The Aeneid, Virgil lines 785-794 Flashcards
non ego Myrmidonum sedes Dolopumve superbas
I shall not look upon the proud settlements of the Myrmidons or the Dolopians,
aspiciam aut Grais servitum matribus ibo,
nor shall I go into slavery for Greek mothers,
Dardanis et divae Veneris nurus;
a Dardanian and the daughter-in-law of the goddess Venus.
sed me magna deum genetrix his detinet oris.
But the great mother of the gods keeps me on these shores.
iamque vale et nati serva communis amorem.’
And now farewell, and guard the love for our mutual child.’
haec ubi dicta dedit, lacrimantem et multa volentem
When she had granted these words, she left me crying and wanting
dicere deseruit, tenuesque recessit in auras,
to say many things, and withdrew into the faint breezes.
ter conatus ibi collo dare bracchia circum;
I tried three times on the spot to put my arms around her neck;
ter frustra comprensa manus effugit imago,
three times the phantom escaped my hands, grasping in vain,
par levibus ventis volucrique simillima somno.
like light winds and most similar to winged sleep.