Textbook Chapter 14 Flashcards
behaviourist applications to lifestyle issues examined in this chapter
- GENDER ROLES - understanding why we make certain gender-related choices requires examination of operant conditioning and observational learning
- impact of AGGRESSIVE MODELS on our behaviour - observational learning
- LEARNED HELPLESSNESS - classical conditioning
- individual differences in LOCUS OF CONTROL - social learning theory
why do women and men tend to behave in different ways?
biological diffs between the sexes plays a role
children and adults ACQUIRE and MAINTAIN gender-appropriate behaviours largely through OPERANT CONDITIONING and OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING
where can we see operant conditioning at work related to gendered behaviours?
whenever young children act in “gender-inappropriate” ways
ie. boys tease one another for crying, playing with dolls, showing interest in cooking or sewing
ie. boys are rewarded with camaraderie and parental nods for playing football and standing up to those who try to push them around
gender role operant conditioning starts young…
even before children can talk
parents speak/play differently with their daughters than they do with their sons
ie. 24 hours after birth, girls were rated as softer, finer-features, smaller, less attentive than sons
study examining choices parents made for boys and girls when child was less than 25 months old
- girls = more likely to receive dolls and toy furniture
^ wear pink
- boys = more likely to receive sports equipment, toy tools, trucks, cars
^ wear blue
- xmas requests - a few children asked their parents for gender atypical presents
^ these children were much less likely to get waht they wanted
by kindergarten, children are very aware of…
their gender role expectations
preschoolers choose the toys associated with their genders, and boy children explained their fathers wouldn’t approve of them playing with the girls’ toys
observational learning and gender roles
children learn expected behaviour through watching parents, neighbours, siblings, playmates, TV characters
PARENTS are most influential models when kids are YOUNG
LATER on, FRIENDS are more influential
children may recognize that men, but rarely women, work on mechanical things…
thus are likely to conclude that MEN ARE REWARDED for mechanical behaviour
but woman are not
thus boys = more likely to get involved with mechanical things - ANTICIPATING REWARDS - whereas GIRLS SEEK OUT OTHER ACTIVITIES
what terms did researchers originally use to reference gender-related trait groups?
masculinity and femininity
others argue we should use diff terms with MORE SPECIFIC and LESS EMOTIONALLY LOADED labels
ie. agency and communion
agency and communion
alternatives to the terms masculinity and femininity
AGENCY: independence, assertiveness, control
COMMUNION: attachment, cooperation, interpersonal connection
early scales to measure individual differences in gender-role behaviour were based on 2 assumptions…
- masculinity and femininity were assumed to rep TWO EXTREME POSITIONS on a continuum
- the more people’s gender-role BEHAVIOUR MATCHED the STEREOTYPE of their gender, the MORE PSYCHOLOGICALLY HEALTHY they were
assumptions of early masculinity-femininity scale: masculinity and femininity were assumed to rep TWO…
EXTREME POSITIONS on a continuum
^ considered opposites
^ the more you are of one, the less you are of the other
^ each of us can be placed somewhere along this continuum
assumptions of early masculinity-femininity scale - the more people’s gender-role BEHAVIOUR MATCHED the STEREOTYPE of their gender…
^ masculine men and feminine women were considered well adjusted
^ misalignment was seen as maladjustment - indicative of psychological disturbances
one of the og scales on the MMPI was…
a masculinity-femininity scale
initially researchers maintained that SCORING TOO FAR on ONE SIDE of this scale for one’s gender was INDICATIVE of PSYCH DISTURBANCES
what model model challenges the masculinity-femininity model?
androgyny model
triggered explosion of research on gender roles
androgyny model
begins by REJECTING NOTION that masculinity and femininity are opposites on a continuum
instead, they’re seen as SEPARATE TRAITS
^ people can be HIGH on BOTH traits, on ONLY ONE trait, or on NEITHER
^ they’re independent
androgyny model - fact that masculinity and femininity are independent means that…
knowing that someone is high in masculinity tells us nothing about where they score on femininity
evidence to support that masculinity and femininity are independent traits
women tend to INCREASE IN BOTH masculinity and femininity as they move through their MIDDLE ADULT YEARS
androgyny model challenges assumption that…
a person’s gender should match his or her gender “type” (traits)
maintain the MOST WELL-ADJUSTED PERSON is BOTH masculine and feminine - androgynous
^ well adjusted person must have the FLEXIBILITY to engage in masculine behaviour and feminine behaviours when the situation demands
androgyny model has __ categories
4: androgynous, feminine, masculine, undifferentiated
2 scales: one for masculinity, one for femininity
^ high to low for each
androgyny model: masculine
score high on masculinity
score low on femininity
androgyny model: feminine
score high on femininity
score low on masculinity
androgyny model: androgynous
score high on both masculinity and femininity
androgyny model: undifferentiated
score low on both masculinity and femininity
2 other explanation for relation between gender type and wellbeing
(first one is androgyny model which purports that possessing both masculine and feminine traits is important for wellbeing)
- congruence model
- masculinity model
congruence model
masculine men and feminine women are the most well adjusted
reflects sexism and old-fashioned attitudes, but a case can be made
pressure society puts on men and women to act in gender-appropriate ways - constant rewards and punishments
^ SOCIETY IS GEARED to give masculine men and feminine women most of the rewards in life
^ masculine women and feminine men face SOCIAL REJECTION and RIDICULE
do researchers find support for the congruence model?
(refresher: congruence model suggests that masc men and fem women are the best psychologically adjusted because of societal rewards/punishments/pressures)
researchers RARELY FIND SUPPORT for this model
masculinity model
maintains that being MASCULINE IS KEY to MENTAL HEATH
society is still geared toward admiring and rewarding traditional “masculine” traits
^ makes sense those possessing these traits might accomplish more and feel better about themselves
women don’t have to abandon their femininity, but may need some traditionally masc attribute to be successful
does research support the masculinity model?
masc people = likely to use DIRECT, PROBLEM-FOCUSED strategies
^ better able to DEAL WITH STRESSORS than those low in masculinity
particularly STRONG when looking at relationship between GENDER TYPE and SELF ESTEEM - people who possess traditionally masculine attributes also feel good about themselves
does research support the androgyny model?
ie. when TAKING CARE of BABY, fem and androgynous people do better than masculine people
ie. fem people = easily swayed by opinions of others, while masc and androgynous people better RESIST CONFORMITY pressures
ie. those who possess ONLY MASC or FEM characteristics often do poorly when faced with STRESSFUL SITUATIONS where taking ACTION and SEEKING COMFORT from others is beneficial
overall support for androgyny model is…
androgyny doesn’t always translate into sense of wellbeing or high self-esteem
androgyny, congruence and masculinity models: takeaway
- very little research supports the congruence model
- inconsistent findings may reflect way masc and fem are measured
^ ie. masc traits on scales are often more desirable (self-reliant, ambitious) than fem ones (gullible, shy) - and people who choose more flattering self-descriptions have higher self-esteem than those who choose less-desirable fem terms
- some aspects of healthy personality are related to masc (stress management, personal achievement) while others (good interpersonal relationships) aren’t
do people prefer feminine, masculine or androgynous people in their interpersonal relationships?
generally, ANDROGYNOUS character sketches are preferred to masc or fem or undifferentiated
androgynous folks are said to be…
a) more popular
b) more interesting
c) better adjusted
d) more competent
e) more intelligent
f) more successful
when college students are asked to estimate desirability of hypothetical romantic partners…
BOTH men and women
showed preferences for the ANDROGYNOUS person
experiment of gender type preferences SETUP
researchers created 4 types of male-female pairs:
a) masc man and fem woman
b) androgynous woman and masc man
c) androgynous man and fem woman
d) two androgynous people
left the pairs alone in a room for 5 mins - could talk or simply wait
recorded interactions with hidden camera
asked to rate conversation enjoyment afterwards
experiment of gender type preferences RESULTS
masc men and fem women pairs enjoyed their conversations the least
they TALKED to each other LESS, looked at each other less, used fewer EXPRESSIVE gestures, SMILED and LAUGHED less than those in the other convos
reasons for why masc men and fem women combos don’t actually make the ideal couple
- masc emphasizes control, self-monitoring, self-restraint
- fem emphasizes interpersonal warmth, actively expressing feelings
this combo doesn’t work out well
long term relationships and masc men and fem women
research doesn’t support relationship success for these pairings in the long term
HIGHEST level of relationship satisfaction = in people married to someone with FEM characteristics
^ people with either a feminine or androgynous spouse
marrying someone lacking in feminine characteristics (masc or undifferentiated) may lead to UNHAPPY marriage
what is it that makes feminine and androgynous people preferable partners?
^ affectionate, compassionate, sensitive to other’s needs, better able to express feelings and understand those of others
^ have sensitivity and understanding needed for intimacy
^ and assertiveness/willingness to take risks needed to make things happen
^ fem/androg better able to resolve problems and avoid unnecessary disputes
why might androgynous people make the best partners?
because they have a mix of both emotion SENSITIVITY and EXPRESSIVENESS
unmitigated communion
taking communion (interacting with others in a caring and compassionate way) to the EXTREME
so concerned with taking care of others that they tend to SACRIFICE their OWN NEEDS/INTERESTS
^ put own career asides to focus on friend’s, spouse’s, child’s needs
typically includes LOW MASCULINITY
unmitigated communion is associated with…
- difficulty ASSERTING oneself
- FEAR of EXPRESSING feelings that might lead to CONFLICT
- vulnerability being EXPLOITED
people high in unmitigated communion tend to score low on… and high on…
LOW on measures of SELF-ESTEEM and WELLBEING
^ makes self-worth fragile and highly vulnerable to external events
HIGH on scores of DEPRESSION
unmitigated communion and depression study
collected measures of unmitigated communion from group of people at age 31
contacted them again at 41 and assessed their level of depression
for both men and women, high scores on unmitigated communion predicted higher levels of depression 10 years later
^ because women are higher in unmitigated communion than men, these findings suggest one reason for higher rates of depression found in women
unmitigated communion and health issues
may cause people to NEGLECT THEIR OWN NEEDS at time when self-attention is called for
ie. resting, eating well, going to rehabilitation sessions etc take backseat to family caretaking
ie. high unmitigated communion was linked with poor psychological and physical health among women diagnosed with BREAST CANCER
ie. high unmitigated communion was linked to more psychological distress in those with RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS
ie. also linked to more depression and higher anxiety in adolescents diagnose with DIABETES (which requires lots of personal monitoring and treatment)
unmitigated agency
often results in STRAINED and UNPLEASANT INTERACTIONS with others
creates problems for those who have to interact with those high in unmitigated agency too - so presents problem for them when they need support from others
what happens when someone high in unmitigated agency encounters health problems?
in addition to helping with practical needs, other people can provide them emotional support and encouragement
BUT people high in unmitigated agency are RELUCTANT to SEEK or RECEIVE HELP from others
so when they become ill they don’t do as well
observational learning of aggression: aggressive acts and movies
multiple school shooters saying they’d been inspired bt movies ie. Fight Club, The Basketball Diaries
Boyz ‘n the Hood movie - several shootings occurred at the theatre
Taxi Driver inspired Ronald Reagan assassination attempt
simple exposure to an aggressive model isn’t enough to turn us into violent people - why, then…
why do individuals sometimes imitate aggression? (most of the time they don’t)
Bandura has an answer to this
Bandura on why people sometimes imitate aggression
observational learning and performance consists of FOUR INTERRELATED PROCESSES
must go through EACH 4 STEPS before exposure to aggression leads them to act aggressively
- must ATTEND to the aggressive action
- must REMEMBER the info
- must ENACT what they’ve seen
- must EXPECT REWARDS will be forthcoming
Bandura’s 4 steps that must precede aggression
- ATTEND to the aggressive action
- REMEMBER the info
- ENACT what they’ve seen
- expect REWARDS will be forthcoming