Test 2- Salmonella Flashcards
Salmonella General
- Obligate symbiotic
- Virulence
————— Host specific serotypes (typhoid)
————————— Eg.S.Typhi;S.Gallinarum
————— Host adapted/restricted serotypes
—————————– S. Dublin: bovines
—————————-S. Typhimurium var. Copenhagen: Pigeon
• Non host specific serotypes
- Most serotypes, eg. Typhimurium, Enteriditis, Virchow, Agona, Paratyphi B,…
- Quite resistant in environment
- Especially
- when protected by organic material (feces)
- In a dry environment (dust, feed) need Control programs
Salmonella General, Zoonotic aspects
• zoonotic
- Non host specific
- Some host adapted/restricted
• Not zoonotic
- Host specific
- Some host adapted/restricted
• Antimicrobial resistance and the zoonotic aspect are a matter of concern
Salmonella: Pathogenesis
- Facultative intracellular- can avoid the immune system
- Differences in pathogenesis between
- Host adapted (typhoid) + host restricted
- Non host adapted
Salmonella and bovines Symptoms
• Different serotypes possible but mainly: S. Typhimurium and S. Dublin
- S. Typhimurium
- Diarrhea (Ileum and large intestine) + general symptoms • (Tissue localization )
- Abortion
- Udder
• S. Dublin
- Calf
- (Diarrhea)
- General symptoms
- Tissue localization: lung, liver, spleen,…
• S. Dublin, adult cattle
- (diarrhea), general symptoms
- Organ dependent symptoms
- Abortion
- Subclinical mastitis (persisting intracellular)
Salmonella and bovines Diagnosis
• Live animals
- Fecal material
- Milk (in case of subclinical mastitis)
- Respiratory: BAL
- Arthritis: puncture
- Abortion: fetus, placenta, vagina
• Dead animals
- Ileum
- Different organs
Salmonella and bovines Treatment
- Isolation of sick animals
- Fluid therapy
- Antimicrobials
Salmonella and pigs
- S. Choleraesuis: Typhoid
- Non host specific Salmonella
- Clinical symptoms in animals >50kg, most freq subclinical
- Diarrhea + general symptoms
- Slowspread
- Hyperacute form (>70-80 kg), acute mortality
- Acute form freq + cyanosis
- Chronicform:nonspecific,lessergrowth
- Zoonotic
- Mainly
• S.Typhimurium
- S.Derby •…
- Carriers
Salmonella and pigs Dx and Tx
- Diagnosis
- Bacteriological culture
- ELISA (Antigen)
- ELISA (antibodies) but difficult interpretation
- Used sometimes in control programs
- Treatment
- Antimicrobials
- Eventually general support (NSAID,…)
Salmonella and pigs Prevention
- Prevention
- Management: AI-AO, cleaning and disinfection,…
- Organic acids in the FEED/ WATER
—————Short chain fatty acids
—————Medium and long chain fatty acids (more antibacterial)
—————In drinking water (pH 3.6-4.1)/feed
—————Coated: delivery in Ileum and large intestine
- Feed composition (particle size large: protective by pH stomach due to slower transit)
- (vaccination)
Salmonella in horses Salmonella Abortus-equi
• Salmonella Abortus-equi:
• Pathogenesis depends on uptake
Salmonella in horses Dx, and Tx
• Diagnosis
————— Bacteriology
• Treatment
————— Elimination from reproductive organs is difficult (bacteria is intracellular)
Salmonella in horses Non host specific Salmonella Pathogenesis and Symptoms
- Pathogenesis: cfr. general slide
- Short incubation period(hours-6days) Symptoms
- Clinical/subclinical
- Clinical:
- Mild
- Acute
- Hyperacute
- Chronic
- Localization
Salmonella in horses Symptoms • Clinical salmonellosis MILD FORM
- Mild form
- General symptoms (fever, anorexia, depression)
- Slight diarrhea
- Diagnosis difficult (isolation from feces frequently unsuccessful)
- Self-limiting
Salmonella in horses Symptoms • Acute form (most frequent)
• Acute form (most frequent)
- Fever, anorexia, mild colic
- 24h: diarrhea
- Severe symptoms + cyanosis
- Shock possible- DUE TO LPS
- Laminitis (hoof)
- Slow recovery + relapses possible
- Can evolve to chronic
- Intermittent diarrhea
- Intermittent anorexia
- Weight
- Intermittent fever
Salmonella in horses
• Hyperacute and tissue localization
- Hyperacute
- Foal
- Sever general symptoms
- Eventually diarrhea
- Endotoxic shock (24-72h) which leads to death
Tissue localization
- Foal
- Clinic depending on the organ affected
- Freq arthritis
Salmonella in horses Dx, therapy, treatment
• Diagnosis
- Neutropenia
- Culture
• Therapy
- Hydration: IV
- Shock: NSAID (no cortico’s  hoof laminitis)
- Antimicrobials
- Carriers!!!
• Prevention
• Hygiene
Salmonella in cats and dogs
- Non host specific serovars
- Enteritis and septicaemiae
- Carriers
- Dogs: 0-36%
- Cats: 0-20%
• Origin: mainly feed
- Diagnosis
- Culture
Salmonella in cats and dogs • Treatment
- Treatment
- Hydration
- Antibiotics:
- contraindicated in animals with a good general condition (creation of carriers!!!)
Salmonella in pigeons: Paratyphus
- S. Typhimurium var. Copenhagen
- Specific clonal lineage
- PT 2 and 99
- Not zoonotic
- Carriers are cause of spread
- Systemic disease + diarrhea
- Acute paratyphus
- Mainly during breeding
- Chronic
- One wing is hanging down (tissue localization)
- Intermittent excretion
Salmonella in pigeons: Paratyphus • Symptoms (in a flock)
- Symptoms (in a flock)
- Anorexia
- Weight
- Diarrhea • Limping • Unable to fly • Breeding difficulties • Apathic • Polyuria - polydipsia • mortality
Salmonella in pigeons: Paratyphus Dx, and tx
- Diagnosis • Bacterial culture • Rapid slide agglutination for antibodies
- Treatment • Antimicrobials (strains are very susceptible!) • Immune therapy: inactivated vaccine • Not prevention of infection • Reduction of severity of disease • Hygiene
Salmonella in psittaciformes and passeriformes
• Psittaciformes • Very rare • Passerformes: S. Typhimurium (other clone than Columbiformes) • In birdhouses • Stress • Overcrowding • Cold & humid • Inappropriate feeding • Symptoms: DD. rodentiosis (Yersinia pseudotuberculosis) • Apathic, feed and water intake • Chronic • Diarrhea (most of the time)
Salmonella in Poultry Typhoid/paratyphoid Non-typhoid
• Typhoid/paratyphoid Salmonella
- S. Pullorum
- S. Gallinarum
• Non-typhoid Salmonella
- S. Enteriditis
- Other: • Typhimurium • Virchow • Paratyphi B • Infantis • Agona,… • Newport(US) • Quite complex and variable epidemiology
Typhoid Salmonella in poultry • S. Pullorum/Gallinarum
- S. Pullorum/Gallinarum
- Antigenically same (1, 9, 12:-: -)
- Antigenically similar to S. Enteriditis (1, 9, 12:g,m:-)
—————Vaccination against SE gives false positives in serology
• Biochemical differentiation (evt. PCR)
• REPORTABLE disease- typhoid salmonella
- Official elimination programs (now rare disease in Europe and North America)
- Turkeys: S. enterica ssp. arizonae
Typoid Salmonella in poultry • S. Pullorum
- S. Pullorum
- Pullorum disease
- Chicken, turkey, pheasant
- Younger animals
- High mortality • Acute sepsis
- General symptoms
- Differences in virulence of the strains
- Typical granulomatous lesions stomach, liver and myocardium • Adults: oophoritis with deformed yellow-greenish follicles
• Survival: carriers
• Horizontal and vertical transmission
• Vertical: mortality peak: 2-3 wks
Typhoid Salmonella in poultry Dx and treatment
- Bacterial culture
- Serology: slide agglutination
- Care: cross reactivity with SE vaccination
- False positives due to Streptococci Lancefield D,…, ? •
• Only for hobby poultry: antibiotics, but no elimination (intracellular) • Reportable
Typoid Salmonella in poultry • S. Gallinarum: fowl typhoid
- S. Gallinarum: fowl typhoid
- Chickens, ducks, pheasant, quail, partridges, turkeys
- Serological cross reactive with S. Pullorum
- Older animals
• Symptoms • Hyperacute mortality + hemolytic anemia (endotoxins) • Acute and subacute; increasing mortality up to 30%, general symptoms
Typoid Salmonella in poultry • Turkeys: S. enterica ssp. arizonae
- Turkeys: S. enterica ssp. arizonae
- Mainly in the USA
- Different serotypes
- Only younger animals
- General symptoms with mortality up to 50%
- Diagnosis: culture
- Treatment- Best eradication
- Control by serology (slide agglutination): difficult
- Different serotypes
- False negatives
Paratyphoid Salmonella in poultry • S. Enteriditis
- Zoonotic (egg contamination)
- Consumption of undercooked, raw egg
- Used to be the most frequent serotype causing zoonotic infection
- Decreased enormously due to vaccination
- Vaccination is imposed legally in Europe (not in the US)
- Eggs from positive laying flocks can only be used after heating
Paratyphoid Salmonella in poultry • Other serotypes
• Other serotypes
- Geographical differences in prevalence of different serotypes
- Differences in time (evolution)
- Many are serotypes are zoonotic
- EU: breeding animals must be free of Enteriditis, Typhimurium, Virchow, Hadar, Infantis, Paratyphi B var. Java
- 30% broilers are positive
- At slaughter, up to 80% positive (cross contamination)
- In US, decontamination of carcasses with bleach (not allowed in EU)
Paratyphoid Salmonella in poultry • Other serotypes
- Other serotypes
- No vertical transmission
- No clinical symptoms, unless
- Very young infected with high dose
- Aflatoxins in feed
- T0 too low for young animals (should be 320 for one day old)
- Other enteric infections(eg.Eimeriatenella)
- Stress (transport
) • Remediation in positive flocks (no elimination)
- No vaccine
- Pro-, prebiotics
- Fatty acids