Germanicus and Piso, Tacitus lines 72-82 Flashcards
Die senatus Tiberius orationem moderatam habuit
On the day of the (hearing in) the senate, Tiberius made a restrained speech.
“Piso”, inquit, “patris mei legatus et amicus erat.
He said, “Piso was a representative and friend of my father.
eum Germanico adiutorem misi ego cum auctoritare
I sent him as assistant to Germanicus with the authority
senatus ad res apud apud Orientem administrandas.
of the senate to administer affairs in the East.
integris animis est diiudicandum, utrum Piso
You must judge/decide with untouched/impartial minds whether Piso
contumacia et certaminibus vexaverit iuvenem
harassed the young man with his arrogance/stubbornness and rivalry
exituque eius laetatus sit, an scelere eum exstinxerit.
and rejoiced in his death, or killed him with a crime
simul reputate, utrum legiones ad seditionem incitaverit.”
At the same time, consider whether he stirred up the legions to rebellion.”
Deinde biduum criminibus obiciendis statuitur utque post
Then a period of two days was organised/allocated for accusations
intervallum sex dierum reus per triduum defenderetur.
to be represented and after an interval of six days, the defendant will be on trial for three days
tres amici Germanici consimili studio obiecerunt Pisonem,
Three friends of Germanicus, with similar enthusiasm, charged Piso