Testis and Paratesticular Adnexa Flashcards
Germ cell role
dif to spermatids > spermatoza
morphology lymphoma
white to tan fleshy tumor
interstital growth patter, spares seminiferous tuules
difuse large cell types with B cell phenottype
most common tumor of epididymis
derived from
adenomatoid tumor (always benign)
mesothelial origin
associaited conditions orchitis
extension from epididymitis
most common teste tumor in age >60
Sertoli cells role
support germ cell devo to spermatozoa
produce inhibin> spermatogenesis
Aromatize T into estradiol > spermatogenesis
second most common germ cell tumor
embryonla carcinoma
Prehn’s sign
elevation relieves pain
indication of epididmytis
Epididmytis assocations
E coli,
markers and morphology choriocarcinoma
serum B-hcG elevated
multinucelated synctiotrophoblastic cells or intermediate trophoblasts
markers embryonal carcnoma
Serum AFP normal
hCG up in 60% of cases
worse outcome in teratoma if
immature - contain immature neuroepithelium, blastema, carcinoid, or cellular stroma
typical findings in ITGCN
spermatogenesis abent in involved tubes
atypical with nuclear elargement and large nucleoli
aneuploid DNA
contains isochromosome 12p (like in seminoma)
non invasive precursor of germ cell tumors and testis (both seminoma and non-seminoma)
seen in cryptorchidism
Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN)
papillary mesothelioma
papillary excrescenes in tunica vaginalis
hydrcele sac papillae lined by bland cells with large nuclei and nucleoli