Anterior and Medial Thigh Flashcards
Compartments of the Thigh

Proximal femur (anterior)

Proximal femur (posterior)

Muscles of the anterior thigh
Hip Flexors

Iliacus, Psoas major, pectineus, sartorius

Muscles of the anterior thigh
Knee extensors

Quadriceps –
Rectus femoris
Vastus medialis
Vastus lateralis
Vastus intermedius

Hip Flexors - Iliopsoas
Iliacus attachments

Iliac crest, fossa, ala of sacrum, anterior sacroiliac ligament to the psoas tendon and lesser trochanter

Hip Flexors - Iliopsoas
Iliacus innervation

Femoral nerve (L2,3)

Hip Flexors - Iliopsoas
Iliacus function

Flexes hip

Hip Flexors - Iliopsoas
Psoas major attachments

T12-L5, IV discs, lumbar transverse processes to the lesser trochanter

Hip Flexors - Iliopsoas
Psoas major innervation

Anterior rami L1-3

Hip Flexors - Iliopsoas
Psoas major function

Flex hip

Hip Flexors - Pectineus

Superior ramus of pubis to the pectineal line of the femur

Hip Flexors - Pectineus

Femoral nerve (L2,3) occasionally a branch from obturator

Hip Flexors - Pectineus

Adducts and flexes hip, and assists with medial rotation

Hip Flexors - Sartorius

Anterior superior iliac spine to the superior part of the medial surface of the tibia

Hip Flexors - Sartorius

Femoral nerve (L2,3)

Hip Flexors - Sartorius

Flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates hip, and flexes knee

Knee extensors - Quadriceps
Rectus femoris attachments

AIIS, ilium above acetabulum

Knee extensors - Quadriceps
Vastus lateralis attachments

Greater trochanter and lateral linea aspera

Knee extensors - Quadriceps
Vastus medialis attachments

Intertrochanteric line and medial linea aspera

Knee extensors - Quadriceps
Vastus intermedius attachments

Anterior and lateral shaft of femur

Knee extensors - Quadriceps
All quadriceps distal attachments

Quadriceps tendon then tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament

Knee extensors - Quadriceps

Extend knee (rectus femoris also flexes hip)

Knee extensors - Quadriceps

Femoral nerve (L2,3,4)

Femoral Nerve
Route and branches

Deep to inguinal ligament, medial to ASIS, on tendon of iliopsoas m.
Muscular branches - anterior thigh
Articular branches - hip and knee
Cutaneous branches - anteromedial thigh
Saphenous nerve is terminal cutaneous branch to anteromedial knee, leg and foot.

Muscles of the Medial Thigh

Hip Adductors - Gracilis

Body and inferior ramus of pubis to the superior medial surface of the tibia

Hip Adductors - Gracilis

Obturator (L2,3)

Hip Adductors - Gracilis

Adducts hip and flexes knee

Hip Adductors - Adductor Longus

Adducts thigh

Hip Adductors - Adductor Longus

Body of pubis to the middle third of the linea aspera

Hip Adductors - Adductor Longus

Obturator (L2,3,4)

Hip Adductors - Adductor Brevis

Body and inferior ramus of pubis to the pectineal line and proximal linea aspera

Hip Adductors - Adductor Brevis

Obturator (L2,3,4)

Hip Adductors - Adductor Brevis

Adducts thigh (may assist flexion)

Hip Adductors - Adductor Magnus

Ischiopubic ramus and Ischial tuberosity to the linea aspera, medial supracondylar line and adductor tubercle

Hip Adductors - Adductor Magnus

Obturator (L2,3,4)
Hamstring part - Tibial part of sciatic nerve (L4)

Hip Adductors - Adductor Magnus

Adducts thigh
Adductor part flexes and hamstring part extends thigh

Hip Adductors - Obturator Externus

Margins of obturator foramen and obturator membrane to trochanteric fossa

Hip Adductors - Obturator Externus

Obturator nerve (L3,4)

Hip Adductors - Obturator Externus

Laterally rotates thigh

Obturator nerve
Route and branches

Anterior divisions L2-4 root value
Runs along wall of pelvis to obturator canal.
Anterior and posterior branches

Adductor Canal
Position and contents

Apex of femoral triangle to the adductor hiatus
Femoral vesels travelling to poploteal fossa. Saphenous nerve before passing between sartorius and gracilis to supply skin of anteromedial knee, leg and foot

Arterial Supply
Femoral artery

Continuation of external iliac artery
Runs from femoral triangle to adductor canal, to the adductor hiatus and becomes popliteal artery.
Supplies anterior and anteromedial thigh

Arterial Supply
Profunda femoris

Branch of femoral artery. Posterior to adductor longus and branches into 3-4 perforations through adductor magnus.
Medial and lateral circumflex femoral branches (usually)

Arterial Supply
Obturator Artery

From internal iliac.
Through obturator foramen to medial compartment, to anteror and posterior branches.
Anterior branch goes to medial compartment muscles
Posterior branch goes to muscles attached to the ischial tuberosity