Test 2- Enterobacteriaceae Flashcards
- Reside in the GI tract of humans and animals
- Benefits Microbial antagonism
- Breakdown and absorption of the food
- Waste processing
- Vitamin K production
Is enterobacteriacea gram positive or negative?
Thus it has Lipid A =Endotoxin
General Enterobacteriacae
- Gram-negative
- Facultative anaerobic because they live in the intestines
- Rods or coccobacilli
- Oxidase negative (except Plesiomonas, shigelloids)
Present in water, soil environment and the GI tract of humans and animals (not really environmental bacteria) Coliform bacteria
Lactose positive bacteria which includes: E. coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter
Coliform enumeration is performed to evaluate faecal/sewage contamination- CHECK FOR SLAUGHTER PROCESS
(Enterococci are a better indicator of health risk in salt and fresh water. Enterococci are more species specific, and thus allows detection of source of contamination)
Species of Enterobactericase
- Escherichia
- Salmonella
- Yersinia
- Shigella
- Klebsiella
- • Proteus*
- • Enterobacter*
- • Citrobacter*
- • Serratia*
- more containtaments*
Opportunistic pathogens
• Klebsiella pneumonia • Klebsiella oxytoca • Enterobacter cloacae • Enterobacter aerogenes • Proteus mirabilis • Citrobacter freundii
The most common nosocomial infections/ health care ass. infections in ICU pts—- main importance in clinics
Escherichia coli
Lactose positive, oxidase negative, motile rods
E. coli -General
- Very diverse species- labeled via morphology
- Shigella spp. are taxonomically also Escherichia
——————–Not present in animals
• Pathogenicity: strain dependent
————-Facultative pathogenic (eg. APEC)- can have but not be sick
———— Obligate pathogenic but then age dependent
- Differentiation between pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains not always evident
- Associated with
—————————–Certain serotypes (serotyping)
—————————–Virulence genes (pathotyping-virotyping)
—————————– Combinations of virulence genes- if a form of E.coli can’t adhere to the intestines
—————————– Biotype (for RPEC only)
E. coli -General • Infections
- Intestinal pathogenic strain
- Extra intestinal pathogenic strains (ExPEC)
—————- Respiratory
—————- Septicaemiae
—————- UTI
E. coli -General • Virulence factors
- Virulence factors
- Cell associated
———– Endotoxin
———– Fimbrial adhesins
———– Non-fimbrial adhesins
• Extracellular
———– Cytotoxins
———–Siderophores- captures iron
E. coli in pigs differentials
Typical Symptoms: diarrhea, edema, UTI, metristis/mastisits
• Bacterial diarrhea in fattening pigs, sows and boar
———- Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
———-Brachyspira pilosicoli
- Lawsonia intracellularis
- Salmonella (non host specific)
- Watery diarrhea
- neonatal/ 2-4wks/weaning
- Adhesion factors (small intestine)
- F4 (K88); F5 (K99); F6 (987P); F18; F41
- Enterotoxins (on plasmids)
- LT (heat labile)
- Sta, STb, EAST1 (heat stable)
E. coli disease in pigs: ETEC Adhesion factors (small intestine)
——— F4: F4a,b; F4a,c; F4a,d (on plasmids)
———Specific receptor breeding of receptor free pigs; age depended presence- ONLY IN PIGS
———Mannose resistant
———Genes expressed at body Temperature, not at room Temperature
——— Solely in pigs
• F5 (K99) (on plasmids)
——— In pigs and bovines
——— Mannose resistant
———Expression Temperature dependent
——— Receptor only in very young animals: only involved in neonatal diarrhea
• F6 (987P); F18; F41
• F6 (987P) (mainly extrachromosomal)
• F41 (chromosomal)
———Mannose resistant
———Pigs and bovines
———Frequently together with F5
• F18
——— See oedema disease
• Non-fimbrial adhesins
Eg. AIDA-I (adhesin involved in diffuse adherence)
E. coli disease in pigs: ETEC Enterotoxins (on plasmids) heat Labile
Enterotoxins (on plasmids)
Heat labile
- LT
- High molecular weight- STRONGER ANTIGENS
- Strong antigen
- Inactivated 30 minutes 60oC
- Activation of adenylate cyclase
- Na+ absorption
- CL- and HCO3+ secretion
Enterotoxins (on plasmids) • Heat stable
Heat stable
• STa
——— Activation of guanylate cyclase system
——— Na+ absorption DECREASES
———CL- and HCO3+ secretion- INCREASES
• STb
———Prostaglandin E2 secretion of water and electrolytes - INCREASED
——— Stimulationof5-hydrotryptaminesecretion
• EAST1 (enteroaggregative E. coli heat stable toxin)
——— Closely related to Sta
——— Also in EPEC,AEEC;VTEC- in other types of E. coli
- Low molecular weight
- Little antigenic
- Withstand 15 minutes 121oC
E. coli disease in pigs: ETEC
- Characteristics that are present most of the time: age dependent
- Neonatal ETEC
——— F5; F6; F41
——— STa; STb
• Neonatal till 4 weeks- RARE HEAT LABILE TOXINS
——— F4
———LT; STa; STb; EAST1
——— Hemolytic
• Weaning diarrhea
——— F4; F18
- ——– LT; STa; STb, EAST1
- ——– Hemolytic
E. coli disease in pigs: ETEC Epidemiology
• In the intestine of healthy sows
• Equilibrium between maternal immunity and infection pressure
• Break in equilibrium: disease
• Increase infection pressure
——— Low hygiene
———Presence of ETEC diseased piglets
Lowering of maternal immunity
- MMA- leads to not enough clostriudm
- First delivery sows- lower immunity to begin with
——— Low birth weight
——— Other infection
———Too many piglets per sow- less clolostrium per piglet
• Appearance of new type
E. coli disease in pigs: ETEC Pathogenesis
- Ascending from lower bowel
- Oral uptake
- Small intestine
- colonization
Symptoms of E. coli in pigs
Remain drinking
Very smelly feces
Older animals diarrhea
- White grey
- Not as watery
E. coli disease in pigs: ETEC • Diagnosis
Detection of virulence factors
Agglutination tests- antigen and antibody clots together
E. coli disease in pigs: ETEC- Treatment and Prevention
- Hydration (SC, IP) (PO, electrolyte solution plus glucoses and amino acids)
- Antimicrobials (susceptibility profile!- lots of resistance)
Prevention: keep infection pressure low and maternal immunity high
- Hygiene: prevention of spread
- Vaccination
——— Immunization sows
——— Inactivated vaccines: mixture of different serotypes ——— Purified adhesion factors and LT
———Two injections of which the last one 2-6 wks before partus
• Selection of receptor free piglets (F4)
E. coli disease in pigs: VTEC Oedema disease
• Oedema disease
———Post weaning
———Oedema disease and diarrhea
The diarrhea is NOT caused by the VTEC– it’s generally from a mixed infection
E. coli disease in pigs: VTEC Virulence factors
• Adhesion small bowel: F18
——— Specific receptor (genetic resistance if absent)
• Exotoxin
——— VT2e or Stx2e: media necrosis
• Endotoxin: acute mortality
E. coli disease in pigs: VTEC Epidemiology and pathogenesis
- Sow to piglet
- Weaning:
——— Stress
———Change in intestinal flora
———Maternal immunity
- Excretion comes from  infection pressure is raised and thus   contamination other piglets
- Toxin production: media necrosis
——— Hyper acute: enterorrhagia
——— Acute: permeability blood vessels oedema (CNS & dyspnea)
———Slower: intravascular coagulation (CNS) •
Endotoxin: shock and acute mortality

E. coli disease in pigs: VTEC
E. coli disease in pigs: VTEC Symptoms
- < 3 wks after weaning
- Multiple piglets affected
• Clinical signs:
——— Acute mortality (some)
———Diarrhea (some)
——— Anorexia
- ——– Oedema:
- ————Hoarse voice
————- Central nervous symptoms
- ————Dyspnoea
- ———— Eye lids swollen

E. coli disease in pigs: VTEC
E. coli disease in pigs: VTEC Diagnosis
- Clinical signs
- Pathological findings
- Bacteriology (fecal sample)
- Confirmation: demonstration of virulence factors (PCR)
E. coli disease in pigs: VTEC treatment
Affected animals:
- Fastening- helps reestablish instential flora
- Antimicrobial therapy (note: quite some resistance, susceptibility test)
Not yet affected animals
• Antimicrobial therapy
——– Incubation time of toxin 2-3 days (so you may see still symptoms after treatment)
E. coli disease in pigs: VTEC prevention
- Reduce stress
- Feed composition
• Adaptation of intestinal flora (reduction of E. coli and toxin)
————- Probiotics
————-Organic acids (have an antibacterial effect)
————- (Zinc oxide)
—————————->2400 ppm kills E. coli
- —————————-In feed for the first 14 days after weaning
- ———— (Antimicrobials)
- ———— Vaccination (vaccine contains recombinant (non-toxic) VT2e)
• Selection of receptor (F18) negative animals
E. coli disease in pigs: EPEC
• More rare, little known about its general role
• Diarrhea at weaning
• Attaching and effacing on the enterocitis
• T3SS (needle) and injection of effector proteins
• Diagnosis:
————-Isolation + PCR (eae (intimin) gene)
E. coli disease in pigs: UTI
generals and predisposing factors
• Most important pathogen in UTI in pigs (and other mammalians)
- DD Actinobaculum suis
- E. coli infection originate most probably from intestine
• Virulence factors in pigs: ? (Research warranted)
Predisposing factors:
• Hygiene
- Water intake
- Obstipation- nutriention
- Age
- Individual (anatomical) difference
E. coli disease in pigs: UTI
Symptoms, Dx, Treatment
• Anorexia
- Hematuria
- Vaginal exudate
- General malaise (sometimes)
Diagnosis: Bacteriology (semi-quantitative from 103 to 105 on)
• Culling (fertility problems)
• Antibiotics approx. 3 weeks
E. coli disease in pigs: MMA of PPDS
- Metritis-mastitis-agalactiae( last is clostridium affected)
- Post Partum Dysgalactiae Syndrome
- Etiology
- Hereditary
- Hormonal
- Feed
- Infectious agents: E. coli, (Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Citrobacter spp.)
E. coli disease in pigs: septicaemiae
- Secondary to enteric infection
- Rarely primary
E. coli disease in bovines
————-Animals less than 3 days of age
————-Animals older than one week
• Septicaemic
————- Neonates, lack of colostrum
E. coli disease in bovines: ETEC Symptoms
- Watery diarrhea, dehydration
- Animals less than 3 days old, NEONATES
E. coli disease in bovines: ETEC Virulence factors
• Fimbriae
————-F5 (most common)
————- F41 (freq together with F5)
————- F17 (role is not clear)
————————a, b (freq associated with CNF2), c (in association with CS31A), d
•CS31A (related to F4)
————-Freq in relation to diarrhea in older animals
- Toxins
- Sta and Stb
E. coli disease in bovines: ETEC Pathogenesis
- Oral uptake
- Multiplication
- Enterotoxin production
- (Secondary septicaemiae)
- Equilibrium between immunity and infection pressure
- Colostrum
———-Too late
- ———Too little
- ——— Too Low(inantibodies)
• Infection
———- Too early
———-Too high (infection pressure)
E. coli disease in bovines: ETEC Diagnosis
- Culture + virulence factors (Agglutination or PCR)
E. coli disease in bovines: ETEC Therapy
• sick animals
———-Separate ill animals
———- Hydration
- ——— Antibiotics
- ——————— Note: extremely high level of acquired resistance
———————- Diarrhea + fever: parenteral therapy
———————- No fever: colistin p.o.
———- NSAID (shock)
- Milking farms
- Hygiene: separate calves from mothers
• Colostrum
———- Of multi partus animals
• Antibiotics p.o. (4-5d, colistin)
- Vaccination of dams
- Antibodies p.o.
E. coli disease in bovines: EHEC and EPEC
- EPEC: eae
- EHEC: eae + VT (VT1 and/or VT2)
- Specific serotypes
- Age: 1-8 wks
- Mucoid diarrhea +/- blood
- Mainly in large intestine
- EHEC: zoonotic ( eg. O157:H7,…) HUS
- Therapy: antibiotics
E. coli disease in bovines: mastitis
- No virulence factors known
- DD Gram + / Gram – infection:
- ———Gram -: with fever
- ———Frequently lost udder quarter
- Prevention: hygiene
- Treatment: systemic antibiotics
E. coli disease in bovines: septicaemiae Virulence factors
- Facultative pathogenic (freq. in intestinal tract)
- Virulence factors:
- Serum resistance
- Iron uptake systems
- Endotoxin
- Capsule
- Adhesion factors (P, F17, AfaE-VIII, CS31A)
• CNF1, CNF2 toxins
E. coli disease in bovines: septicaemiae Pathogenesis
in intestinal tract
Uptake either by mouth or umbilicial cord
per os goes to lymphoid tissues
slower with organ localization
E. coli disease in bovines: septicaemiae
Dx, therapy, and prevention
• Clinical (age, symptoms, colostrum: low gamma globulins in serum)
• Isolation + PCR for virulence genes
• NSAID (Shock)
- Antibiotics (susceptibility testing!)
- Gamma globulins: plasma from older animals
• Colostrum
E. coli disease in cats and dogs Enteric
• Isolation from feces: significance???
- Dog
- Freq + other pathogens (Parvo, C. perfringens, parasites)
- ETEC, EPEC, VTEC, EIEC: Both in clinically heathy as well as diarrheic
- Pups: CNF1 E. coli: association with diarrhea and septicaemiae?
- Cat???
E. coli disease in cats and dogs Cystitis and Pyometra
• Cystitis
- Dog
- Fimbriae: type one, F12, F13 (associated with human UTI)
• Specific serotypes (O2, O4, O6, O83) • 50%α-hemolytic
- Cat
- Seldom (high osmolarity of urine is antibacterial)
• Pyometra (dog) same strains as cystitis
E. coli disease in poultry and other birds
• Most important bacterial disease in broilers and layers
- Facultative pathogen
- Normal E. coli flora contains approx. 10% pathogenic serotypes
Specific serotypes
• Most frequent; O1, O2, O78
- Virulence factors
- Not fully understood what is of importance
E. coli disease in poultry and other birds
clinical appearances
- Clinical appearances:
- Neonatal colibacillosis
- Respiratory colibacillosis & septicaemiae
- Peritonitis (layers)
- Coli granuloma (old backyard chickens)
- Otitis media (part of swollen head syndrome)
• Chronic respiratory colibacillosis + arthritis
Pathogenesis E. coli disease in poultry and other birds
- Peritonitis in layers:
- Endogenic infection
- Start of lay- good time to start monitoring
- Chronic form in older animals
E. coli disease in poultry and other birds Diagnosis
• Pathological lesions
• Isolation of E. coli from different internal organs (liver, spleen, lung)
• Yolk rest infection (omphalitis)
—————Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Proteus, Clostridia, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus
• Acute sepsis
————— Pasteurella, Salmonella, Streptococcus, Erysipelothrix
• Coligranuloma
————— Aviary TB, tumor, chronic blackhead syndrome (turkey)
• Airsacculitis
—————CRD, NDV, IB, ORT, aspergillosis
E. coli disease in poultry and other birds Treatment and prevention
• Treatment
• Very difficult
• Antibiotics: susceptibility tests necessary
• Prevention:
• Hygiene
- Stress
- Temperature
- Vaccine (Zoetis, Poulvac), for breeding stock immunization
Scabby hip/necrotic dermatitis (broilers)
- E. coli O78, O2
- Frequently also other bacteria
- Difficult to diagnose
• Found at slaughter
• Prevention
————— Lower density of animals
E. coli disease in rabbits: RPEC
• EPEC (eae positive)
• Diagnosis:
- Clinical symptoms
- Isolation and subtyping (necessary)
- Specific sero/biotypes:
—————bio-/serogroup (1+/O109) is mainly pathogenic to suckling rabbits,
—————(3-/O15, 4+/O26, 8+O103) or less (2+/O128, 2+/O132) pathogenic to weaned rabbits
• Treatment
• Antibiotics
Pathogenesis of Neonatal colibacillosis
Containmination of: egg shell, neonate, manipulation of chicks
when the egg shell is containminated, upon cooling after lay shrinking of content