this involves the application of a restrictive device like a pressurized cuff to the proximal portion of the lower or upper extremities
maintains arterial inflow to the muscle while preventing venous return
blood flow restriction
how many sets/reps?
4 sets of 30, 15,15, and 15 reps with 30 sec rest between sets
when used?
aches, pains, injury
BFR restriction was initially invented in Japan and known as? used for?
improvement in athletic performance
anti-aging and preventative care
space travel
what are the examples of compressive devices used in BFR?
compression bands
BFR bands
occlusion cuff
Delphi tourniquet system
cuff placement? pressure?
proximal and lower extremity
Pulse- 80% of auscultation cutoff 140-240 mmHg LE 100-160 mmHg UE Delphi- self measuring Bands- 4-5/UE, 6-7/10LE
a smaller width cuff requires?
greater pressure
a larger width cuff requires?
reduction in pressure
how does BFR work?
more recruitment of fast twitch fibers
elevated accumulation of H+ ions and lactate in muscle
deformation of muscle resulting in greater growth factor release
relies on glycolysis
what is affected?
musculotendinous unit alterations
endocrine response
systemic and cardio response
cellular adaptations
what is the affect of the endocrine response?
increase in lactate promotes large amount of increase in GH
growth hormone-> collagen synthesis
low pH levels-> sympathetic nn-> inc in GH production in anterior pituitary
increase in IGF-1
decrease in myostatin
what is the affect of the endocrine response?
satellite cells stimulated
increased venous compliance promoting increased post exercise blood flow
shown to help decrease blood pressure in medicated hypertensive patients via hypotensive response
decreased SV, SBP, DBP
increased VO2
what is the affect of cellular adaptations?
cellular uptake of H2O and metabolites (IGF-1, lactate, acidic environment)
intensity of BFR exercise for effectiveness?
low-intensity exercise for adaptations
20% 1 RM
w/o exercise
improvements seen with BFR and aerobic exercise?
intensity level and duration?
glycogen stores
oxidative enzymes
heart rate
both reduced
BFR flow chart?
mech tension
skeletal muscle damage
metabolic stress