Lecture Nov 1 Flashcards
need for achievement
desire to
- accomplish something difficult
- master, manipulate or organize
- overcome obstacles and attain a high standard
what assesses the need for acheivement?
the TAT (thematic apperception test)
do people with high need for achievement always fit stereotypes of highly successful businessperson?
- take moderate risks
- tackle work with lots of energy
- disinterested in routine and boring jobs
- prefer hobs that give personal responsibility for outcomes
- want concrete feedback about their performance
what kind of jobs do people who are high in need for achievement want?
not routine/boring ones
they want jobs that interest them
and that give them personal responsibility for outcomes
and concrete feedback
parenting practices associated with high need for achievement children
related to economic prosperity
high levels of achievement motivation interferes with…
effective performance
parenting and fostering achievement behaviour: when to let go and when to hold on?
parent teaching child to bike
parent might decide to LET CHILD FALL a few times - but in the process allow them to develop a sense of MASTERY and INDEPENDENCE
but might also want to PROTECT CHILD a little longer so that they retain their sense of SECURITY and CONFIDENCE
^ such decisions impact the child’s need for achievement
genders, success and need for achievement
high need for achievement predicts SUCCESS in business world for BOTH GENDERS
men and women think about achievement…
in different ways
- men see success in terms of EXTERNAL STANDARDS
^ prestige, recognition
- women tend to rely on INTERNAL DEFINITIONS of success
^ “did I do what I wanted to do?”
achievement behaviour: individualistic cultures
see achievement in terms of PERSONAL accomplishment
workers see themselves IN COMPETITION with coworkers
motivates them to WORK HARDER
achievement behaviour: collectivist cultures
see achievement in terms of COOPERATION and GROUP ACCOMPLISHMENTS
workers are concerned with the EMOTIONAL and FINANCIAL WELLBEING of their coworkers
determine how people feel about their performance
^ way to IMPROVE achievement motivation - CHANGE people’s attributions
the energization and direction of behaviour
cognitive representation of what it is an individual is trying to achieve in a given situation
a specific physiological or psychological state of arousal that directs an organism’s energies toward a goal
achievement-goal theory
motives as goals
motives vary according to the kinds of goals you set and how they support achievement
some goals are more associated with success than others