6 th function of command Flashcards
what is the 6 th function of command
the majority of incident management problems can be traced back to some type of strategic and ___ mistake
organizational (110)
the incident scene organization must be put into action the moment we are ___
dispatched (111)
the incident scene organization must expand at a pace that matches __ of required resources
the incident scene organization must be designed around local limitations and ____
the incident scene organization must be used on every ___
the incident scene organization must have a place for mutual aid agencies to fit into the ___ command
the major goal of command function __ is the incident commander will develop an effective incident command organization
6 (112)
what is the major goal of command function 6
the incident commander will develop an effective incident command organization
the ic operates on the __ level and supports the tactical/task level
the ic performs the 1st __ functions of command to take control and get the operation going
6 (113)
what are the 1st 6 functions of command
establish command size up communicates deployment strategy and IAP organization
the ic maintains control of the units by creating a standard incident ____
who operates in the strategic level
who operates in the tactical level
who operates in the task level
the ic should initially assign key tactical positions as __/__
the organization must match the complexity of the incident and have the following characteristics be able to expand quickly to match the incident __ profile
___/__ supervisors become the eyes and ears in other locations. if the incident escalates these positions should be upgraded to chief officers if possible
the incident commander should assign ___ to work in div/grps
companies (114)
when the incident does escalate beyond the control capabilities of the 1st alarm units, it is time for the ic to begin _ and ___the command organization
reinforcing and expanding
the early establishment of division/group provide an effective __ __ organization framework upon which the operation can be built
incident command
company officers who are initially assigned to div/grp must supervise their crews and assist with carrying out __ level activities
when the resource requirements or the hazard level escalates the ic upgrades the div/grp supervisor by __ it to a person whose sole function is to be a supervisor not a working company officer
__ / __ reduces the span of control to more manageable unit
the ic must always operate in a __ where he can manage the position and function of all assigned resources
mode (115)
for a responses less than 3 resources, a formal command declaration is not required it is assumed t/f
on 1st alarm responses the 1st arriving company officer goes directly to the fire scene and all other units go to __ __ staging
level 1
1st alarms responses have typically between __ and __ assignments
3 and 7
operations that will require a second alarm or greater are in what category
large scale incidents
the ic should focus on getting initial crews assigned organize for growth and obtain information on ____
the incident organization begins when the 1st arriving unit gives their __ __ __ and establishes command
determining the key tactical positions/functions is a part of the ics initial and ongoing __ __
size up (116)
key __/__ become the basis for assigning divisions/groups
forecasting these needs as a part of the initial ____ __ also gives the ic a general idea of how many resources will ultimately be needed
size up
establishing div/grps is a standard system of dividing incident scene command into these small __
a ___ is defined as a geographical area of responsibility
division (117)
a ___ is defined as a functional assignment
early establishment of div/grp provides the ic with several major benefits. first it places supervisors and crews in key ___ locations
early establishment of div/grp provides the ic with several major benefits the 2nd benefit is that the tactical and task level responsibility is shifted from the __ to the div/grp sups
early establishment of div/grp provides the ic with several major benefits. the last benefit is that it maintains an effective __ __ __
span of control
a bc operating in the command mode supported by a deputy ic can manage 3-7 different assignments. this number does not include no-tactical div/grps operating at the scene which are
staging pio rehab investigations safety
div/grps reduce the ic __ __ __ and divides the incident scene into more manageable parts
span of control (118)
div/grps creates more effective incident scene ___. it permits the ic to exchange info with a limited number of individuals. this reduces radio traffic.
what we attempt to do in the __ __ mode is to authorize an initial arriving company officer to combine quick action and command to mitigate the situation before it escalates.
fast attack (119)
in fast attack mode command should be transferred as soon as possible to an officer or bc in a ___ position to support the attack
when the ic divides the incident into divisions, it divides the scene into more manageable areas. the divisions that companies are assigned to become the work areas. this facilitates ____
the ic eliminates any confusion when the division name matches the ___ position of the division
the name for groups should match their ___
once the group has been assigned the details on how the function will be completed they are the responsibility of the __ ___
group supervisor
the div/grp supervisors should be ___ on the overall strategy and tactical objectives of their assignment.
briefed (120)
when command orders a unit to an assignment where no div/grp has been established, the ___ will notify command when they are in position
the ____ of the div/grp system is that supervision and support are decentralized in a way that moves a supervisor right to where the work is being performed
the ___ of the div/grp system is that in some situations the supervisor is affected by the incident conditions. dense smoke, high heat, excessive noise, and rushed working routines create an extremely challenging environment to manage
when the ic assigns a unit to a div/grp he will notify the supervisor of the unit in transit. the div/grp sup will notify the ___ when the company arrives
ic (121)
companies working in a division/group should communicate directly with their supervisor. they should try to use __ to __ communication whenever possible.
face to face
the company officer that is working within a div/group is responsible to ___ their crew while performing their assigned tasks
a company working within a div/group has to provide progress, completion, and exception report to who
div/grp supervisor
the following are responsibilities for who: complete objectives assigned by command account for all assigned personnel ensure operations are conducted safely monitor work progress redirect activities as necessary coordinate actions with other supervisors monitor welfare of personnel request additional resources as needed provide command with progress reports reallocate resources with in work unit provide rehab for personnel
div/grp sup
the ic should limit the number of unitws assigned to div/grp supervisors operating in the hazard zone to between __ and __.
2 -3 (122)
after the organization is in place the ic should switch from primarily talking to ___
listening (123)
the ic should evaluate report and adjust the _ __ __ accordingly. in many cases that is all that is required to keep the strategy and plan current
the ic should have a __ __ to assist him in managing an escalating incident
command team
the __ __ concept is designed to fill the gap between a single IC and a full ICS sections incident
command team
what are the 4 sections
evolution of the command team- the 1st __ __, assumes command from the initial officer IC
chief officer
evolution of the command team- the 1st chief officer, usually a BC assumes command from the initial officer IC. this upgrades incident command by transferring command from a mobile commander to someone in a fixed, stationary __ __.
command post
who are the members of the command team
IC deputy IC (BC aide) senior advisor ( assistant/deputy chief)
who has the following responsibilities: enroute monitor scene assignments document assignments enroute wrkst track greater alarm units enroute assume command of escalating single alarm incidents, working fires, multi alarm incidents
IC/BC (125)
who has the following responsibilities:
upon arrival assess the scene and evaluates if the strategy and IAP are appropriate
make changes to IAP and assignments if necessary
make assignment that support the IAP
who has the following responsibilities:
establish a secure command post inside a vehicle
establish a command team
continue tracking
request additional resources as necessary
run operations section fi relieved of command
who assumes the deputy ic position
BC aide
who has the following responsibilities:
drive BC to scene
place command vehicle in an advantageous position outside the hazard zone
evaluate & recommend changes to the IAP
deputy IC/BC aide
who has the following responsibilities: evaluate critical fireground factors assume/assign logistical responsibilities assign staging area if not established acquire staging channel
deputy IC/BC aide
who has the following responsibilities:
assign staging area manager
manage and track second alarm resources
be prepared to assume RIT branch director in absence of 2nd BC
deputy IC/BC
who has the following responsibilities:
may assume deputy IC Sr. advisor, or RIT branch director depending on need
second arriving BC
who has the following responsibilities:
upon arrival take a position in the rear of the command vehicle
review situation status and IAP recommend changes
provide on-going review of the overall incident
senior advisor/bat chief, assistant or deputy chief
who has the following responsibilities:
review the organization structure, suggest changes or expansion to meet incident needs and span of control
provide a liaison with other city agencies outside agencies ect
support the ic by filtering distraction and assisting with communication
redundant tracking
senior advisor/bat chief, assistant or deputy chief
who has the following responsibilities:
create a plan for subsequent command teams
prepare and plan for the escalation of command into branches and sections
assume command if necessary the ic and deputy ic become operations
consider repositioning into the next level command vehicle
senior advisor/bat chief, assistant or deputy chief
we routinely conduct incident operations with a variety of other agencies. the activities of all these other organizations must be coordinated and integrated. it is important that we operate in a __ command structure
the __ command organization consists of incident commanders from various jurisdictions or agencies operating together to form a single command structure
if the fire department is taking the led in incident ops the ic will be in charge of __
all incident activities
if another agency is taking the lead role in a mulit agency incident who does the fire dept report to
the agency taking the lead role
we routinely operate at incidents where we must coordinate the activities of several different agencies. one of the most effective ways to accomplish this is through __ form each agency
liaison (127)
every incident can be broken down into 3 organizational levels what are they
the __ level is responsible for conducting the functions of command
the strategic level involves the activities necessary for overall ___ control
what organizational level is responsible for managing the strategy developing IAP setting priorities establishing objectives allocating resources and forecasting
the strategic level is designed around the ic and the command team operating at a stationary __ __
command post
___ level is the 1st management subdivision of the incident scene organizations is accomplished by assigning div/grps
__/__ supervisors are responsible for the tactical deployment of assigned resources, evaluations and communication with the IC.
___ is the most important level of the organization it where the work is actually performed. building a local organization from the bottom up, places the emphasis upon the action level.
at what level is the incident mitigated
the strategic and tactical levels are in place to support the ___ level
task (128)
the 3 organizational levels are built around the __, __ and __ of the incident
type, size and complexity
after the incident operations have begun the ic uses ___ reports to keep the strategy and IAP current
the subdivision between command and div/grps are __
branches (129)
branch directors operate on the __ level and manage what ever div/grps assigned to them
branch directors should be utilized at incidents where the span of control with div/grps is maximized and at incidents that involve __ or more different management components sucj as a large fire with numerous pt or a fire with RIT ops.
branch directors are usually located away form the __ __ close to their are of responsibility.
command post (130)
should each branch operate on their own radio channel
once branches are established ___ communications should be conducted between the ic and the branch director, the branch director and the div/grp sup and the div/grp sup and companies assigned to him
radio (131)
____ are created to focus on the major areas of a large complex operation
what are the 4 ics sections
the managers of sections are called __
__ __ assist the ic with the overall management of the incident and operate at the strategic level
section chiefs
the __ section is the support mechanism for the organization. it provides services and support systems to all organizational components involved in the incident
the following roles and responsibilities fall under what section chief
manage rehab
manage medical unit
manage base
logistics (132)
the following roles and responsibilities fall under what section chief
provide & manage needed supplies or equip
forecast & obtain future resource needs
provide comm equip
the following roles and responsibilities fall under what section chief
provide fuel and needed repairs
obtain specialized equip or expertise per IC
secure needed fixed or portable facilities
coordinate immediate CISD
any other request from command
the ___ section chief is responsible for gathering, analyzing and processing info needed for effective decision making.
___ management is a full time task at large complex incidents
the __ section serves as the IC source for information
the ___ sections chief goal is to plan ahead of current events and id the need for resources before they are needed
the following roles and responsibilities fall under what section chief
eval current strategy & plan with ic
refine & recommend needed changes
eval incident organization & span of contrl
the following roles and responsibilities fall under what section chief
forecast possible outcomes
eval of situation status and resource status
eval future resource requirements
the following roles and responsibilities fall under what section chief
utilize technical assistance as needed
eval tactical priorities specific critical factors and safety
tather, update, improve and manage info with a standard systematic approach
liaison with any needed outside agencies for planning needs
planning (133)
the ___ section is responsible for the tactical priorities and safety of the personnel working in the ops section
the __ section chief uses the tactical radio channel to communicate strategic and specific objectives to division/group and/or branch directors
the following roles and responsibilities fall under what section chief
coordinate activities with ic
implement IAP
assign units to div/grps/branches based on tactical objectives and priorities
build an effective organizational structure through the use of div/grps and branches
the following roles and responsibilities fall under what section chief
provide branches and div/grps tactical objectives
determine needs and request additional resources
consult with and inform other sections and the ic staff as needed
the __ chief will communicate with the ic to request additional resources and provide progress reports
once the operations chief is in place the __ focus should be on the strategic issues, overall strategic planning, and other components of the incident
incident commanders (134)
the incident commander should provide direction, advice and guidance to the ___ chief in directing the tactical aspects of the incident
once a ops chief has been established the following responsibilities are that of the ___
review & eval the plan & initiate changes
provide ongoing review of overall incident
select priorities
ic (134)
once a ops chief has been established the following responsibilities are that of the ___
provide direction to ops chief
review org structure change to meet needs
initiate section / branch functions as required
establish liaison
id and correct system status problems
to maintain continuity and overall effectiveness the ic and ops chief should be in the __ __ together
command post
the ___ section evaluates the risk and financial requirements for the fire departments involvement in the incident
the following roles and responsibilities fall under what section chief
procurement of services/supplies
what section does the finance/admin section chief coordinate procurement of service/supplies
the following roles and responsibilities fall under what section chief
documents all financial cost of the incident
documents for possible cost recovery
analyzing and managing legal risk for incidents such as a hazardous material clean up
the __ section is responsible for obtaining any and all needed incident documentation for potential cost recovery efforts or litigation including criminal charges
when the logistics chief is forecasting and obtaining future resources needs he coordinates with ___ section chief