tactics 101 Flashcards
in every incident, there is a leader. when fire responders are functioning in a ___ mode the incident is the leader
reactive (164)
when the company officer is being ___, he is fulfilling his leadership role
any decision making process we use should revolve are our basic ___
mission (165)
the __ ___ clearly state our mission and the responsibilities we have to our community
incident priorities
the first responsibility of any officer is to protect the ___ of the ff under their command
officers must continuously apply the __ __ __ throughout the incident operations to insure our actions are appropriate for our current conditions
risk management plan
with in the guidelines of our departments risk management plan we are sworn to achieve our primary strategic objective of ___ __.
protecting lives
__ __ should be something we consider from our initial actions until stop loss is declared
property conservation
not pulling sheetrock in an effort to salvage property can result in overlooking hidden fire and can cause __ losses
effective stream management, aggressive ventilation, throwing salvage covers early, removing undamaged property, diking, eater removal, and committing necessary resources to uninvolved exposures are examples of good property ___ tactics
__ __ involves providing services to assist the customer in their recovery. this involves providing short term service that stabilize and begin to normalize the customers lives
customer stabilization (166)
keeping the tactical objectives in mind we need to follow a logical decision making process to establish and maintain a __ approach
the command sequence offers a 3 step decision making model that leads the officer through the development and implementation of the __ __ __
what are the 3 steps of command sequence
in the command sequence ___ is size up/situation evaluation
in the command sequence think results in __ __
problem identification
in the command sequence ___ is identify strategy and tactical needs
in the command sequence plan creates the
in the command sequence __ is resource management
in the command sequence act means ____. this is the process of managing the strategy and the IAP
__ __ is an ongoing process of gathering and analyzing information critical to the incident that lease to problem identification
size up
size up is not complete unitl
you have cleared the scene
during a size you must constantly ask yourself what 3 questions
what happened
what is happing
what is going to happen
what are the 3 phases of size up
pre incident information
initial size up
ongoing size up
___ is your familiarity with you district and preexisting knowledge you have of your community and department prior to the incident
pre incident information
__ __ consists of the observations and evaluations you develop en route and upon arrival at the emergency scene. this information dictates the strategy decision and the development of the IAP
initial size up
__ __ is done when priorities are met and goals are achieved as the incident objectives evolve, we must constantly evaluate whether our actions fit the current conditions
ongoing size up
__ __ information provides a basis for being proactive and is critical to the identification of problems as well as the development of strategies and tactics
pre incident (168)
pre incident information is invaluable to identifying ___ considerations
company officer should prioritize special ___ in their response districts and become familiar with the structures and the pre plans of there unique hazards
___ can help company officers with their decision making process
understanding the ___ in you area is also important,
when we talk about ____ we are not concerned with the how the buildings are constructed. instead we are concerned with the purpose and internal contents of the them.
knowledge of your districts __ __ is critical pre incident information
water supply
a company officer should be able to answer the following questions regarding their jurisdictions water supply
are there any out of service hydrants
any dead end hydrants
area which are only supplied from one direction
the following is what phase of size up pre-plans occupancies water supply environmental conditions time of day area knowledge department resources
phase 1 pre incident information
phase 2 of the size up begins with the __ and continues through the initial on scene report
phase __ is probably the most critical part of the size because this is when you decide how you will operate and what tactical approaches you will use in responding to the emergency incident
what are the enroute responsibilities that the company officer must complete
proper PPE acknowledge dispatch go en route seat belt assist with locating best route proper radio channel read and eval notes share pertinent info with crew identify best hydrants and eval access secure passports and tactical worksheet communicate pre arrival information to crew transmit any pre-arrival info to other units
the incident command system is initiated by the first arriving fire department suppression unit or an officer that provides a __ __ __
BIR (171)if
the following information makes up what report
unit designation (who am I)
incident location (where am I)
establish, name and locate command (who is in command)
brief description of the situation (what do I have)
action being taken and strategy declaration ( what I am doing)
state any immediate needs from incoming units or dispatch (what do I need)
what information is in a BIR
unit designation (who am I) incident location (where am I) establish, name and locate command (who is in command) brief description of the situation (what do I have) action being taken and strategy declaration ( what I am doing) state any immediate needs from incoming units or dispatch (what do I need)
the BIR notifies the entire response that a fire unit has arrived and designates an __ __ as being in charge
incident commander
the BIR is the 1 st opportunity to get everyone en route on the same page and working together T/F
a good report will set the stage for a __ operation
organized (172)
if you are not able to announce your command mode and strategy in BIR you must do so in your __ __ __
follow up report
before or immediately after the __ __ __ is completed the company officer must make his crew aware of his initial assignments
if command is actively communicating with another unit then do not break in unless you have ___ traffic
at the very least try to get a view of __ sides of the residential structure and attempt to bet the broadest view possible of a commercial structure
investigation is typically done by the initial company officer but __ can be assigned to their personnel or other crews on larger more complex incidents
after you have evaluated the scene and identified the critical factors you may want to give a __ __ __
follow up report
the follow up report is intended to clarify information that was left out of the __ __ __ or to explain critical information that was discovered in the investigation or situation evaluation
is a follow up report always necessary
if your resources are adequate, you do not have any safety concerns, or you have already clarified your __ mode and strategy, a follow up report is not needed
command (174)
the following information is in what report
situational update
resource determination
any immediate safety concerns
clarify command mode, strategy, and IAP in not done in BIR
follow up report
what information is in a follow report
situational update
resource determination
any immediate safety concerns
clarify command mode, strategy, and IAP in not done in BIR
our overall __ on the emergency scene is to apply standard actions to standard conditions to produce standard outcomes
to achieve the goal of applying standard actions to standard conditions to produce standard outcomes we must evaluate critical areas that we typically encounter. what is the evaluation tool
8 critical factors
the 8 critical factors are combined with the __ __ __ to complete our situation evaluation
risk management plan
what 2 tools are used continuously throughout the incident to generate safe decisions at every level
8 critical factors
risk management plan
during most critical incident situations the ic must develop an initial IAP based on incomplete information. the critical unknowns must become information ___
the __ __ __ are a list of the basic items that the ic must consider when evaluating situations
8 critical factors
the following are found under what critical factor
size and height
interior arrangement/acces(stairs,elevators)
construction type
vert/hor openings(common attics no fire stop
forcible entry obstacles (bars on window)
concealed spaces
integrity of the building
ventilation (building systems)
building (175)
what is being considered when looking that the building portion of the 8 critical factors
size and height
interior arrangement/acces(stairs,elevators)
construction type
vert/hor openings(common attics no fire stop
forcible entry obstacles (bars on window)
concealed spaces
integrity of the building
ventilation (building systems)
the following are found under what critical factor size extent (% of structure involved) location stage (inception/flashover) direction of travel avenue of travel time of involvement type & amount of material involved(contents) smoke (volume, velocity, color, density
what information is found under the 8 critical factor fire problem
size extent (% of structure involved) location stage (inception/flashover) direction of travel avenue of travel time of involvement type & amount of material involved(contents) smoke (volume, velocity, color, density
the following are found under what critical factor
fire load
status( occupied, vancant, abandoned, under construction)
occupancy assoc characteristics/hazards
type of contents
occupancy- specific occupancy ( business, office, school storage facility, industrial)
what information is found under the 8 critical factor occupancy- specific occupancy ( business, office, school storage facility, industrial)
fire load
status( occupied, vancant, abandoned, under construction)
occupancy assoc characteristics/hazards
type of contents
the following are found under what critical factor
location of occupants (in relation to fire)
number of occupants
incapacities of occupants
commitment required for search and rescue
ems needs
life hazard (176)
what information is found under the 8 critical factor life hazard
location of occupants (in relation to fire)
number of occupants
incapacities of occupants
commitment required for search and rescue
ems needs
the following are found under what critical factor
access, arrangement and distance of exposures
combustibility of exposures
direction of fire extension
capability/limitations on apparatus movement and use
involvement of multiple buildings
access for apparatus
what information is found under the 8 critical factor arrangement
access, arrangement and distance of exposures
combustibility of exposures
direction of fire extension
capability/limitations on apparatus movement and use
involvement of multiple buildings
access for apparatus
the following are found under what critical factor
staffing and equipment on scene and in staging
estimate of response time for personnel and equipment
need to rehab personnel
adequacy and location of water supply
supplemental water sources
built in fire protection (sprinkler, standpipe, alarms, protected spaces, smoke removal)
the need for specialized resources
what information is found under the 8 critical factor resources
staffing and equipment on scene and in staging
estimate of response time for personnel and equipment
need to rehab personnel
adequacy and location of water supply
supplemental water sources
built in fire protection (sprinkler, standpipe, alarms, protected spaces, smoke removal)
the need for specialized resources
the following are found under what critical factor effect current action is having stage of operation command team in place and have developed an effective IAP strategic benchmarks been met are there enough resources are crews operating safely is there a safety plan in place
what information is found under the 8 critical factor
effect current action is having stage of operation command team in place and have developed an effective IAP strategic benchmarks been met are there enough resources are crews operating safely is there a safety plan in place
the following are found under what critical factor time of day day of week special hazard such as special events weather social unrest
special circumstances (177)
what information is found under the 8 critical factor
special circumstances
time of day day of week special hazard such as special events weather social unrest
a ___ approach is the key to fire ground performance and must become habitual
each must practice as a __ __ for their safety as well as to minimize risk to others
safe person
what is the risk management plan
risk a lot for savable lives
risk a little for savable property
risk nothing for lives or property that are already lost
the risk management profile will be applied to all emergency incidents and will be continuously __ -__ throughout the incident operation
re assessed (178)
if an incident is run In a calculated and controlled manner the following is in place
incident command established
proper PPE is worn
safety procedures are in place
continuous risk assessment is conducted by all members
after you assess the 8 critical factors you must apply the __/__ tool
lvfr uses a simple 3 step risk management tool to help company officers determine an appropriate strategy. what is it
value time and size are criteria used to assess information for ___ planning
the 3 standard __ modes enable the initial arriving company officer to use a standard system to match the initial command action they take to the conditions tat are present
command (179)
the command mode is how you will be operating as the ic within the ___ plan
per National incident management system (NIMS) the are ___ recognized modes
what are the 3 command modes
fast attack
this is the option used when the company officer has insufficient information of the scene
investigative/nothing showing
in investigative mode the what units report directly to the scene
1st engine, truck, rescue and BC
where do units go that are not first on scene when command is in investigative mode
level 1 staging
what mode is used when there is an active dynamic problem that is present upon arrival of the 1st arriving unit and requires immediate action to stabilize
fast attack
fast attack mode should be concluded rapidly with and have what outcomes
the situation is quickly stabilized by fast offensive action
command is transferred from the fast attack company officer IC to another arriving company or command officer
company officer moves to an exterior position and operates in command mode
__ __ is used because of the size/severity of the situation, the complexity of the occupancy, the hazards present or the possibility of the basic incident problem expanding some scenarios will demand early strong stationary command from the very onset
command mode (180)
once in command mode the ic must stay in that position until
incident is terminated
command transferred
when a company officer establishes initial command in the command mode and takes a standard command position he what are his options for crew assignment
assign to another co
assign to staff function to assist the ic
assign to exterior task that can be supervised by ic
what staff functions can the ic crew be assigned to
assist with tactical worksheet
what are some exterior tasks that the ic crew and be assigned
exterior fire attack utilities water supply removing hazards placing ladders for egress
to evaluate a situation one must employ the 8 critical factors and the __ __ __. by combining these two evaluation tools we are able to identify the critical problems present at an incident as well as consider the risk to benefit ratio
risk management plan
when conditions change the ic must consider changing his overall strategy and the ____ to accommodate those changing conditions.
the basic goal of strategic management is to prevent ff from being in offensive positions under ___ conditions
what are the following questions considered:
have I effectively evaluated the incident conditions?
have I done a risk management evaluation?
basic strategic control
what are the following questions considered:
have I made a conscious offensive/defensive or combo attack decision?
have I placed the crews into their positions through ic orders or sop or have they freelanced into those postions
basic strategic control
what are the following questions considered:
am I in a position to observe and listen to progress/exception/completion report so I can effectively evaluate changing conditions?
have I forecasted what will happen in the future- five, ten and 15 min from now?
basic strategic control
what are the following questions considered:
do I know that my crews are ok?
can I communicate with and move crews if conditions change?
basic strategic control
the ic should maintain a __ __ of resources that can be deployed to critical functions if safety and operational needs change
ready reserve (183)
ready reserve should have ___ engine, truck and rescue or more as ordered by command
it is the ___ responsibility to maintain adequate resources on scene to complete the tactical objectives
the ic uses __ __ to keep the strategy and IAP current
progress reports
progress reports must be given consistently by the crews conducting __ assignments
for the ic to have a clear picture of the status of the situation there must be an ongoing flow of information between the ic and those who carrying out the ____
action plan
progress reports should include a __ __ __
personnel accountability report
the C in CAAN report stands for
the A in CAAN report stands for
the 2nd A in CAAN report stands for
the N in CAAN report stands for
when giving a CAAN report actions should include
searching for fire water on the fire knockdown conducting primary ventilating
when giving a CAAN report air should include
supply of lowest member and estimated time the can stay on task and par
when an assignment tactical objective or benchmark is completed then the officer or team leader in charge will make a __ report to command
completion (184)
the __ part of the command sequence is when you decide on a strategy identify tactical needs of the incident, and develop the IAP.
plan (185)
the plan part of the sequence is when you will decide on how you will manage the incident t/f
___ is the overall operational approach to the incident and basically determines where personnel will be operating in relation to the hazard zone
in fire situations, the ___ determines whether inside or outside operations will be conducted
what are the 3 strategies
offensive, defensive, combination
the ___ ____ ___ describes the tactical details and work plan that address and solve the incident problem.
the details of the IAP become performance ___ of the ic and the entire operational team
the IAP provides the __ assignments required to achieve the offensive/defensive strategy
the ___ comes 1st and drives the IAP
the __ __ __ must follow and match the strategy
_____ operations are conducted where incident conditions will allow a fast active attack inside the hazard zone
offensive (186)
a safe offensive position is where all parts of our __ system can protect a hot zone worker from the interior conditions that are present at the time
the ___ is the overall operational approach to the incident and basically determines where personnel will be operating in relation to the hazard zone
this strategy is selected when the situation evaluation determines that the benefit outweighs the risks and that adequate resources are available to succeed.
whenever we have determined that there is something of value to save and our basic safety system can protect our workers we must consider an __ strategy
all offensive fire operations follow a basic tactical sequence what is it
secure water supply
stretch charged hose line into position
vent and search all areas
extinguish fire
you should not deploy personnel into a burning structure without 1st working toward securing an adequate, uninterrupted __ __
water supply (187)
you must make sure __ is in place prior to making entry because by releasing built up heat and incomplete products of combustion we improve interior conditions and decrease the chance of flashover
a minimum of ___” hose line must be in place and charged prior to making entry
1 3/4”
what is the point of entry rule of thumb
the safest and most effective path of least resistance should be selected as the port of entry into the involved building
the major downfall of many engine companies is their attempts to do too many things at once t/f
in offensive operations the engine company must get the hose line between the fire and the ___ as soon as possible
a second line advance into the structure should assist fire attack and protect a means of ____
when searching areas during offensive operations make sure you have a ___ __ __
TIC (188)
update from div/grp sups to command should be in the form of a ___ report
when an offensive fire attack is stalled, increase ventilation, water flow or both; if unsuccessful change ___
if heat is stopping the advance of the attack line, then establishing additional ___ will be necessary, preferably opposite the advancing hose line
if flame is impeding your advance, then chances are the amount of ___ that you are applying is insufficient or not hitting the main body of the fire.
if flame is impeding your advance, then chances are the amount of water that you are applying is insufficient or not hitting the main body of the fire. you can gain a small amount of additional flow by increasing ___ pressure
2nd lines should always be as big or __ than the 1 st line
it is or is not possible for the ic to develop an offensive attack from the exterior of the building
an offensive attack from the exterior of the building puts crews in the __ zone
when conditions advance beyond the interior operational capability of the fire crew the ic must conduct __ operations from outside the hazard zone
defensive (189)
during the defensive fire operations large fire streams will be placed between the fire and the ___ to prevent fire extension
the defensive strategy is a heavy duty ____ oriented approach
a defensive strategy is an exterior operation, in which the greatest priority is protecting ___
a ___ strategy is chosen when an evaluation of the situation determines that there is nothing savable in the involved structure, the intensity of the fire is too great or adequate resources are not available to coordinate an offensive attack
if there is significant fire showing with a delayed response
then a ___ strategy should be considered
if there is significant fire showing with structural elements involved or falling upon arrival
then a ___ strategy should be considered
if there is significant fire showing with fire through the roof upon arrival
then a ___ strategy should be considered
if there is significant fire showing with condemned structure
then a ___ strategy should be considered
if there is significant fire showing with no confirmed occupants
then a ___ strategy should be considered
if there is significant fire showing with no sustainable water supply
then a ___ strategy should be considered
if there is significant fire showing with hazmat or flammable liquids present
then a ___ strategy should be considered
if there is significant fire showing with inadequate staffing
then a ___ strategy should be considered
since a defensive strategy is a exterior operation no ___ activities will be initiated
there are basically 2 options the ic has in performing defensive operations depending on the situation: what are they
1) protect exposure with 1st line and attack fire with 2nd
2) attack fire 1st and protect exposure 2nd (190)
in defensive operations the focus of the operation will be on safeguarding ff and protecting ___ property
defensive fire strategies are sustained ___ operations
defensive operations should utilize your ___ streams
when doing a combination attack the strategy must be understood and reported to all crews by the __
in order to insure consistent strategic and IAP development we must maintain a ___ evaluation process
the incident command system depends on the IC to use the ___ profile, situation evaluation, and forecast of the incident conditions as an evaluation and decision making platform to produce the overall incident strategy
what information is used to do a situation evaluation
8 critical factors and risk management plan
the evaluation of the information used in the decision making platform should produce a a fairly simple __/__ __ response
go/no go
the decision making platform to choose a strategy determines the basic __ position of the hazard zone workers and overall inside/outside operational objective of the entire incident response
the strategy decision also becomes the basis for the __ __ __
the IAP must be a reflection of the operational ___ not the other way around
the operational strategy is divided into 3 different modes what are they
the following questions are part what
what type of problem is it
how big is the incident currently
how big do you thing it will get
how severe is the incident now and how severe do you think it will get
how long has the incident been going on and how long do you think it will go on
event profile
__ __ is the process utilized to determine a strategy. continuous application of he risk management plan and evaluation of the 8 critical factors will be use to choose a strategy
situation evaluation
the __ __ __ clearly states how, where, when and why we will take certain levels of personal risk and it is our organizational philosophy on how we will actually manage risk to benefit ratio at the service delivery time
risk management plan (192)
we use the __ __ __ as a standard way to evaluate our situation
8 critical factors
are all the critical factors present on every call
may not be
an important ic function is to identify the critical factors that present and address them in the _ __ __
to forecast incident conditions the officer must assess the current state of the incident and the condition it will progress to in 5 min. if the officer fails to do this the event will simply outrun the initial ___
the __ __ __ describes the tactical details and work plan that will address and solve the incident problems
IAP (193)
not only are the risk management plan and the _ __ __ used to select a strategy they are also use to form the IAP.
8 critical factors
the ic must identify the major tactical needs that must be completed. these needs become the basis for assigning specific __ to companies
the ic combines the situation evaluation, ____ ___ and the application of standard procedures to develop and execute the most effective incident action plan
previous experiences (194)
as soon as assignments are made and plan A is underway the ic needs to be considering __ __ options
plan B
effective timing combined with incident ___ becomes the basis of transition from plan A to plan B
forecasting (195)
the IAP must address the ___ objectives
what are the strategic objectives
ff safety life safety incident stabilization property conservation customer stabilization
1st and foremost the IAP must account for __
FF safety
1st and foremost the IAP must account for ff safety this consists of evaluating the ability of our basic __ system to protect workers from conditions present at the incident
the 3rd strategic objective __ __ describes how we are going to gain control of the incident
incident stabilization
___ objectives represent intervention plans in an appropriate order to solve the basic problems that are typically present at most incidents
what are the offensive priorities
ff safety rescue fire control property conservation customer stabilization
what are the defensive priorities
ff safety exposures prevent extension evacuation of exposures fire control customer stabilization (196)
what is the command sequence
initially the ic should assign key tactical positions as __/__
divisions / groups
assigning divisions and groups will ___ command, delegate responsibility to other officers and divide the incident into smaller parts
assigning div/grps eliminates many decisions the ic must make and immediately shifts the responsibility of __ and task level decisions to the div/grp sup
__ are functional units that can work independently for command or within a div/grp
teams (197)
teams are supervised by the ic or a __/__ supervisor
a minimum of __ members compose a team
because of the 8 critical factors that have been identified and the need to meet specific priorities quickly the ic may sometimes choose to assign __
assigning tactics can be effective at incidents that are not very ___ and because of the information you have already gathered conjoined your past experience you may have a preexisting plan that will mitigate the problem quickly
what is an example of assigning a tactic
assigning the truck PPV
when the ic assigns a task rather than a tactic who is responsible for the task being accomplished
ic (198)
when tasks are assigned __ become more involved and take longer to convey, which increases radio traffic and the amount of decisions the IC must make
when is assigning a task advantageous
when an ic is assigning a company with little experience or training or with mutual aid companies or when the assignment is critical to the success of the IAP
the most important aspect of the implantation process of the command sequence is to maintain constant and clear ___
what is the 1st strategic benchmark
primary all clear
primary all clear indicates what incident priority is has been met
life safety
__ should be report when the officer in charge of the attack crew determines that the forward progression of the fire has been stopped
knocked down (199)
the 2nd strategic benchmark of knockdown represents what incident priority
incident stabilization
a __ __ __ should be made after thorough search for victims in the structure has been completed. usually after knockdown
secondary all clear
this strategic benchmark is made when overhaul is completed. this the last strategic benchmark
loss stopped
the strategic benchmark of loss stopped represents what incident priority
property conservation
what are the tactical benchmarks
water supply water on the fire utilities secure ventilation complete personnel in structure
it is integral to protecting safety to follow the standard command ___ process
transfer (200)
command is only transferred when the __ procedure is completed
if a ranking officer is on scene is the transfer of command necessary
if a ranking officer is on scene and does not assume command who is ultimately responsible for the outcome
the ranking officer
command is transferred to improve the ___ of the command organization
quality (201)
when command is transferred it should trigger
upgrades in the command structure
the following guidelines outline the transfer of __ :
1st suppression fd member or officer arriving on the scene will automatically establish command.
the 1st arriving co will assume command after the transfer of command procedures have been completed (assuming an equal or higher ranking officer has not already assumed command)
the 1st arriving bc may assume command of the incident following the transfer of command procedure
assumption of command is discretionary for deputy chiefs and the fire chief
within the chain of command the actual ____ of command will regulated by the following procedure
officer assuming command will communicate with the person being relieved by radio or face to face.
what is the preferred method to communicate the transfer of command
face to face
the person being relieved will brief the assuming command officer indicating what
general status incident conditions IAP completion of tactical objectives safety considerations deployment and assignments appraisals of immediate needs (202)
when is the following info given general status incident conditions IAP completion of tactical objectives safety considerations deployment and assignments appraisals of immediate needs
transfer of command
the person being relieved of command should review the tactical ___ with the officer assuming command
the tactical worksheet provides the most effective ___ for command transfer
the ___ ___ outlines the location and status of personnel and resources in a standard form
tactical worksheet