Team development Flashcards
Stages of team performance
Stages of team performance
-First stage of team development in which team members are introduced to each other
-Team members observe one another’s behaviour and are polite to each other
-Team members show mutual respect and they feel comfortable
-This stage is characterised by focusing on the routine and administrative details of the goals of the team
-Conflict occurs among team members after the forming stage is concluded
-Team members with different ideas exchange these ideas, which leads to conflict
-Team members oppose the ideas of others when they do not correspond with their ideas
-There may be power struggles
-The conflict during the storming stage must be resolved as soon as possible
-Team members come to an agreement and reach consensus
-Individual team members collectively work towards the goals of the team
-The duties and responsibilities of all team members are set out and agreed to
-Team members are aware of the strategies and aims of the team
-The leader trusts the team and avoids interfering in the operations of the team
-Leaders delegate and oversee the processes and procedures
-Processes and structures are in place to ensure the smooth execution of the job
-The focus is on the completion of the task
-Some team members adjust poorly to the team breaking up because they find it difficult to work alone again
-All tasks must be completed before the team finally breaks up and individual members go their separate ways
Importance of team dynamic theories in improving team performance
-Team dynamic theories are used to explain the effectiveness and importance of teamwork
-The skills of the team member determines the role that will be allocated to her
-Individuals within the team with similar skills may compete for certain duties
-Disagreements among team members may be reduced when team members specialise in their tasks