Disorders of Sex Development Flashcards
most common cause of 46 XX DSD (excessive fetal androgen production)
21-hydroxylase def
46 XX DSD = excessive ___
fetal androgen production
patients with ovotesticular DSD are usually
defective functions in 46 XY DSD (4)
Defect in testicular differentiation
Defect in sertoli cell function > inadequate MIS + persistence of mullerian ducts
Defect in leydig cell function - testoterone sythesis defect, LH/HCG response defect (needed for androgen production)
defect in function of androgen target tissue (androgen insensitivity, defect in DHT synth)
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia forms in 46 XY DSD (3)
3 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency
17-hydroxylase / 17,20 lyase combined deficiency
side chain cleavage deficiency
consider DSD when
**Genitalia do no appear 100% normal **
bilateral nonpalpable gonads
severe hypospadias, esp with nonpalpable gonads
clitoromegaly or microphallus
posterior fusion of vaginal opening / undervirilized scrotum
genetics Androgen insensitivity syndrome
most common presentations
X linked recessive, 46, XY
CAIS: female adolescent with pirmary amenorrhea and breat, no pubic hair (or female with tests discovered in inguinal hernia)
PAIS: highly variable (ambiguous genitalia OR phenotypically normal male with infertility)
karyotypes for ovotesticular DSD
46XX mot common
46 XY
genitalia and gonads in ovotesticular DSD
Ovarian and testicular tissue present (bilateral ovotestes or one of each)
external genitalia varry
internal anatomy parallels ipsilateral gonad
androgen biosynthetic defects
low andostenedione production (rare forms of CAH with adrenal and gonadal enzyme defects)
17-ketosteroid reductase def (17-KR) (testis)
5-alpha reductase (5a-Red) def (skin)
genetic and mutation 5-alpha reductase def
morphologic impact
46XY karyotype, autosomal recessive
(impaired conversion of T to DHT
DHT critizal for virilization prior to birth, but T is critical at pubert
(T surge at puberty > dramatic virilization)
treatment for CAH - 212hydroxylase deficiency
cortisol replacement to suppress ACTH and reduce adrenal androgens