Pliny, Regulus (entire text) Flashcards
Assem para et accipe auream fabulam, fabulas immo:
Give a penny and receive a golden tale, tales rather
nam me priorum nova admonuit, nec refert a qua incipiam.
for a new [tale] reminded me of earlier ones, and it does not matter from which I begin.
Verania graviter iacebat. ad hanc Regulus venit. Primum impudentiam
Verania was lying seriously ill. To this woman, Regulus came. Firstly [consider] the shamelessness
entiam hominis, qui venerit ad aegram, cuius marito inimicissimus
of this man, who came to a sick woman, to whose husband he had been most hostile
imus, ipsi invisissimus fuerat! Esto, si venit tantum; at ille etiam
and most hated to the woman herself! Let it be, if he only came; but that man even
proximus toro sedit, quo die qua hora nata esset interrogavit
sat (right) next to her on the bed, he asked her on what day, at what hour she had been born
Ubi audivit, componit vultum, intendit oculos, movet labra
When he heard, he composes his expression, stretches his eyes, moves his lips
agitat digitos, computat. Nihil. Ubi diu miseram exspectatione suspendit
fiddles his fingers, counts. [He said] nothing. when he had kept the poor woman waiting in suspense for a long time
‘habes’ inquit ‘climacterium tempus sed evades.
he said, “You are having a critical time, but you will escape it
Quod ut tibi magis liqueat, haruspicem consulam, quem
So that this might be more clear to you, I will consult a soothsayer, whom
frequenter expertus sum.’
I have used frequently.’
sine mora sacrificium facit, affirmat extra cum siderum
Without delay he makes a sacrifice, he confirms that the entrails agree
significatione congruere. Illa, ut in periculo credula
with the meaning of the stars. She, as [those] in danger [are] trusting, demands her will
poscit testamentum, legatum Regulo scribit.
[and] writes a legacy for Regulus.
Mox ingravescit, clamat moriens hominem scelestum
Soon she grows worse, she shouts, dying, that the man is wicked
perfidumque ac plus etiam quam periurum esse, qui
and treacherous and worse even than an oath-breaker, since
sibi per salutem filii peierasset
he had sworn falsely to her about the health of his (=Regulus’) son.
Facit hoc Regulus non minus scelerate quam frequenter
Regulus does this no less wickedly than frequently,
quod iram deorum, quos ipse cotidie fallit, in caput infelicis pueri detestatur
because he calls down the anger of the gods, who he himself cheats daily, onto the head of the unlucky boy.