Adrenocortical carcinoma Flashcards
Potential clinical presentation of ACC from question stem
- virilization (deep voice, bulk)
- cushing’s (HTN, easy bruising, facial weight gain, thick dark hair, amenorrhea, muscle weakness)
Imaging features suggestive of ACC rather than benign
- irregular borders
- calcified
- invading surrounding structures
- large (greater than 4 cm)
***higher attenuation (hounsfield units, 20-50% washout at 10 minutes)
Workup to determine if ACC is functional
***Rule out pheo and cortisol-secreting prior to surgery (So order, since endo refer can delay things)
plasma metanephrines or urinary metanephrines and catecholamines
AM cortisol, corticotropin (ACTH), 24 hr urinary free cortisol, fasting serum cortisol at 8 AM following a 1 mg dose of dexamethasone at bedtime
Refer to endocrine for remainder of workup
Review CMP (Fasting glucose, potassium)
Serum estradiol in men and postmenopausal women,
IF HTN or spontaneous or diuretic-induced hypokalemia, work up for hyperaldo
IF signs of virilization, androstenedione + testosterone + adrenal androgens (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate [DHEAS], 17-hydroxyprogesterone) (more sense to me to work up if virilization)
Management of early stage ACC
surgery if resectable w/ adjuvant mitotane depending on risk factors
Critical component of workup prior to surgery for localized ACC
- hormonal evaluation - rule out pheo or cortisol secreting
Indications for adjuvant for localized ACC
- Ki67>10
- R1
- intraoperative tumor spillage
- large low grade with vascular or capsular invasion
1) Drug used for adjuvant 2) duration
mitotane 3-5 years
Very high risk localized disease criteria
1) Ki-67>20
2) extensive vascular invasion/vena cava thrombus
Adjuvant for very high risk localized disease
cisplatin + mitotane
Management of metastatic ACC
- surgical debulking
- Given low grade disease OR symptoms of hypercortisolism, mitotane (prolonged remission in the case series limited to low grade disease + useful for palliation)
mitotane goal level
mitotane SE to know
adrenal insufficiency
aldosterone deficiency
- hypothyroidism (increases serum thyroid hormone-binding globulin (TBG).)
- hypogonadism (commonly require replacement testosterone)
when XRT is indicated adjuvantly
R1 resection