The Brain Flashcards
General Features of the Brain

Features of the brain
Central suclus

Pre-central (motor cortex) and post-central (sensory cortex) either side of sulcus

Features of the brain
Longitudinal fissue

Contains anterior cerebral arteries

Features of the brain
Lateral fissue

Contains middle cerebral artery

Features of the brain
Lumps and grooves of folds

Each lump is a Gyrus
Each groove is a Sulcus

Cerebral Hemispheres

Median Sagittal Section of the Brain

Corpus Callosum

White matter tract connecting the cerebral hemispheres

Association tracts
Between gyri of the same hemisphere
Commisural tracts/fibres
From one hemisphere to the corresponding region of the other
Projection fibres
From cerebrum to thalamus, brainstem etc
Coronal Section through Brain

Basal Ganglia
Regulate initiation and termination of body movements.
Thought to be involved with memory, planning and emotional response.

Major sensory relay station
Spinal cord, brainstem, midbrain to the thalamus then to cerebral hemispheres
Involved in motor pathways


Regulation of autonomic nervous system and homeostasis
Produces hormones

Pineal gland

Epithalamus - Produces melatonin to regulate body clock
Epithalamus also contains habenular nucles for olfaction and emotional response


Connects pons and medulla to diencephalon

Superior Colliculi

Visiual tracking and scanning

Inferior colliculi

Auditory startle reflex

Substatia niagra

Control sub-conscious muscle action

Red nuclei

Co-ordinate muscle movement


Pontine Nuclei - Coordinate and maximise voluntary motor output. Tracts which help with breathing.
Origin of Cranial Nerves V, VI, VII, and Vestibular Part of VIII


Contains pyramids (motor tracts), cardiovascular centres, breathing centres, nuclei concerned with touch, pressure and vibration.
The olives - proprioception (joint and muscle position)
Origin of Cranial Nerves IX, X, XI, XII, and cochlear part of VIII


Between lobes


Sub-conscious aspects of skeletal muscle movements and coordinates complex sequences


Posture and balance

Superior/Middle/Inferior cerebellar peduncles

Superior: Midbrain to cerebellum.
Middle: Pons to cerebellum
Inferior: Medulla to cerebellum

Pituitary gland

Releases growth hormone, FSH and LH.

Pia mater

Innermost layer, sticks to surface of neural tissue

Arachnoid Mater

Middle layer, fine “spiderweb” of connective tissue

Dura mater

Outermost layer, tough connective tissue sheath

Sub-arachnoid space

Lies between pia and arachnoid. Contains Cerebrospinal Fluid.

Meninges Covering the Brain
Dura Mater

Dura lines skull, protecting brain and forming dural venous sinuses

Meninges Covering the Brain
Arachnoid Mater

Covers surface of brain and carries blood vessels

Meninges Covering the Brain
Pia Mater

Adheres to surface of brain, going into the sulci and around the gyri

Blood Supply to Meninges
Anterior Meningeal Artery
From ethmoid branches of the internal carotid supplies the dura of the anterior fossa
Blood Supply to Meninges
Middle meningeal artery
From the maxillary artery passes through the foramen spinosum to supply the dura with blood. Is the major vessel supplying the dura and damage will lead to an extra-dura hematoma (compresses brain)
Blood Supply to Meninges
Posterior Meningeal Artery
From occipital artery. Supplies dura of posterior fossa
Ventricles of the Brain
Cerebral Aqueduct

Runs through the midbrain to connect the 3rd and 4th ventricles

Ventricles of the Brain
Lateral ventricle

One in each hemisphere

Ventricles of the Brain
4th Ventricle

Connects to the sub-arachnoid space via the lateral (x2) and median (x1) apertures and is connected to the central canal of the spinal cord

Ventricles of the Brain
3rd Ventricle

Inside the thalamus, connected to the lateral ventricles by the inter-ventricular foramina of Monro

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

Provides mechanical ad physical protection to the brain and the spinal chord.
Made from blood plasma filtered by ependymal cells
Constantly re-cycled
80-150ml present at any given time

Circle of Willis

Inferior Brain Arteries

Dural Venous Sinuses

Inferior Saggital and Sigmoid Sinuses