202.05 strategy and incident action plan Flashcards
1.ic shall develop and communicate an ____ that considers life safety incident stabilization, property conservation and the environment
- the __ is responsible to provide for the safety, accountability and welfare of personnel throughout the incident
- functions of command, risk management, fit for duty ff and ppe are all what
basic safety system components
- consistently having a ic who is performing the __ __ __ serves as the basic foundation of how we manage both the life and property interest of our customer and the safety of our responders
8 command functions
- what is our risk management philosophy
risk a lot for savable lives, risk a little for savable property, risk nothing for lives or property that are already lost
- effective incident ops require well trained members who understand the incident command system and are safety conscious. they must have the personal aptitude and basic skills to do the mental physical and emotional part of the job describes what
fit for duty ff
- a part of the __/__ decision must be based on the ic evaluating the incident hazard level and deciding his strategy based
- decide on overall offensive/defensive/combination strategy based on __ __
critical factors
- the ic ids the strategy as offensive defensive or combination through the analysis of standard critical factors and the constant application of the __ __ __
risk management plan
- what is the only reason that we should be operating in a marginal situation
high degree of certainty that there are savable lives
- the ic will utilize the lvfr 3 step risk/benefit tool of __,__ and __ to determine a strategy on fire scenes
value time and size
- is ther anything of value to save is what part of the risk benifit tool
- do we have enough time to conduct interior ops before conditions deteriorate beyond acceptable risk is what risk benefit tool
- how big is the fire, doe we have enough resources available to meet the tactical objectives and create the required fire flow is what part of the risk benefit tool
- a safe __ position means that our safety systems can protect our hazard zone personnel form the interior conditions.
- ___ situations are where our risk management plan indicates that it is acceptable to take a big risk in a highly calculated manner to protect a savable life
- marginal means that th e inside crews are quickly trying to complete __ functions
- are marginal situations a strategic mode
- when conditions go beyond the interior operational capbility the ic must conduct ___ operations from outside the hazard zone
- ___ operations occur when we have both offensive and defensive operations happening in different fire compartments at the same time
- declaring the strategy as part of the __ puts everyone on the same page
- the __ defines the positions from which the crews will be operating
- the ic uses the __ to get everyone moving in the right direction to solve the incident problems
- a ___ should be developed whenever command is established
- the iap should be reviewed and updated after each __ __ particularly when a primary all clear has been completed
strategic benchmark
- the following are all steps to what: plan evaluation, plan A, tactical needs, available resources, evaluation and revision
- the iap supports the strategy decision and the same info is used to develop the plan. risk management and the __ __ __ produce the elements needed in your plan
8 critical factors
28.this is the original iap developed from the evaluation process. it provides a simple description of the basic tactical approach
IAP plan a
- these needs become the basis for assigning specific tasks to companies
tactical needs
- the mct and run sheet should provide the ic with an inventory of responding units. this information should be transferred to the tactical worksheet asap
available resources and assignments
- incident priorities =
strategic benchmarks
- the __ is based on the standard incident priorities
- id the 5 separate functions that must be completed in order
ff safety, rescue, fire control, property conservation, customer stabilization
- __ __ are established to track the progression of the iap and time stamp events
strategic benchmarks
- strategic benchmarks indicate when incident ___ have been meet
- if the strategic benchmark is primary and secondary all clear the incident priority is
life safety
- if the strategic benchmark is loss stopped the incident priority is
property conservation
- if the strategic benchmark is knockdown then the incident priority is
incident stabilization
- who should be informed of completion of benchmarks
command and dispatch
____________ and reports from operating crews becomes the basis of going from plan A to plan B
Situation evaluation