hinged instruments composed of set of jaws, finger rings, and a locking mechanism.
They are the primary means of acquiring hemostasis during anatomical dissection and are also useful for bluntly spreading tissues
curved mosquito hemostats
hinged instruments composed of a set of jaws, finger rings, and a locking mech.
Primary means of acquiring hemostasis during anatomical dissection and are also useful for bluntly spreading tissues
straight mosquito hemostat
two long blade jaws displaying transverse serrations with opposing sharp, interlocking teeth at the tips.
placing traction on heavy fascia, care must be taken to avoid crushing the contained tissues, also useful in twisting 28 gauge monofilament wires
kocher forceps
available with narrow or wide jaws, each jaw composed of opposing serrated edges or short teeth.
useful in grasping and retracting fascia and subQ tissue
allis tissue forceps
hinged instruments composed of a set of jaws, finger rings, and a locking mechanism.
Primary means of acquiring hemostasis during anatomical dissection and are useful for blunty spreading tissues
curved kelly hemostat
this instrument has two opposing circular jaws with transverse serrations
its useful for grasping small ossicles and bony fragments
phalangeal head elevator
consists of finger rings, a locking mechanism and jaws. These come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Jaws may be smooth to cross cut or parallel serrations to channeled jaws. Useful in closure of skin, subQ and deep fascia
mayo-hogar needle holder 5”
these scissors have a flat, plow like lower blade tip that protects the patient from injury. Useful to cut bandages
bandage scissors
straight blades with blunt tips useful to cut suture
suture scissors
curved blades, blunt tipped useful for cutting thick bands of fascia and ligaments, aids deeper dissection enhances visualization of the cutting field and improves mobility
curved mayo scissors
aka baby Metz, Metz, plastic scissors, dissecting scissors
narrow, slightly curved, blunt tipped, ideal for subQ dissection as well as lighter fascial and capsular structures
metzenbaum dissecting scissors
fine cutting with a single centered hole in each blade, useful for delicate tissue dissection.
careful manipulation of the sharp tips is necessary
little scissors
the fine cutting blades of the lightweight iris scissors are only for delicate tissue dissection, and manipulation of the sharp tips of this instrument is necessary
straight iris scissors
short, broad blade scissors used in the accurate dissection of osseous structures like sesamoids
crown and collar scissors
aka backhaus, jones
backhaus towel clamp provides a double sharp set of jaws and is used in draping the operative field and to secure items in surgery
towel clamp
the self retaining retractor is used to hold metatarsals aside, thereby increasing exposure and protecting vital structures
schink retractor
aka digital, alm westlander, baby lamina spreader
used to hold tissues aside, thereby increasing exposure and protecting vital structures
free the assistant to perform duties that may expedite the procedure
weitlaner retractor, self retaining retractor
straight blunt scissors used for the general purpose of cutting bandages and other materials
utility scissors
both surfaces taper to form a fine cutting edge useful in cutting and sculpting hard cortical one
available in various sizes
smooth broad blades that are used to elevate metatarsal heads from surrounding tissues
mcglamry elevators
smooth broad blades that expedite periosteal reflection around curved surfaces such as the talar neck and posterior aspect of the calcaneus
credo elvators
pick ups referred to as thumb forceps in McGlamry, consist of two pieces of surgical steel attached at one end and used to pick up or grasp tissue
platform pick ups
vascular pick ups
picks ups, referred to as thumb forceps in McGlamry, consist of two pieces of surgical steel attached at one end and used to pick up or grasp tissue. forceps are held between the thumb and middle or index fingers
debakey forceps
thumb pick ups
picks ups, referred to as thumb forceps in McGlamry, consist of two pieces of surgical steel attached at one end and used to pick up or grasp tissue.
held between thumb and middle or index fingers.
flat tipped or finely serrated narrow forceps used to delicately grasp vital structures, pull sutures and needles and manipulate skin during closure
smooth forceps
pick ups referred to as thumb forceps in McGlamry consisting of two pieces of surgical steel attached at one end and are used to pick up or grasp tissue
forceps are held between the thumb and middle or index fingers
1-2 pick ups allow the surgeon to hold structures while applying a minimal amount of tension
1-2 pickups
pick ups are referred to as thumb forceps in McGlamry, consist of two pieces of surgical steel attached at one end and are used to pick up or to grasp tissue
brown adson allows the surgeon to hold structures with minimal tension
brown adson forceps
double hook
retractors used to hold tissues aside, increasing exposure and protecting vital structures. hand held retractors enable the assistant to control the force with which tissues are held and release tension as necessary
double pronged skin hooks
double end, blunt
retractors are used to hold tissues aside, thereby increasing exposure and protecting vital structures
hand held retractors enable the assistant to control the force with which tissues are held and to intermittently release tension as necessary
ragnell retractor
rake (sharp or blunt)
retractors are used to hold tissues aside, thereby increasing exposure and protecting vital structures. Hand held retractors enable the assistant to control the force with which tissues are held and to intermittently release tension as necessary
sharp and dull senn retractor
periosteal elevators used to separate periosteum from underlying bone and occasionally to provide leverage for retracting deep fascia, ligaments, and periosteum.
these are smooth, broad blades that vary in progress
freer elevator is ideal for reflecting periosteum from the shaft of metatarsal bone
freer periosteal elevator