360 degree leader cliff notes Flashcards
championing the vision is more difficult when you did not create it. the key to successfully navigating the vision challenge is this : the more you invest in the vision the more
it becomes your own
the best chance of influencing those above you is to add
value to them
your underlying strategy should be to support your leader and add value to the ___ and distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack by doing your work with excellence
to become someone your leader turns to when the heat is on, manage your emotions, time, priorities, energy, thinking, words and your ___
personal life
in healthy work environment, there is both ___ and ___
competition and teamwork
getting the job done make you a success. getting the job done through others makes you a ___
leaders set the tone and the pace fro all the people working for them. therefore, leaders need to be what they want to see. your ___ determines the culture, your attitude determine the decisions.
if your decisions are not consistent with your values they are always short lived. your investment determines the return. your character determines the trust and your work ethic determines the ___
- ___ is dynamic and the right to do it must be earned individually with each person you meet
leadership (20)
- effective leaders pay more attention to __ than promotion
production (87)
- good leaders of organizations get to control mainly 2 things what are they
direction and timing (97)
- if you think you can do a job that’s confidence. if you actually can do it that is ____
competence (123)
- ___ builds relationships on trust
integrity (126)
- ___ cares about people as individuals
nurturing (126)
- ___ believes in people
faith (126)
- ___ values what others have to say
listening (126)
- ____ is basically having the discipline to follow through with the rules set for yourself
self management (178)
- the things that people manage are usually __ and __
tangible and measurable (180)
- ___ deal with things like moral, motivation, momentum, emotions, attitude, atmosphere, and timing
leaders (180)
- good leaders look for people and they invest in them to the point where they can be released ___ to perform
empowered (182)
- few things increase the __ of leaders more than adding value to the people around them
credibility (248)
- few things build a person up like __
affirmation (250)
- in a healthy working environments there is both ___ and __
competition and teamwork (254)
- if you want to develop trust with others you must be more than competent. you must also be credible and____. the way to achieve those qualities is to make sure that what you say, what you do, and what you say you do all match
consistent (279)
- don’t let the personality of someone you work with cause you to lose sight of the greatest purpose, which is to add __ to the team and advance the organization
value (298)
- being a 360 degree leader and leading across is not about getting your own way. its not about winning at all cost. its about winning __ and ___ with your peers so that you can help the whole team win
respect and influence (302)
- if you show someone how to use a machine or some other device that’s ____
equipping (340)
- when you ___ people you are helping them to improve as individuals. you are helping them acquire personal qualities that will benefit them in many areas of life not just their jobs
develop (340)
- when you teach leadership that’s ___
development (340)
- with out goals and a strategy to achieve them, vision isn’t __ or ___
measurable or attainable (371)
- what ever actions leaders ___ will be repeated. that’s why its very important to reward results and to do it the right way
reward (376)
- the key to moving up as an emerging leader is to focus on leading well ____ not moving up the ladder
where you are (401)
- there are many things that indicate someone has ___ potential- the ability to make things happen, strong people skills, vision, desire, problem solving skills, a strong work ethic
leadership (406)
- leading successfully at one level is a __ for leading at the next level
qualifier (432)