inflammation of the tendon and results from micro tears that happen when the musculotendinous unit is acutely overloaded with a tensile force too heavy or too sudden
a degeneration of the tendons collagen in response to chronic overuse
name this classification of tendon
inflammatory in nature with acute and chronic stages
name this classification of tendon
tendon degeneration absence of inflammatory cells hypercellularity neovascularization increased proteoglycans increased type III collagen collagen bundle separation
name this classification of tendon
aka tenosynovitis inflammation of paratenon inflammatory cells present hypervascularity fibrinous exudate in sheath myofibrolblast in wound crepitation
this is inflammatory in nature
involves cardinal signs of Inf
Inf. cells present
pronounced tears/damage
Itis or Osis
non-inflammatory in nature
lacks cardinal signs of inflammation
no Inf cells present under microscope
lacks evidence of large scale damage
itis or osis
inflammation of only the tendinous sheath
paratenon inflammation with intratendinous degeneration
same as paratenonitis BUT with decreased tendon collagen, fiber disorientation, scattered vascular ingrowth
clinical exam same as paratenonitis but with nodule formation
paratenonitis with tendonosis
intratendonous degeneration with atrophy
non inflammatory collagen degeneration, fiber disorientation, hypocellularity, necrosis and calcifications
nodular appearance, little if any edema
caused by improper ability of tissues to manage load/volume
tendon injuries account for up to 50% of all sport related pathology
tendonopathy and overuse injuries
name this tendon function
regular collagen
minimal vascularity
spindle shaped tenocytes
normal tendon
name this tendon function
disorganized type III collagen
neovascularization/neuronal ingrowth
round tenocytes
abundant ground substance
name this loading type
bodyweight, jumping, running, cycling
name this loading type
weight training
name this Theory of Tendon Injury
• Oldest and Most Open To Challenge
• Normal Collagen Fibers Can’t Tear In Vivo Without Substantive
Alterations In Non-Collagenous Matrix
• Collagen Tearing and Remodeling Does Not Occur As A Result of
Collagen Disruption Model
name this Theory of Tendon Injury
• Classic Inflammation Following Tendon Laceration
• Inflammatory Cells Observed In Pathologic Tendons But Not In
Traditional Inflammatory Response
Inflammatory Model
name this Theory of Tendon Injury
• Tenocytes Responsible For maintaining Extracellular Matrix In
Resposne to Environment
• Tendon Load Changes Are Sensed and Trigger Cascade Response
• Understimulation of Tendon Due to Lack of Loading Plays A Role In
Tendon Cell Response Model
what is this classification of tendon injury
- Non-Inflammatory Proliferative Response In The Cell and Cell Matrix
- Occurs Due tO Acute Tensile or Compressive Loads
- Results IN Short-Term Adaptive Thickening of Focal Areas
Reactive Tendon
what is this classification of tendon injury
• Describes the Attempt of Tendon Healing Similar To Reactive
Tendonopathy But With More Matrix Breakdown
- Increased Number of Cells Causes increased Pr Production
- More Focal and Matrix Related Changes Than Reactive
Tendon Disrepair
what is this classification of tendon injury
• Cell Death Due To Apoptosis, Trauma, Tenocyte Exhaustion
- Acellular Areas, Large Areas of Disordered Matrix, Little Collagen and Matrix Breakdown
- Little Capacity For Reversal!
Degenerative Tendon
name this clinical presentation
Younger (18-25) Rapid Onset Extreme Load Easily Aggravated PAINFUL UNCOMMON
name this clinical presentation
Older(40-60) Past Hx After Overload Variable Swelling PAINFUL VERY COMMON
Reactive on DEG
name this clinical presentation
Older(30-60) Long Hx Swelling/Lumps Unloading/Atrophy NOT PAINFUL COMMON
name this treatment strategy that utilizes load principles and contiuum
- 5x45Seconds With One Minute Rest
- -Decreased Pain 45 Minutes Post Exercise
- Implementable During Other Training
- Good For Reactive Tendons
- Mid-Range Contractions
name this treatment strategy that utilizes load principles and contiuum
• 3x15 Reps, unilateral, slow 3 second contractions, 2 minutes rest between sets • 2 Exercises • -Heel Drops Knees Straight • -Heel Drop Knees Bent • Twice Daily • 7 Days/Week • 12 Weeks
name this treatment strategy that utilizes load principles and contiuum
- -3x Per Week
- -3 second concentric and 3 second eccentric contraction (6 total seconds)
- -RPE 8 on Last 2 Reps
- Week One 3x15 RM
- Week Two-Three 3x12 RM
- Week Four-Five 4x10 RM
- Week Six-Eight 4x8 RM
- Week Nine-Twelve 4x6 RM
- 3 Two Legged Exercises
- -Seated Heel Raises-Bent Knee
- -Leg Press Heel Raises-Knee Straight
- -Forefoot Elevated Toes Raises With Bar