TERMS Flashcards
what is this HAV type based on the characteristics:
- No thickened medial bursa
- Smaller dorsomedial eminence
- Less adduction of hallux
- Less valgus rotation of hallux
- Planal dominance – transverse
juvenile HAV
what is this HAV type based on the characteristics:
- Bursal thickening
- Associated digital deformities
- Severe DJD
- Planal dominance – transverse & frontal
adult HAV
what is this osseous procedure-DMO?
- Chevron osteotomy, 60o cut
- Lateral translation of capital fragment
- Kalish modification
- Know every step, every detail of this procedure
what is this osseous procedure-DMO?
-Medially-based wedge of the metatarsal head
▪ Versus Peabody, more proximal
-Accounts for increased PASA (lateral deviation)
-Doesn’t directly address IMA, not transpositional
what about logroscino? what is it?
reverdin + proximal osteotomy
what is this osseous procedure-PMO?
-Lengthens the first ray
-Often requires grafting
-Useful for an anatomically
short 1st metatarsal
opening base wedge osteotomy
what is this osseous procedure-PMO?
-Widely used in JHAV correction
-Oblique osteotomy cut, distal enough to avoid
growth plate
-Potential for shortening, elevation of metatarsal
-Difficult in a narrow metatarsal
-Pontious advocated CBWO + Reverdin, excellent
results in JHAV with met adductus and high PASA
closing base wedge osteotomy
what is this osseous procedure-PMO?
- Can achieve multiplanar correction without shortening
- Difficult to fixate
- OR often may not have appropriate blade
crescentic osteotomy