Pituitary+parathyroid Flashcards
parathyroid hyperplasia morphology
typically multigland, affecting all glands
loss of normal adipocytes, though some fat remains
ssimilar to adenomas, but no rim of normal gland
second most common pituitary tumor
Growth hormone cell adenoma
gigantism or acromegaly
Asrenocortical adenoma morphology
small, encapsulated, unilateral
predominantly fasiculata cells
most are non functional
alveolar architecture and lipid rich cells
parathyroid adenoma morphology
typically solitary, unilateral mass
primarily chief cells with islands of oxyphil cells
loss of normal adipocytes within tumor
typically rim of compressed normal parathyroid at periphery
Adrenal cortex morphology - zona fasciculata
clear cells
Pheochromocytoma =
neoplasms of adrenal medulla chromafin cells
synthesize and secrete catecholamines > HTN
pituitary adenoma morpholohy
uniform cells in sheets or cords
supporting reticulin network is lost
Li-fraumeni syndrome =
inherted cause of
inherited cause of adrenocortical carcinoma
mutant p53 alelle
(also breast CA, sarcoma, leukemia, brain CA)
causes of hypopituitarism
Pituitary tumors - mass effect
Pituitary adenoma
Sheenhan Syndrome
Iatrogenic (surgery or radiation)
Rathke Cleft Cyst
Sheehan syndrome
pospartum necrosis caused by ischemia or pituitary gland
adrenal medulla morphology
chromaffin cells with rich vascular network
Conn Syndrome =
hyperaldosteronism caused by adrenal cortical adenoma
most common finding in endogenous cushings
bilateral hyperplasia
causes of hypercortisolism (and mechanism)
Cortical atrophy - exogenous gluccocorticoid (dec ACTH)
Bilateral hyperplasia - endogenous hypercortisolism, ZF hyperplasia (inc ACTH)
Adrenocortical adenoma - endogenous secretion of cortisol (ACTH independent)
Adrenocortical carcinoma - (ACTH independent)
Beckwith-Wiedmann syndrome =
genetic cause of ___
genetic cause of Adrenocortical carcinoma
genomic imprinting of ch11 at WT2 locus
enlargement of body organs or body segments
(also Wilm’s tumor, hepatoblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, pancreatic tumors)