major requirement of successful walking?
support of body mass
production of locomotor rhythm
dynamic balance control
propulsion of body
what is the gait cycle comprised of?
2 phases
what are waling aids used for?
for people who can’t walk independently
purpose of walking aids?
increases base of support
maintains center of gravity
redistribute wt
decrease pain
types of walking aids?
selection criteria for walking aids?
stability of patient
strength capabilities/coordination of both UE and LE
name this amb aid?
use full length mirror at end for biofeedback
bar level=greater trochanter
parallel bar
most common mobility aid?
advantage of canes?
improves balance and postural stability
reduced load on joints
types of canes?
standard cane standard adjustable aluminum cane adjustable aluminum offset cane tripods quadrupeds hemicane rolling cane
most stable of the canes?
name this cane:
pressure not centered
not utilized on stairs
more expensive
slows down forward progression
name this cane?
not appropriate for patients with propulsive gait pattern
rolling cane
what are the handgrip consideration?
patient comfort
adequate surface area
what are the types of handgrips?
crook handle
straight offset
what are the measurement considerations for canes?
cane placed 6 inches form lateral border of toes
greater trochanter and angle of elbow are important landmarks
can’t top should sit at level of greater trochanter and elbow should be flexed to about 30 degrees
this amb aid has the greater stability?
walking frames
what are the features of waling frames?
glides easily
folding mechanism for storage
platform attachment available
wheel attachments
what are the types of walking frames?
advantages of walking frames?
allows unilateral forward progression
useful for patients who can’t lift the walker
lightweight and easily adjustable
*less stable
less user friendly
eliminate arm swing
what are the two basic types of crutches?
axillary crutches
forearm crutches
improve balance and eliminate wt bearing fully or partially
crutch prequisites?
good UE strength is required
good UE ROM is required
muscle groups of importance
-shoulder flexors, extrensors, depressors
advantages of standard crutches? disadvantages?
increase balance and lateral stability
allow ambulation with altered weight bearing
easily adjustable
not for small spaces
decreased UE freedom
precautions for standard crutches?
need supervision
ensure proper assembly and maintenance
clean tips
watch uneven surfaces
this is part of the crutch that transfers BW from forearms to device
platform attachment
most common method for measuring standard crutch length measurements?
standing and supine measures
adv and disadv for forearm crutches?
cuff allows hand use
easily adjustable
functional stair climbing
less lateral support
cuffs can be difficult to remove
require good balance and strength
most common method for measuring forearm crutch length measurements?
supported standing
what is key for crutch walking?
for NWB? PWB?
utilize triangular base, crutches and affected leg are taken forward together and then the crutches and affected leg are swung through together
what is the gait pattern with crutches?
four point three point two point two point swing through two point swing to gait
this gait simulates normal gait?
two point gait pattern
this gait for fractures or amuptees?
three point gait pattern
this gait for slow, stable consistent 3 point contact?
four point gait pattern
fastest gait?
swing-through gait
gait in which both crutches move together and then both LE Swing to crutch level?
swing to gait
what is the ambulatory progression?
use parallel bars