Parotid Gand and Temporal Region Flashcards
Parotid Gland
Acini, capsule, duct

Salivary gland with serous acini only
CT capsule and dense fibrous capsule extending as deep as the stylomandibular ligament
Single duct 1 fingers breadth below zygomatic arch

Parotid Duct

Sharp, medial turn to pierce buccal fat pad and buccinator to enter oral cavity.
Oblique passage
Palpable if masseter is tense

Facial Nerve to Muscles of Facial Expression

Facial Scructures

Parotid Gland and Surrounding Structures

Nerve Supply to Parotid Gland

Muscles of Mastication
Four - Temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid
Muscles of Mastication
Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN V3)
Muscles of Mastication
Movements of the mandible - Elevation, depression, protrusion, retrusion and lateral sliding.
Depression may be by gravity or against force using supra-hyoid muscles

Temporal fossa and fascia to coronoid process and anterior border of the ramus of the mandible

Covered by temporal fascia

Anterior and superior fibres elevate mandible.
Posterior fibres retract it.


Deep temporal nerves (x2) from anterior division of mandibular division of trigeminal nerve (CN V3)


Zygomatic arch to the lateral aspect of the ramus of the mandible


Elevates mandible


Masseteric nerve from the anterior division of CN V3

Lateral Pterygoid
Attachments (upper and lower head)

Upper head from the infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid.
Lower head from the lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
Insers into neck of mandible and articular disk

Lateral Pterygoid

Pulls neck of mandible forwards with articular disk (Protrusion - both)
Helps in lateral chewing movements with Medial Pterygoid (one side)

Lateral Pterygoid

Nerve to lateral pterygoid - anterior division of CN V3

Medial Pterygoid
Attachments (Superficial and Deep heads)

Superficial head from the tubercle of the maxilla
Deep head from the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
Inserts into the medial surface of the angle of the mandible

Medial Pterygoid

Assists in elevation

Medial Pterygoid

Nerve to medial pterygoid from the main trunk of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN V3)

Movements of the Mandible
Head of the mandible and disc move backwards and head rotates on the lower surface of the disc (temporalis, masseter and medial pterygoid)
Movements of the Mandible
Head of mandible rotates on undersurface of articular disc and mandible is pulled forward (lateral pterygoid, digastric, geniohyoid, mylohyoid and gravity)
Movements of the Mandible
Articular disc and head of mandible move forward. Movement is in the upper part of the cavity (Lateral pterygoid and medial pterygoid which assists)
Movements of the Mandible
Articular disc and head of mandible pulled backwards into mandibular fossa (posterior fibres of temporalis)
Movements of the Mandible
Lateral chewing
Protrusion and retrusion combined (both pterygoids)
Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve (CN V3)

External Carotid Artery

Posterior Branches of ECA

Close to origin of facial, crossed by hypoglossal nerve.
Passes under posterior belly of digastric to enter the posterior triangle.
Back of scalp.

Posterior Branches of ECA
Posterior Auricular

Level of upper border of belly of digastric.

Posterior Branches of ECA
Ascending pharyngeal

Ascends between internal carotid and pharynx, and branches to pharynx.

Anterior Branches of ECA
Superior thyroid

Near origin, runs with external laryngeal nerve.
Branch to SCM and superior laryngeal artery.

Anterior Branches of ECA

Opposite tip greater cornu of hyoid bone
Passes deep to hyoglossus
Crossed by hypoglossal nerve
Oral cavity

Anterior Branches of ECA
Facial Nerve

Above tip of greater cornu of hyoid bone
Passes deep to posterior belly of digastric
Superior and inferior labial branches and angular artery to face

Terminal Branches of ECA
Superficial Temporal

Smaller branch
Ascends in front of auricle
Divides into anterior and posterior branches which supply the skin over the frontal and temporal regions

Terminal Branches of ECA

Arises behind neck of mandible
Branches to muscles of mastication, tympanic membrane, upper and lower teeth, palate, nasal cavity, nasopharynx and meninges

Facial Lymphatics