2 nd function of command Flashcards
what is the second function of command
situation evaluation
____ is a systematic process consisting of the rapid consideration of all critical incident factors, which lead to the development of an IAP
size up (21)
the process of ___ ___ remains difficult throughout the early stages of operations as the ic attempts to gather facts and verify their accuracy within a compressed and dangerous time frame
situation evaluation
\_\_\_ information includes: location of the incident incident problem assigned units tach channel dispatch notes
the initial IC mustcomplete the 1st ___ command functions with in a short time frame
what are the 1st 6 command functions
establish confirm and position command situation evaluation communications deployment strategy and IAP organization
the IC must evaluate the ___ __ __ before an effective and safe incident action plan can begin
critical incident factors
the initial ___ must identify the what, where, and when of the incident problem
size up
the size up of the critical incident factors is the basis for choosing the proper strategy, formulating the IAP and concludes with a quick, fairly simple __/__ response
go/no go (22)
the ic uses a combination of 4 basic tools what are they
previous experiences
reported/ reconnaissance
preincident planning
___ ___ is the most common factor used by the IC for initial and ongoing incident evaluation.
visual observation
____/___ is information not directly available visually to the IC from the fast attack or command post position is acquired by the IC assigning personnel to standard geographic and functional assignments covering the incident site
_-___ ___ is preplans that provide information beyond a quick visual survey or a recon report
pre-incident planning
as operations expand and the ic moves to the ___ level, the demand will increase fore more recon reports, reference information and staff support
strategic (23)
the initial evaluation for each incident begins at the time ___
the alarm is received (24)
the initial __ ___ determines what kind of risk is present, so that the ic can decide what type of response is required
situation evaluation
proper evaluation is greatly influenced by the location of the __ ___
command post
command post the ic should be able to observe what 3 things
incident conditions
general operation action
effect of that action
the best command placement often involves a view of 2 sides of the incident, the front and the most ___ side such as placement near the corner of a building
critical (25)
the ___ visual observations may be the quickest and most direct source for information on conditions. however it is limited to the field of vision that is available from that one spot. this limitation can be balanced by the use of visual, recon and pre-plan data
the mct provides the best routing access and water supply info. __ give the IC the key tactical features of the structure and the incident area
____ creates an opportunity for positive customer contact. we get meet and know the people we might later deliver service to. we increase our awareness and knowledge of the building that we might have to operate in.
pre fire plan (26)
a starting point for occupancy pre-fire planning is an evaluation of ___ associated with buildings in terms of construction, occupancy, size, hazard, egress, built in protection, access and exposures
occupancy pre fire planning - ___ looks at the buildings ability to resist fire effect (built in protection, fire resistive construction, adequate separation, firewalls, and vertical ventilation considerations)
occupancy pre fire planning ___ looks at associated characteristic/hazards
occupancy pre fire planning __ __ looks at location and available flow
water supply
occupancy pre fire planning ___ is the building and the potential size of the incident problem
___ buildings present the potential for a large fire and a significant loss of life. This incident will require a long term , multi alarm response.
___ buildings present a moderate level fire problem requiring routine first alarm an possible second alarm, tactics with predictable occupancy load
____ single family and commercial risks typically are controlled by a first alarm and must always be approached in a manner that includes standard safety practices. these light weight constructed bildings have a seriously injured and killed more ff that any other occupancy type
occupancy pre fire planning __ looks at the amount, nature and location of the hazard will determine how incident stabilization will be conducted
hazard (27)
occupancy pre fire planning __ and _ is the basic layout of the occupancy becomes a major operational factor and will determine the difficulty that companies will have getting into and out of the structure, such as security bars and stairwells. complicated interior arrangements become an accountability hazard, particularly in larger occupancies
access and arrangement
the ic ___ role within the overall accountability system involves maintaining an awareness of who is where, who is doing what, who is working for whom and how long they have worked.
the on going use of both ___ and tactical worksheets create a routine management approach that can be consistently applied to every incident
preplans (28)
\_\_\_\_ should record the following data: resource status resource assignment personnel inventory benchmarking
tactical worksheet
resource status is crews that are
assigned or unassigned
resource assignment is a crews
personnel inventory is
tracking and accountability of crews by their designation, arrival, assignment, location, activity
tactical worksheet should record the following data:
resource status
resource assignment
personnel inventory
the IC/command team is always responsible for maintaining awareness of the location and function of all incident resources. the ___ ___ becomes a major management tool in completing that responsibility
tactical worksheet
having operating units transmit ongoing ___ reports assists the IC in managing current conditions and forecasting future needs.
progress (29)
___ ___ ___ are a list of items that the ic must consider when evaluating tactical situations. command conducts a rapid, overall evaluation, and then sorts them in priority order
critical incident factors
building fire occupancy life hazard arrangement resources action special circumstances are all \_\_\_ \_\_\_ \_\_\_
critical incident factors (30)
the ___ must evaluate structural/fire conditions, accountability, maintaining a protected exit for inside crews, and an accurate evaluation of conditions
command must develop an initial __ based on the critical factors evaluation information that is available at the beginning stage of operations.
which critical incident factor deals with size and height interior arrangement/access construction type age vertical/horizontal openings forcible entry obstacles concealed spaces integrity of the building ventilation
building (31)
which critical incident factor deals with size extent (% of structure involved) location stage (inception/flashover) direction of travel avenue of travel time of involvement type and amount of material involved smoke (volume/velocity/color/density)
which critical incident factor deals with specific occupancy fire load status (occupied/vacant/abandoned) associated characteristics/hazard
occupancy (32)
which critical incident factor deals with
location of occupants
number of occupants
incapacities of occupants
commitment required for search and rescue
ems needs
life hazard
which critical incident factor deals with
access/arrangement & distance of exposure
combustibility of exposures
direction of fire extension
capability/limitations on apparatus
involvement of multiple buildings
access for apparatus
which critical incident factor deals with
staffing and equip. on scene & staged
response time for personnel & equip
need to rehab
supplemental water sources
built in fire protection
need for specialized resources
which critical incident factor deals with effect current action is having stage of operations command team in place & IAP developed strategic benchmarks been met enough resources crews operating safely safety plan in place
action (33)
which critical incident factor deals with time of day day of week special hazards such as special events weather social unrest
special circumstances
size and height interior arrangement/access construction type age vertical/horizontal openings forcible entry obstacles concealed spaces integrity of the building ventilation
size extent (% of structure involved) location stage (inception/flashover) direction of travel avenue of travel time of involvement type and amount of material involved smoke (volume/velocity/color/density)
specific occupancy
fire load
status (occupied/vacant/abandoned)
associated characteristics/hazard
life hazard
location of occupants number of occupants incapacities of occupants commitment required for search and rescue ems needs
access/arrangement & distance of exposure combustibility of exposures direction of fire extension capability/limitations on apparatus involvement of multiple buildings access for apparatus
staffing and equip. on scene & staged response time for personnel & equip need to rehab supplemental water sources built in fire protection need for specialized resources
effect current action is having stage of operations command team in place & IAP developed strategic benchmarks been met enough resources crews operating safely safety plan in place
special circumstances
time of day day of week special hazards such as special events weather social unrest
certain types of information have a greater effect on incident outcomes especially as they pertain to ff safety and survival. these significant pieces of information are best described as __ __
red flags (33)
__ __ can describe building conditions, fire conditions, or any other critical factor/ situation that can quickly turn lethal
red flags
red flags must be identified during your __/__
size up/evaluation
active fires on multiple sides of ff, particularly below or behind them is
red flag (34)
fires that don’t react to standard attack actions are
red flag
large, complicated, congested floor areas are
red flag
one way in/out access situations are
red flag
large, open spaces, unsupported roof/floor areas with no upright columns are
red flags
fire is present but cannot be located is a
red flag
extended time periods of offensive ff without conditions improving is a
red flag
anything that is sagging, leaning or bulging is a
red flag
poor or no ventilation is a
red flag
report that do not match what the IC is seeing is a
red flag
situation evaluation, hazard analysis, and information management should be structured around incident ___ (life safety, incident stabilization, property conservation)
the IC will create operations to match the order of our incident ___
the ___ must always evaluate current and future conditions in order to prevent ff injuries and to request the needed resources
the IC improves overall situation evaluation capability by assigning __/__ to all critical areas and functions
the incident evaluation system evaluates current conditions to develop a quick initial action. an initial size up gives the IC a __ of existing conditions at the beginning of operations
snap shot (36)
the incident evaluation system evaluates current conditions to develop a quick initial action. an initial size up gives the IC a snapshot of existing conditions at the beginning of operations the IC must
evaluate the critical factors apply risk management plan select the correct strategy develop an IAP translate the plan into tasks assign companies to complete those assigned tasks
what is the risk management plan
risk a lot for savable lives
risk a little for savable property
risk nothing for lives or property already lost
the matching of ___ and conditions produces a scale that represents what is really occurring and what will occur at the incidnet
an on going evaluation challenge to the IC involves setting up the ____ to match current conditions and then to evaluate how well that action is working
a key ___ factor is how long it will take to move crews out of interior positions, particularly in larger structures, if conditions deteriorate and a change to a defensive strategy is called
safety (37)
the ongoing ___ of conditions refines our understanding of how connecting standard action to standard conditions produces standard outcomes
what are the 3 parts of standard
standard conditions
standard action
standard outcome
identifying critical factors is considered standard ___
following sops to solve the problem and creating an incident action plan based on the critical incident factors is standard ___
incident action plan is effective and conditions improve is standard ___
standard conditions =
identifying critical factors
standard action =
following sops to solve the problem and creating an incident action plan based on the critical incident factors
standard outcome =
incident action plan is effective and conditions improve
what type of conditions are when fire involvement is not extensive, the structure is stable, ventilation can be addressed in coordination with fire attack, and there are savable victims
offensive (38)
___ actions - conduct an interior attack, conduct a primary search, protect and maintain egress, and provide support (forcible entry/vent/rit)
___ outcome - knock down, victims rescued, no injures to ff
___ condtions - building is well involved and thestructure is beyond saving, there are no survivable occupants, and there is a collapse potential
___ actions - stay out of collapse/hazard zone, control positions, surround and drown, protect exposures
___ outcome - the fire is extinguished without any extension to exposures
we apply standard action to standard ___ to get a standard outcome
it requires skill, experience, and ___ support for the IC to effectively keep track of elapsed incident time
system (39)
elapsed time notification from dispatch at __ min intervals (starts when the first arriving unit completes a BIR) throughout the incident assist the IC in managing the event time
the elapsed time notifications serve as reminders for the ic to reevaluate conditions, the ___, and the length of time that firefighters have been operating in the hazard zone
more and more we recognize that if a fire resource isn’t dispatched in a timely manner, then a negative consequence should be expected. this discussion has centered on the 3 basic elements of the dispatch center what are they
toning-out stations
apparatus mobilizing and responding
resources traveling and arriving in a timely manner
there is a period of time usually about the first __ to __ min of a fire company being on scene, when the vast majority of effective ff and rescue operations occur.. once the fire goes beyond that things can deteriorate quite rapidly.
10 -15 min
the ic must gather information by using a combination of ___, ___ and __/__ information to stay current throughout the incident.
reported/recon (40)
to stay safely ahead of the incident, the ic must forecast where the critical factors are going and change the ____ accordingly
the ic must continuall balance responder ___ against the possible benefit of current operations.
effective ___ management requires accurate information about present conditions and pessimistic forecasting about future conditions
a regular part of every standard out come is that the crew is not ___
develop and use a regular approach to situation evaluation using the standard tools of information management and incident factors is __ __ of command function number 2
major goal
what is the major goal of command function number 2
develop and use a regular approach to situation evaluation using the standard tools of information management and incident factors