Test 4: Chapter 14 Flashcards
Controls the autonomic nervous system. Relays information between the CNS and endocrine system. Monitors blood substances. No blood -brain barrier. Involved in hunger, thirst, sex drives, temperature regulation, & maintain sleep cycle.
State of rapid eye movement sleep, hypnosis, lucid dreaming and the barely conscious state just before sleeping and just after waking
Theta Waves
A brain structure responsible for the perception of taste. It consists of two substructures: the anterior insula on the insular lobe and the frontal operculum on the inferior frontal gyrus of the frontal lobe.
Primary Gustatory Area
A barrier located at the tight junctions that surround and connect the cuboidal epithelial cells on the surface of the choroid plexus
Blood CSF Barrier
Hemisphere that is more involved in reasoning; number & logical skills, written & spoken language. usually contains Wernicke and Broca area
Left Hemispheres
Each of the paired lobes of the brain lying immediately behind the forehead, including areas concerned with behavior, learning, personality, and voluntary movement
Frontal Lobe
A region of the cerebral cortex concerned with the interpretation of sensory impulses
Sensory Area
A network of small groups of neuronal cell bodies scattered among bundles of axons beginning in the medulla oblongata and extending superiorly through the central part of the brain stem
Reticular Formation
The folds of the cerebral cortex of the brain
A barrier consisting of specialized brain capillaries and astrocytes that prevents the passage of materials from the blood to the cerebrospinal fluid and brain
Blood Brain Barrier
A network of capillaries located in the roof of each of the four ventricles of the brain; ependymal cells around this point produce cerebrospinal fluid
Choroid Plexus
A life-threatening metabolic disorder in young children, of uncertain cause but sometimes precipitated by aspirin and involving encephalitis and liver failure.
Reye’s Syndrome
A graphical record of electrical activity of the brain
A cavity in the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid. An inferior chamber of the heart
A state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy
Rythmic waves and have a higher frequency; occur when we are mentally alert, thinking, brain is active or during REM sleep
Beta Waves
The part of the brain lying posterior to the medulla oblongata and pons; governs balance and coordinates skilled movements
A pointed or cone shaped structure. One of two roughly triangular structures on the anterior aspect of the medulla oblongata composed of the largest motor tracts that run from the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord. A triangular structure in the renal medulla
One of twellve pairs of nerves that leave the brain; pass through foramina in the skill; and supply sensory and motor neurons to the head, neck, and part of the trunk, and viscera of the thorax and abdomen. Each is designated by a roman numeral and name
Cranial Nerves
The part of the brain stem that forms a “bridge” between the medulla oblongata and the midbrain, anterior to the cerebellum
A groove of depression between parts, especially between the convolutions of the brain
Part of the human brain responsible for the regulation of the rate at which the heart beats through the nervous and endocrine systems. It is found in the medulla
Cardiac Center
A sudden attack of weakness or paralysis that occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is interrupted
In the Occipital Lobe, nerve impulses from photoreceptors in the retina of the eyes and constructs images
Primary Visual Area
Collection of cell bodies in the medulla oblongata of the brain that regulates or modulates blood pressure and cardiac function
Vasomotor Central
Aggregations or bundles of myelinated and unmyelinated axons located in the brain and spinal cord
The paler tissue of the brain and spinal cord, consisting mainly of nerve fibers with their myelin sheaths.
White Matter
In each hemisphere, separates the frontal and parietal lobes
Fold, in the cerebral cortex in the brains of vertebrates
Central Sulcus
The portion of the brain immediately superior to the spinal cord, made up of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain
Brain Stem
A fluid produced by ependymal cells that cover choroid plexuses in the ventricles of the brain; the fluid circulates in the ventricles, the central canal, and the subarachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Hemisphere involved in musical and artistic abilities, pattern recognition, knowing faces, understanding the emotional content of language and visualizing descriptions
Right Hemisphere
Part of the Medulla Oblongata where nerve tracks cross over.
Crossing of 90% of the axons in the large motor tracts to opposite sides in the medullary pyramids
Decussation of Pyramids
In the Temporal lobe, receives impulses from ears and interprets basic sounds - pitch & rhythm
Primary Auditory Area
The region of the cerebral cortex that governs muscular movement, particularly the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe
Motor Area
The great commissure of the brain between the cerebral hemispheres
Corpus Callosum