abnl puberty female Flashcards
the presence of breasts and pubic heair development prior to age __- warrents elavuation with H+{ and bone age as minimumal evaluation
pubic and axiallary hair growth in response to (direct)
typical etiology of gonadotropin diependent precocious uberty
tumor in ovary or adrenal gland or abnl enzymatic processes in enzyme producing organs
vagina and uterus develop in absence of
gonadotro[pin dependent precocious puberrty characterized by
premature activation of hypothalamic pituitary ovarian or adrenal axis
McCune albirhgt syndrome
cafe ou lait spots
polyocystotic fibrous dysplasia of bones
estrogen production of ovaries
hyperthyroidism - abberant activation of GDP > increased enzymatic activity
(cause of gonadotropin indepedent precoccious puberty)
in precocious puberty
if breast development > test ___
if pubic/axiallary > test ____
menstruation > test____
if breast development > test ___ estrogen, FSH
if pubic/axiallary > test ____testosterone, LH
menstruation > test____FSH, LH
absence of 2ndry sexual characteristic by age __ warrants evaluation
upper 2/3 of vagina origin
lower third
upper 2/3 mullerian
lower 1/3 urogenital
ovarian androgen production primarily driven by ___
adrneal androgen
ovarian - primarily LH
adrenal rimarily ACTH