1 st function of command Flashcards
what is the 1 st function of command
establish, confirm, and position command
the basic objective for the 1 st function of command is for command to be established in a ___ way on our arrival at the incident
the first arriving suppression unit or officer must establish initial___
command (2)
confirm that command has been established with a ___
brief initial report (2)
correctly __ command to match and support the current command mode
position (2)
begin to package command for ongoing operation and escalation. what are the steps to packaging command?
strong standard command divisions/groups/branches standard operating procedures clear communications standard strategy/action plan (2)
the basic objective for command function #1 is for command to established in a standard way on arrival at the incident. ___ establishment must be a natural and automatic organizational event
command (3)
the initial commander shall remain in command until command is ___, a superior officer assumes command or the incident is stabilized and terminated
transferred (3)
command shall be established for responses of __ or more. establishing command and providing a BIR shall be given when requesting specialized units haz-mat, TRT
3 (3)
the following is ____:
unit designation (who am I)
incident location (where am I)
establish, name, and locate command (who is in command)
brief description of the situation (what do I have)
action being taken and strategy declaration( what am I doing)
state any immediate needs from incoming units or from dispatch (what do I need)
Brief Initial Report (4)
what is in a BIR
unit designation (who am I) incident location (where am I) establish, name, and locate command (who is in command) brief description of the situation (what do I have) action being taken and strategy declaration( what am I doing) state any immediate needs from incoming units or from dispatch (what do I need
after the first arriving unit has evaluated the scene and identified the critical factors a __ report can be provided if necessary
follow up
the following is in a \_\_\_\_: situation update resource determination any immediate safety concerns clarify command mode, strategy and IAP if not stated in BIR
follow up report
what is in a follow up report
situation update
resource determination
any immediate safety concerns
clarify command mode, strategy and IAP if not stated in BIR
establishing command causes the initial arriving member to size up the incident determine the strategy, and formulate a ___. all of this is executed and shared with all responding companies when the ic transmits the BIR. this gives all of the incident personnel the same information, identifies the problems and states what actions are being taken to solve the problem
incident action plan (IAP)
whoever gives the BIR must include that they “will be __” as part of the report
use the BIR as a basic way to start incident operations because it wraps the first __ functions of command together
6 (5)
what are the first 6 functions of command
establish command size up communications deployment strategy and incident action plan organization
wrapping the first 6 functions of command together is particularly important when the company officer is __ mode and time is of a premium
fast attack
after the BIR is transmitted, the responding companies/officers arriving at the incident will be assigned and integrated into the __ in a standard way
responding companies must fall under one of the following four standard status categories. what are they
command - establish-assume/receive
join the ic and become part of the command team
a very practical way to make the ic the focal point for incident command, control and communications is to have ic #1 use the location of the incident or the name of the occupance to name __. then announce that name in the BIR
the ___ standard command modes create the capability for the initial arriving company officer to use a standard system to match the initial command actions that they initiate in accordance with conditions that are present
3 (6)
the proper command mode will be based on
the chosen strategy
the tactical capabilities of the initial arriving unit
the rank and role the initial ic plays as a member of the initial arriving company/ic (7)
if a battalion chief is the initial arriving unit to the same structure fire, they will operate in the ___ mode
if a _____ unit arrives 1st they are to establish command, give a BIR, don PPE, and gather infor.
____ mode is the option used when the company officer has insufficient information of the scene; thus further investigation is required to determine the nature and extent of the incident,
investigative/nothing showing mode
when command in _____ mode the 1st engine, truck, rescue and battalion chief will respond directly to the scene, all other units will go to level one staging
investigative/nothing showing mode
what is meant by level one staging
staging in the direction of travel
fast attack mode should be concluded rapidly with one of the following outcomes:
situation is quickly stabilized
command is transferred from the fast attack company officer IC to a later arriving company or command officer.
the situation si not stabilized, the fast attack company officer moves to an exterior command position and is now in command mode
___ mode is chosen because of the size/severity of the situation, the complexith of the occupancy, the hazards present, or the the possibility of the basic incident problem expanding, some scenarios will demand early, strong stationary command from the very onset
command (8)
when in the command mode the company officer should be in stationary, remote position inside a ____
when a company officer operates in command mode what are the options he has with his crew
assign personnel to another company officer
assign company personnel to staff aide functions to assist the ic
assign company personnel to an exterior task that can be supervised by the ic
assigning the ic’s crew to another company officer creates a larger work group with an officer. this must be acknowledged by the receiving officer and by their inclusion in the ___ system
if the initial ic company officer is in the ___ mode command is mobile on a portable radio evaluating conditions and looking for the incident problem
investigative (9)
the first arriving company officer ic gives up the advantage of a stationary command post only when his direct __ will make a critical difference in the short term operation outcome
personal participation
to achieve an earlier stabilization time requires proactive management which includes:
pre-fire planning
multi company drills
apparatus practices
adequate force on scene ( 10)
____ is identifing the types of construction of a building, along with their occupancies, to evaluate different attack methods and consider various factors
pre fire planning
____ improves coordination between companies
multi comapny drills
___ is use to ensure effective apparatus placement for quick fire attack and sustained water flow
apparatus practices
a standard ___ post position creates the capability for the command team to effectively see, hear, evaluate, decide, order and react to the incidnet
command (11)
the following are command post ___:
stationary, in a good vantage point now and in the future
remote outside hazard zone
place to sit
inside vehicle- quiet, lights, protected from distractions
stronger communications/electronics capability
place to build the command teamt to support the incident
the standard ___ position is a stationary one outside the hazard zone, inside a command vehicle or apparatus, which is then called the command post
the command post should give the IC the ability to view 2 sides of the incident, generally the front and the most __ side, is preferred
the command system is organized around the __, __, and __ levels of operation.
task, tactical, and strategic
the command team should use the _____ to:
initiate and maintain operational control ( i.e. assign specific companies to specific locations, with specific objectives, and a specific supervisors)
be continuously available to communicate(1st call/immediate answer)
monitor and maintain an awareness of operational action and changing incident conditions to manage the safety needs of crews
command post
in the cases where an engine officer establishes an investigative or ___ __ mobile command, that IC must realize that he is operating in a disadvantaged command position
fast attack (12)
the strength of the command system is how the addition of more resources is ___
having a ___ officer responding after IC#1 who are trained, equiped and prepared to upgrade command creates our capability to make the management response match the operational and safety needs of the incident
“commands plan” task and __ level companies announce their arrivals and proceed to level 1 or level 2 staging
“commands plan” command team assigns companies to initial operational positions with the _____ ___ ___ and tracks them on the tactical worksheet
the following is the _____ of command procedure:
the officer assuming command will communicate with the person being relieved by radio or face to face.
the peron being relieved will brief the assuming command officer indicating at least the following:
general sit status
incident conditions
completion of tactical objectives
safety considerations
deployment and assignments of operating companies and personnel
appraisals of need for additional resources
review of the tactical worksheet of assuming officer
transfer (14)
what is the transfer of command procedure
the officer assuming command will communicate with the person being relieved by radio or face to face.
the peron being relieved will brief the assuming command officer indicating at least the following:
general sit status
incident conditions
completion of tactical objectives
safety considerations
deployment and assignments of operating companies and personnel
appraisals of need for additional resources
review of the tactical worksheet of assuming officer
the ___ provides the most effective framework for command transfer. it outlines the location and status of personnel and resources in a standard form
tactical worksheet
the company officer IC of an initial arriving engine comapny that chooses thae offensive strategy will operate in the ___ or command mode
fast attack
what are the 3 command modes
fast attack
____ is an active dynamic problem that is present upon arrival of the 1st arriving unit and requires immediate action to stabilize. the company officer makes a conscious decision to lead the operation while utilizing the portable radio to continue command
fast attack
____ mode must comply with the 2 in 2out requirements or follow the rit sop for rit/irit
fast attack
the IC should ensure upgrading to a stationary command position as soon as possible using ___ procedures when in investigative or fast attack mode
the following put an effective __ in charge of the incident
1st arriving suppression unit or officer must establish initial command.
confirm command has been established with a standard BIR.
use occupancy location to name command
select the proper command mode.
correctly position command to match and support the current command mode.
set up a standard command post as soon as possible
the ic must control where personnel are located in addition with matching their actions to the ___ conditions. the IC maintains this capability by assigning divisions, groups, and branches
incident (13)
“commands plan” as soon as possible the system gets an __ in a command vehicle
“commands plan” the IC stays in the vehicle, uses a ____ worksheet, mobile radio, bat chief aides and later arriving bat chiefs an other command officers
“commands plan” command team creates geographical and functional incident organization___ ___ __ to fit the situations
divisions groups branches
the command’s plan creates a systen where the ic can develop an effective __ __ __ and then continually upgrade, reinforce, and manage that plan from th a stationary standard postions
__ to __ is the preferred method to transfer command
face to face
effective command equals
worker safety
quickly establish and confirm a single incident command and place that incident commander in the most effective initial command position is the __ ___ of command function number 1
major goal
what is the major goal of command function number 1
quickly establish and confirm a single incident command and place that incident commander in the most effective initial command position