The Abdomen Part 2 Flashcards
List the six main functions of the digestive system
What function of the digestive system involves the introduction of solid and liquid nutrients into the oral cavity?
What function of the digestive system involves the breakdown of large food items into smaller structures and molecules?
What aspect of digestion involves the break down of ingested material into smaller pieces of the same material?
Mechanical digestion
What aspect of digestion involves the break down of molecules into their component parts?
Chemical digestion
What is the process of muscular contraction that forms ripples along part of the GI tract and causes material to move further along the tract?
What is the churning and mixing of movement that occurs in the small intestine?
What is the process of producing and releasing fluid products such as acid, bile, digestive enzymes, and mucin?
What is the passive or active transport of electrolytes, digestion products, vitamins, and water across the GI tract epithelium and into GI tract blood and lymphatic vessels?
What are all the undigestable materials as well as waste products secreted by the accessory organs into the GI tract and discharged through the anus?
What is the process of elimination by the digestive system?
What extension of the peritoneum extends inferiorly like an apron from the greater curvature of the stomach and cover most of the abdominal organs?
Greater omentum
What extension of the peritoneum extends from the lesser curvature of the stomach and the proximal end of the duodenum to the liver?
Lesser omentum
What fan shaped fold of peritoneum suspends most of the small intestine from the internal surface of the posterior abdominal wall?
Mesentary proper
What gold of peritoneum attaches parts of the large intestine to the internal surface of the posterior abdominal wall?
What type of mesentery attaches one organ to another organ or attaches an organ to the anterior or lateral abdominal wall?
Peritoneal ligament
What is the shape of the stomach?
J shaped
Where is the stomach located?
Left upper quadrant of the abdomen immediately inferior to the diaphragm
What region of the stomach is attached to the esophagus?
What is the dome shaped region of the stomach?
What is the largest region of the stomach?
What region of the stomach is funnel shaped and attached to the duodenum?
What circular muscle of the stomach regulates the material entering the small intestine?
Pyloric sphincter
What is the inferior convex border of the stomach?
Greater curvature
What is the superior concave border of the stomach?
Lesser curvature
What are the internal folds of the stomach?
Gastric rugae
How many layers of smooth muscle are found in the stomach and what are they called?
What is another term for the small intestine?
Small bowel
What is the first segment of the small intestine?
Bile and pancreatic juice enter the small intestine through what structure?
Major duodenal papilla
What is the second segment of the small intestine?
What is the third segment of the small intestine?
What circular muscle controls the flow of material from the small intestine to the large intestine?
Ileocecal valve
What is a synonym for the large intestine?
Large bowel
What is the first region of the large intestine?
Where is the first region of the large intestine located?
Right lower abdominal quadrant
What thin hollow finger like sac lined by lymphocyte filled lymphatic nodules is attached to the first region of the large intestine?
Vermiform appendix
What segment of the large intestine extends from the ileocecal valve superiorly along the right lateral border of the abdominal cavity?
Ascending colon
What bend in the colon occurs near the inferior surface of the liver?
Hepatic flexure
What segment of the large intestine projects horizontally across the anterior region of the abdominal cavity?
Transverse colon
What bend in the colon occurs near the spleen?
Splenic flexure
What segment of the large intestine lies along the left side of the abdominal cavity?
Descending colon
What segment of the large intestine is s shaped and turns inferomedially into the pelvic cavity?
Sigmoid colon
What segment of the large intestine is straight and lies on the posterior wall of the true pelvis?
What is the terminal section of the large intestine?
Anal canal
What two circular muscles regulate the passage of feces from the anal canal?
Internal and external anal sphincters
What is the posterior opening of the alimentary canal?
What are the three thin distinct longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle on the exterior of the large intestine?
Taeniae coli
What are the many pouches that the large intestine is divided into?
What are the lobules of fat hanging off the external surface of the large intestine?
Epiploic appendages
Where is the spleen located?
Upper left quadrant, lateral to stomach inferior to diaphragm
What organ of the abdomen has major lymphatic functions and breaks down red blood cells?
The spleen
What region of the spleen allows blood vessels to enter and exit?
Where is the liver located?
Right upper abdominal quadrant immediately inferior to the diaphragm
What fold of peritoneum attaches the liver to the anterior internal abdominal wall?
Falcifrom ligament
What are the two major lobes of the liver?
•Right lobe
•Left lobe
What separates the two major loves of the liver?
Falciform ligament
What are the two minor lobes of the liver?
•Caudate lobe
•Quadrate lobe
What lobe of the liver lies adjacent to the inferior vena cava?
Caudate lobe
What lobe of the liver is adjacent to the gallbladder?
Quadrate lobe
What remnant of the fetal umbilical vein is associated with the liver?
Round ligament
What is the area where blood and lymphatic vessels, bile ducts, and nerves enter the liver?
The Hilum
What collection of vessels make up the porta hepatis?
•The common bile duct
•The hepatic portal vein
•Hepatic artery proper
What is the gallbladder and where is it located?
A small sac-like organ that stores bile. Anteroinferior aspect of the liver
What are the regions of the gallbladder?
What structure fills and drains the gallbladder?
Cystic duct