the pain pathway affects what afferents?
A-delta afferents
what is the pathway of the pain pathway?
A-delta afferents project to marginal cells that connect to lateral spinothalamic tract
the a-delta receptors project to?
enkephalinergic stalk cells (ST) in the spinal cord which inhibits the SGR and blocs transmission of C fiber pain
fast pain carrying fibers in the lateral spinothalamic tract give off collaterals to the _____?
periaqueductal gray (PAG) in the midbrain
the PAG activates what of the medulla? this stimulates?
the nucleus raphe magnus of the medulla
stimulates the ST cells and SGR
what influences PAG activation of the hypothalamus?
prefrontal cortex and generates descending pain modulation
this influences the locus coeruleus of the pons or similar noradrenergic brainstem structures controlling the SGR modulating pain?
nucleus paragigantocullularis (PGC) of the medulla
how is pain via the spinal segment inhibited?
direct input of A-delta generated information to the reticular dorsalis in the medulla