Testicular cancer Flashcards
Testicular cancer RF
1) crypto-orchidism (undescended testes at birth)
*Both testes at risk, including descended testes
2) Agent orange
3) infertility
*Not smoking or obesity
Half life of beta-HCG and AFP
HCG half life one day
AFP 5 days
Management of primary mediastinal NSGCT
- VIP x 4 cycles (Preferred - Bleo not used Require surgery and post-op complications higher with BEP)
OR BEP x 4 cycles - Consult thoracic surgery for resection of residual mediastinal disease
Primary mediastinal seminoma management
Follow residual mass with surveillance CT chest
cytogenetic finding associated with testicular cancer
isochromosome 12p
Testicular mass tissue sampling
- inguinal orchiectomy
Lymphatic spread of testicular cancer
- to ipsilateral RP nodes, never to inguinal or pelvic unless anatomy has been altered (cryptoorchidism, bad urologist doing testicular biopsy)
1) general management of primary mediastinal NSGCT 2) preferred systemic therapy
- VIP (not bleomycin)
- thoracic surgery then resects residual mediastinal disease
management of primary mediastinal seminoma
- good risk disease
- BEP, then you follow residual mass w/ CT chest
clinical significance of path showing seminoma with AFP elevation
- non seminoma component, by definition
other cause of beta-HCG elevation
What to think with very high beta-HCG
Seminoma risk categories
- only 2: good or intermediate
Pulmonary mets in seminoma are classified as
good risk
Management of bleo toxicity in terms of continuing treatment
IF poor or intermediate risk, switch to ifosfamide
IF good risk, drop bleo and don’t substitute
1) Stage 1 seminoma mgmt options 2) Preferred option
- surveillance (preferred)
- consider XRT or 1-2 cycles carboplatin
Stage 2 seminoma mgmt
BEP x 3 cycles
EP x 4 cycles