Lower Extremity Muscles Flashcards
List the four compartments of the thigh.
What structures forms the compartments of the thigh?
Fascia lata the deep fascia
What muscle is part of the lateral compartment of the thigh and crosses the knee joint?
Tensor fasciae latae
What muscles origin is anterior superior iliac spine, insertion anterolateral aspect of lateral tibial condyle, action abducts thigh?
Tensor fascia latae
What muscles origin is anterior superior iliac spine, insertion superior part of the medial surface of tibia, action flexes abducts and laterally rotates at thigh?
What is the collective name of the group of four extensors of the knee in the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Quadriceps femoris
Of the four extensors in the anterior compartment of the thigh which crosses the hip joint and is a flexor of the hip?
Rectus femoris
What muscles origin is anterior inferior iliac spine, insertion tibial tuberosity, action extension of the knee and flexion of the hip?
Rectus femoris
What muscles origin is greater trochanter and linea aspera of femur, insertion tibial tuberosity, action extension of the knee?
Vastus lateralis
What muscles origin is medial surface and linea aspera of femur, insertion tibial tuberosity, extension of the knee?
Vastus medialis
What muscles origin anterior lateral surfaces of femur, insertion tibial tuberosity, action extension of the knee?
Vastus intermedius
List all of the muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh that cross the knee joint.
•Rectus femoris
•Vastus lateralis
•Vastus intermedius
•Vastus medialis
What muscles origin is body and inferior ramus of pubis, insertion proximal medial surface of tibia, action adducts thigh flexes and rotates leg medially at knee?
What tendons make up the Pes Anserinus?
•Semitendinosus tendon
•Gracilis tendon
•Sartorius tendon
What muscles origin is Pectineal line of pubis, insertion Pectineal line of femur, action adducts flexes and laterally rotates thigh?
What muscles origin is pubis, insertion middle third of linea aspera of the femur, action adducts flexes and laterally rotates thigh?
Adductor longus
What muscles origin is body and inferior ramus of the pubis, insertion proximal part of linea aspera, action adducts flexes and laterally rotates thigh?
Adductor brevis
What muscles origin is inferior ramus of pubis, insertion linea aspera of femur, action adducts flexes and laterally rotates thigh?
Adductor magnus
What muscle of the medial compartment of the thigh crosses the knee joint?
What muscles origin long head: Ischial tuberosity short head: distal part of linea aspera of femur, insertion lateral side of head of fibula, action flexes leg and rotates it laterally extends thigh?
Biceps femoris
What muscles origin Ischial tuberosity, insertion posterior part of medial condyle of tibia, action flexes leg at knee?
What muscles origin is Ischial tuberosity, insertion proximal portion of medial surface of body of tibia, action flexes leg at knee?
What muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh cross the knee joint?
•Biceps femoris
What muscles origin is lateral condyle of femur, insertion upper posterior aspect of tibia, action weakly flexes leg and unlocks it?
What is an anatomical term for the muscles of the leg?
Crural muscles
How many compartments lie within the leg?
What are the compartments of the leg?
What muscles origin is lateral condyle of tibia and superior 3/4 anterior surface of fibula, insertion extensor expansions of digits 2-5 , action extends digits 2-5 and dorsiflexes foot?
Extensor digitorum longus
What muscles origin is middle part of anterior surface of fibula and interosseous membrane, insertion dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of digit 1, action extends great toe and assists dorsiflexion of foot?
Extensor hallucis longus
What muscles origin is lateral condyle and superior half of lateral surface of tibia, insertion medial cuneiform bone and base of first metatarsal bone, action dorsiflexion of ankle and inversion of foot?
Tibialis anterior
What muscles origin is head and superior 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula, insertion inferior aspects of medial cuneiform and base of first metatarsal, action plantar flexes and everts foot?
Fibularis longus
What muscles origin is inferior 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula, insertion dorsal surface of tuberosity of fifth metatarsal, action everts foot and weakly plantar flexes foot?
Fibularis brevis
What muscles origin is lateral head: lateral aspect of lateral condyle of femur medial head: popliteal surface of femur, insertion Achilles tendon, action plantar flexes foot raises heel during walking and flexes knee?
What muscles origin is posterior aspect of fibula and tibia, insertion Achilles tendon, action plantar flexes foot?
What muscles origin is lateral supracondylar ridge of femur, insertion Achilles tendon, action weakly assists gastrocnemius?
What muscles origin is interosseous membrane, insertion inferior surfaces of navicular cuneiforms cuboid and bases of metatarsals 2-4, action plantar flexes and inverts foot supports arches?
Tibialis posterior (Tom)
What muscles origin is medial part of posterior surface of tibia inferior to soleal line, insertion inferior surface of distal phalanges of digits 2-5, action flexes digits 2-5 and plantar flexes foot?
Flexor digitorum longus (Dick)
What muscles origin is inferior 2/3 of posterior surface of fibula and inferior part of interosseous membrane, insertion inferior surface of base of distal phalanx of great toe, action flexes first digit and plantar flexes foot?
Flexor hallucis longus (Harry)