities that cause intraabdominal pressure
The consequences from the reflux (backward flow) of gastric contents into the esophagus accompanied by a failure of anatomic and physiologic mechanisms to protect the
- erosive or non erosive
GERD incidicence
- 10 to 20% of adults
causes of GERD
decreased pressure of LES or alteration in esophagal acid clearance
- gastric contents near junction
healthy esophagus 3 factors
in healthy people
- anatomic barriers between stomach and esophagus
- mechanisms to clear the esophagus of stomach acid
- maintain stomach acidity and acid volume
GERD clinical manifestation
- what are the extra-esophageal manifestations:
- heartburn - cardiac chest pain should distinguised and be evaluated before its assumed as GERD
- 3 extra-esophageal manifestations: asthma, cough, laryngitis
GERD treatment
- ## treatment: avoid aggravating foods, smoking, reduce alcohol consumption
GERD medications
antacids, H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors
GERD PT implications
- left sidelying is better
- ppl with GERD may have trouble with exercising
- avoid high fatty meals before exercising
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