Extremities Part 3 Flashcards
The bifurcations of the abdominal aorta themselves bifurcate into what two arteries?
•Internal iliac arteries
•External iliac arteries
What blood vessel is the main arterial supply of the lower extremity?
External iliac artery
What structure marks the superior border of the femoral artery?
Inguinal ligament
What are the borders of the femoral triangle?
•Inguinal ligament
•Adductor longus
What makes up the floor of the femoral triangle?
Iliopsoas and pectineus
What artery supplies the hip joint and the posterior structures of the thigh?
Deep femoral artery
What is the inferior border of the femoral artery?
The hiatus of the adductor magnus
What major artery lies posterior to the knee?
Popliteal artery
The popliteal artery bifurcates into what two arteries?
Anterior and posterior tibial arteries
What artery supplies the anterior compartment of the leg?
Anterior tibial artery
What artery supplies the posterior compartment of the leg?
Posterior tibial artery
What artery supplies the lateral compartment of the leg?
Fibular artery
Of the three arteries supplying the compartments of the leg which can be palpated for a pulse?
Posterior tibial artery
What artery can be palpated on the dorsum of the foot just lateral to the first metatarsal?
Dorsalis pedis artery
What superficial vein originates on the medial side of the ankle and extends from there along the medial surface of the lower extremity to the femoral triangle where it drains into the femoral vein?
Great saphenous vein
What superficial vein extends from the lateral ankle to the popliteal region where it drains into the popliteal vein?
Small saphenous vein
What deep veins of the leg run parallel to the main arteries in this region?
•Anterior tibial veins
•Posterior tibial veins
•Fibular veins
The anterior tibial vein and the posterior tibial vein converge to form what vein?
Popliteal vein
What is the proximal border of the popliteal vein?
The hiatus of the adductor Magnus
What vein extends from the hiatus of the adductor Magnus to the inguinal ligament?
Femoral vein
What vein extends from the inguinal ligament to the merger of this vein with the internal iliac vein?
External iliac vein
What vein is formed by the convergence of the external and internal iliac veins?
Common iliac vein
The lumbar plexus arises from the anterior rami of what spinal nerves?
What is the main nerve of the posterior division of the lumbar plexus?
Femoral nerve
What is the motor innervation of the femoral nerve?
Anterior thigh muscles
What is the cutaneous innervation of the femoral nerve?
•Anterior and inferomedial thigh
•Medial aspect of the leg
What is the main nerve of the anterior division of the lumbar plexus?
Obturator nerve
What is the motor innervation of the Obturator nerve?
Medial thigh muscles
What is the cutaneous innervation of the obturator nerve?
Superomedial skin of the thigh
What other regions of the body do small branches of the lumbar plexus innervate?
•Abdominal wall
•The scrotum and the labia
•Interior portions of the abdominal muscles
The anterior rami of what spinal nerves form the sacral plexus?
Nerves emerging from the sacral plexus innervate what portions of the body?
•Gluteal region
•Posterior thigh
•Almost all of the leg and foot
What are the two main divisions of the sacral plexus?
Nerves of the sacral plexus arising from the anterior division tend to innervate what muscles?
Muscles that flex (or plantar flex) parts of the lower limb
Nerves of the sacral plexus arising from the posterior division tend to innervate what muscles?
Muscles that extends (or dorsiflex) part of the lower limb
What is the largest and longest nerve in the body?
Sciatic nerve
What nerve is formed from the anterior divisions of the sciatic nerve?
Tibial nerve
What division of what nerve innervates the hamstrings?
Tibial division of the sciatic nerve
Within the leg what nerve innervates the plantar flexors of the foot and the flexors of the toes?
Tibial nerve
What is the cutaneous innervation of the tibial nerve?
Plantar surface of the foot
What nerve is formed from the posterior division of the sciatic nerve?
Common Fibular nerve
What division of what nerve innervates the short head of the biceps femoris?
Common Fibular division of the sciatic nerve
What are the two main divisions of the common Fibular nerve?
•Deep Fibular nerve
•Superficial Fibular nerve
What is the motor innervation of the deep Fibular nerve?
•Anterior leg muscles
•Muscles of the dorsum of the foot
What is the cutaneous innervation of the deep Fibular nerve?
Skin between the first and second toes on the dorsum of the foot
What is the motor innervation of the superficial Fibular nerve?
Muscles of the lateral compartment
What is the cutaneous innervation of the superficial Fibular nerve?
•Anteroinferior part of the leg
•Most of the dorsum of the foot