Test 2 -Pasteurella Flashcards
Pasteurella multocida General
- Gram negative
- Obligate symbiotic
- Little resistant in environment
• Capsule: types A-E (antigenic properties)
- ——– Type A: mucoid capsule + hyaluronic acid
- ——— Subdivision of PM based on somatic antigens (1-16)
Pasteurella multocida Virulence factors
• Adhesins: fimbriae and outer membrane proteins
- *• Capsule:**
- —— Adherence
- *——- Anti-phagocytic
- ——-Anti-complement**
- Cell wall: LPS- gram negative
- Iron acquisition: siderophores and outer membrane proteins
• Toxins
• RTX (repeats in toxin
——– Leukotoxin and lysis of erythrocytes (hemolysis)
- ——– Impairspulmonarymacrophagefunction
- ———Inflammatory reaction with tissue destruction
• Rho activating toxin (Pasteurella multocida toxin, dermonecrotic toxin)
- Other:
- Hyaluronidase
• Neuramidase
Pasteurella multocida
hosts for high and low virulent strains
• High virulent strains
• Obligate pathogenic: septicaemiae
• In bovines, birds and rabbits
• Low virulent strains
• Facultative pathogenic (nose, tonsils): rhinitis, pneumonia • In pig, bovines and rabbits
P. multocida in rabbits: rhinitis (snuffles)
- May evolve to:
- Pleuropneumonia
- Otitis( can see because the head is tilled
- Conjunctivitis
- Abscesses
P. multocida in bovines
- Low pathogenic serovars (See bacterial bronchopneumonia in bovines)
- High pathogenic serovars:
- Hemorrhagic septicaemiae
- Serotypes
- B:2 mainly in South East Asia
- E:2 mainly in Africa
- Not really in Europe nor in the USA
Serotypes are just FYI
- High mortalities (50-100%)
- Spread by asymptomatic carriers(tonsils)
- Direct contact • Ticks and flea’s
- Therapy: Antiboditics do not work
- Inactivated vaccine
P. multocida in pigs
- Atrophic rhinitis: See Bordetella bronchiseptica
- Lung pasteurellosis
- ———-Multifactorial disease
- ———-Mainly capsule type A and somatic type 3
- Aerosol transmission
- Carriers (nose)
- Suppurative bronchopneumonia and fibrinous pleuritis
P. multocida in poultry: fowl cholera
• Different Capsular types
- Susceptibility differences
- Duck>goose>turkey>chicken>pheasant>partridge> guinea fowl
P. multocida in poultry:
fowl cholera Pathogenesis
- In nose and beak of healthy animals
- Entrance: mucosae mouth, throat, trachea, skin lesions (eg. cat bites)
• Septicaemiae
——— acute, subacute, chronic disease progression (depending on host)
• Excretion: nose, mouth
——Drinking water, feed!
P. multocida in poultry: fowl cholera Symptoms
• Chicken and turkey
——Mainly young adult
- ——Chicken: chronic
- ——————- Sneezing, nose excretions, oedema head
- Acute: sudden dead
- Cat bites: always hyperacute in all bird species
P. multocida in cats and dogs
• Licking of wounds: wound infection
- Biting wounds and scratch lesions
- Cats biting a bird: Bird gets Pasteurella septicaemiae!
————– In the eventual case: always give antibiotics (the bird will not survive the infection)
• Less virulent serotypes
———- Tonsils
Humans and biting wounds by cats and dogs
- Pasteurella spp
- Neisseria spp
- Capnocytophaga spp
Above are Frequently with obligate anaerobes involved Sometimes + Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.
• Bartonella henselae (cat)
Local symptoms, regional Lymph nodes
Bacteremia and tissue localization
• Prevention of Infection from Bites
- Prevent
- Wound disinfection
- When antibiotics:
- Fever
- hands/face
- Stab wound (deep and can get anaerobic)
- Pus
- Whensurgeryisnecessary
- Risk groups (lower immunity)
Mannheimia hemolytica
Mannheimia hemolytica used to be Pasteurella hemolytica
Mannheimia hemolytica
- Obligate symbiotic
- Capsule types (A-F)
- Low environmental resistance
Mannheimia hemolytica
Virulence factors
• Leukotoxin: RTX family (related to Apx toxins of APP,…)
- ———– Low dose: oxidative metabolism in NF & MF
- ————-High dose: lysis of phagocytes
- ————– Only effective on leucocytes of bovines and sheep!
—————Strongly antigenic
• Transferrin binding proteins
- Endotoxins (LPS)
- Capsule (anti-Phagocytosis)
• Fimbriae
Mannheimia hemolytica
In different animals
Facultative pathogenic
—————-Bovine: tonsils/nasopharynx (low numbers)
—————-Sheep: nose and tonsils
Pneumonia (both primary and secondary infection are possible)
All serotypes
Frequently found in the nose
Little to no acquired antimicrobial resistance
• Bovines
Serotypes 1, 2, 6
Seldom found in nose
Quite some acquired antimicrobial resistance
Role in bacterial bronchopneumonia in calves
Bacterial broncho-pneumonia in calves
• Multifactorial disease
———— Environmental factors- grouping cows together
- ————Viral infections
- ————Bacterial infections
• In young animals
Bacterial broncho-pneumonia in calves
Primary pathogens possibly involved:
• M. haemolytica
• Mycoplasma bovis
• Histophilus somni (+ CNS SY: sleeper disease)
- Ureaplasma diversum
- Mycoplasma dispar (chronic respiratory disease)
- Salmonella Dublin
- don’t need to know for test 2, but will need to know for the final
Bacterial broncho-pneumonia in calves
- Secondary pathogens possibly involved
- Pasteurella multocida (low, medium virulent strains)
- ————- Facultative pathogen
- ————–Respiratory system
- Trueperella pyogenes
- Moraxella spp.
Shipping fever
Bacterial broncho-pneumonia in calves by M. haemolytica and P. multocida
when you have these two together—– you call them shipping fever
M. haemolytica and P. multocida
Pathogenesis: endogenic
- Stress (transport, environmental changes, viral infection,…)
- Multiplication at the nasopharynx of M. haemolytica
———- Lung (aspiration of upper airway droplets)
——————- Fibronecrotic bronchopneumonia
———- Septicaemic phase (not so frequent)
• P. multocida: secondary pathogen
———-Capsule type A, (D)
M. haemolytica and P.
Pathogenesis: exogenic
Pathogenesis: exogenic
- Excretion of high numbers of MH by infected calves
- Other animals get colonized/infected
Immunity from shipping fever
- Mainly antibody mediated immunity
- Presence in tonsils: antibody production and partial protection
- Protective antigens:
———-Leukotoxin (not fully protective)
- ——— Surface antigens
- ——————–Capsule(notagoodgradeofprotection)
———-Transferrin binding proteins
• Vaccine: needs a combination of factors
Symptoms of shipping fever
- General symptoms
- Respiratory distress
- Generally doesnt’ feel well
Lesions from shipping fever
• Different grades and depending on complicating infections
- ——— Fibrinous necrotizing bronchopneumonia
- ———Serofibrinous pleuritis
- ———Well defined pneumonia zones

shipping fever
• Mannheimia haemolytica and
p. multocida
Mannheimia haemolytica
• Bacterial culture from
———- Lungs
- ———BAL
- ———Nose (though difficult interpretation)
• Little resistant: quick to lab
• Pasteurella multocida:
• Culture from lung, BAL (nose)
Treatment of M. Hemmolytica and P. multocida
• Prevention!
- ———Thermoregulation
- ——— Feed: stomach fermentation
——————–Lower energy concentration
• Vaccination (success is variable)
———- Bacterins:+/-
———-Bacteria grown in Fe deprived media (transferrin binding proteins)+
———-Bacteria + leukotoxins +
• Antibiotics (evt. + cortico steroids)
Bibersteinia trehalosi
Septicaemiae at the age of 5-12 months; resembles bovine hemorrhagic septicaemia
DD -Clostridium perfringens enterotoxemia
Acute mortality
———- Stress
———-Changes in feed
used to be a pasterella