3 rd function of command Flashcards
what is the 3 rd function of command
effective ___ is critical to having a positive outcome at incidents
communications (42)
what is the ic primary tool for effectiveness
effective on scen __ provides the connection between the strategic level ic the tactical level div/grp, the tast level of the workers and dispatch
sops, training, organizational management and techniques equipment, communication channel standard language, communications sop are standard ___ system elements
communications (43)
what are the standard communication system elements
sop training organizational management techniques equipment communication channels standard language
___ is a written, communication plan is an essential part of the overall incident management __ package.
__ are particularly critical to incident communications because they give us a chance to develop the best communications plan. these guidelines give us a standard organization approach and the foundation to stop repeating mistakes
___ - once the plan and procedures are identified, our organization must provide initial and ongoing training based on the communication sop.
__ is a combination of reviewing actual incident communication to commend good performance and to coach through communication problems, along with continual review of communication procedures, becomes a very practical method to improve our capability.
__ simulation is an extremely effective approach to develop effective communication skills
___- whenever there is a breakdown in the incident organization, ther is great probability that it will manifest itself as a communication problem.
organizational management
___ - before transmitting know what you are going to say. personnel must use a calm, clear voice. speak slowly and position your mouth 1-3” away from the radio. be concise.
techniques (45)
only use radio traffic for __ info
speaker should transmit __ message first
do not interrupt radio transmission unless you have ___ traffic
what are the 3 basic forms of incident communications
face to face
electronic support
__ -___ is the best communication form because the participants combine a variety of verbal and nonverbal interpersonal methods
face to face
whenever critical strategic or tactical orders are given in a facto face form, the ic must assure that ___ and other remote divisions/groups or companies are informed of decisions that will affect them
___ provide a remote verbal communication capability.
what form of communication has the advantage of speed and the ability to communicate with many different people over a large area
___ communications, given its instant remote capability, becomes the principle tool that the ic uses to connect with the incident resources
lvfr uses what radio format
hey you it is me
effective incident ___ results from a mathc of good system, design, equipment, effective ongoing maintenance, and well trained personnel
communications (44)
multiple ____ channels give the ic the capability to build a radio network to fit larger and more complex incidents.
in larger incidents the ic should consider moving large divisions/groups and especially ___ to their own channels
lvfr primary dispatch/ communications channels are
Zone 1 bat 1,4,10
the follow tac channels are used for full responses and significant incidnets
tac 5-12 emergency 1,2,3 simplex high rise channel zone A 8 tac 90,91, 92, 93,94
standard language use is
clear text
401 is a
traffic accident
402 is a
405 is a
405Z is a
suicide attempt
408 is a
drunk person
419 is a
dead body
444 is
ff needs emergency assistance
421 is a
sick person
code 4 is
situation under control
445 is a
along with hey you its me format, the __- __ will be followed. it states thatbefore a message is sent the receiver must indicate they are ready to listen and then after it is given they must briefly restate the message to insure clarity.
order model (46)
our mobile __ terminals playa big role in our communication process. they provide on-line dispatch and tactical information, as well as mapping and directions
our ___ __ also provide a major advantage for day to day emergency incident communications. their use can reieve crowded radio channels for some types of messages, particularly those involving other agencies and responsible parties. they are more private for sensitive confidential messages
cell phones
what are the pieces of equipment that make up electronic support
mobile computer terminals
cell phones
the ic must communicate with all the personnel that are ___ involved with the incident
each person at an incident operates with their own special set of needs, capabilities, and challenges. this requires a strong ___ based communications plan and a positive functional relationship among all the participants
___ are in the best communications position among all participants.
___ has direct access to the most sophisticated communications equipment and are in the best listening position
___ can help the team in conducting effective communications by listening, repeating transmissions that do not come through clearly and assisting personnel that are having trouble communicating with each other during difficult communication times
the IC operates on the __ level and deals with incident evaluation, decision making, assignments, operational control, and revision to manage the overall strategy.
strategic (47)
every command function depends on effective____
____ problems occur when the basic front end command process does not get implemented and we end up with responders with no command or multiple ics.
the initial IC will remain in command until command is ___ or the incident is stabilized and terminated
the 1st suppression unit of officer to arrive on scen will establish command of the incident. they will provide a ___ to activate the process
__ __ mode gives the capability to quickly capture control of an offensive incident problem while it is still controllable.
fast attack
the __ __ disadvantage is that the IC communication capability is limited by his protective gear, person physical involvement with attack and close proximity to ff activities, also they are in a position where many personnel have direct face to face contact with them
fast attack
fast attack command operations are not long in duration and they are generally limited to the IC coordinating __ to __ units
2 to 3
when the ic selects the command mode and creates a command post he is separated from the direct action. the communication process itself becomes the ic primary ___
tool (48)
locating and staying within the command post absolutely connects the ic to the communications process and creates a dependence on communication sogs, operational organization and personnel to complete the __ of command
___ is the only tool the ic has to get the tasks accomplished that are required to solve the customers problem
in order for the ic to make safe and effective __ decisions, he must be able to to receive good information from all the critical areas of the incident.
in order for the ic to make safe and effective strategic decisions, he must be able to to receive good information from all the critical areas of the incident. this accomplished by establishing geographical divisions and functional groups to cover the entire incident and to organize, manage and maintain an effective _____ __ ____
span of control
__/__ assignments are remote and decentralized from the ic so they can directly supervise the tasks and actions required. they can evaluate and relay real time info about progress or problems.
the assignment of the support staff is how the ic connects the evaluation to the ___ decision making process
standard communications between th ic and __/__ supervisors include a location, function, objective, and resources assigned to them.
division/group (49)
ongoing communications between the ic and the division/group is used to report their position and __ in completing the tasks
division and group supervisors should utilize __ to __ communication within their division or group
face to face
the __ __ __ is designed to place the ic in a good command post position to help the div/grp operating in a hazardous environment communicate effectively and operate safely
incident command system
companies who are assigned to division/groups or to complete specific tasks are the __ part of the action plan
the entire____ system is in place to support the crews who are operating closest to the problem, in the most dangerous position, and the toughest communications spot
working teams are generally not in ideal talking/listing spots, so they communicate with each other by shouting or using __ __
hand signals
our ___- survival approach is that crews that go in together, stay together and come out together
safety (50)
when crew members working in the hazard area cannot directly communicate with one another by vision, voice or touch, they must be considered as being ___ until they are accounted for
a part of ongoing incident control is keeping the 3 basic management systems levels __/___/__ effectively connected.
strategic/tactical /task
effectively connecting the 3 basic management systems levels means that the __ level has an awareness that the ic is operating on a strategic level and that their tactical level division/group supervisor is effectively in place
___ control also means that the ic and the div/grp supervisors maintain an awareness of the position, function and safety of the task level operating units
the emphasis in the initial communications is on the ic vocalizing what he wants accomplished. t/f
the __ is effective to the extent that he can transmit clear, simple, and understandable objectives
initial and ongoing communications should be centered around the ___ benchmarks: primary all clear, knockdown, and loss stopped.
as the operation continues the ic must balance __ and __
listening and talking (51)
during the most active stages of the operation the ic must use the physical and electronic advantages of the __ __ to support and coordinate incident communications
command post
the ic must control __ in order to use the positions capability to help those in difficult operational positions.
the ic must understand that __/__ are the most active operational level of the incident organization and also realize how this impacts their ability to communicate
division and groups
the ic must use the communications advantage of the __ __ to balance the operational disadvantages that go with the hazard zone workers
command post
the ic controls communications by being continuously available to respond and using __ team to maintain control
operational controls relies greatly upon the ic ability to be available to ___
ideally the ic should answer incoming communications on the __ radio call.
the ic loses the ability to answer on the 1st radio call when there is __ radio traffic caused by the ic not building the organization structure fast enough.
the ic loses the ability to answer on the 1st radio call when to many people have __ to _ access to the IC
face to face (52)
the __ ic can handle most if not all of this face to face traffic while the ic remains available to communicate with hazard zone personnel
the ic loses the ability to answer on the 1st radio call when someone goes out side the regular communication plan and communicates directly to the ic. this generally resolved by the ic directing them to report to their __
the ic loses the ability to answer on the 1st radio call when the ic leaves the _ __
command post
the __ is the best the position the ic has to stay connected to operating resources
command post
the ic loses the ability to answer on the 1st radio call when the ic looses mental concentration t/f
as the incident goes on and more companies arrive, the ic will begin to assign div/grp supervisors to various positions and functions. these officers help the ic to build an effective organization and to maintain a manageable _ of__
span of control
div/grp supervisors should use __ to __ communications whenever possible within their area and try to limit radio traffic for required report
face to face
__/__ officers receive tactical assignments and resources from the ic and directly manage companies assigned to them
division and groups (53)
what are the 10 standard reports
BIR follow up report roof size up triage report in transit C.A.A.N report completion report exception report Personnel accountability report simplified accountability
command and div/grp supervisors must realize that the ability of a working unit to communicate is directly proportionate to their __ position.
radio messages to operation units must be task oriented, location based and indicate the operational ___. they should tell the receiver where to go, to whom to report and what to do
operating units should use regular progress reports, in the __ format, as the method to communicate with the ic or their div/grp supervisors
the ics ability to effectively mainatain and control the communication process regulates the ic ability to command the operation. effective communications is the ics most powerful ___
tool (54)
effective __ - __ communications determines if the ic is controlling the incident or if the incident is controlling the ic. starting under control and never losing control is the key to success.
two - way
the communication ___ sets the stage for how we are going to communicate with one another before the event occurs
sop (55)
the initial radio report should set off a chain reaction of standard organizational elements. 1st and foremost, it lets the entire response know that someone has arrived on the scene. the incident problem is identified and the strategy and __ are declared
IAP (56)
the ic use __ to link all of the incident personnel together
what are the 3 organization levels
strategic, tactical and task
as the ic begins incident operation, he will base actions on __ conditions
keeping the strategy and __ current requires filling in all the critical information unknowns
keeping the strategy and IAP current requires filling in all the critical information unknowns. the ic does this by assigning units or ___/___ to key tactical positions
once the ic has received reports from div/groups supervisors he is able to fill in the unknown and make decisions based upon the current information, which is the best use of communications; keeping everyone connected to solve the incident problem and keeping everyone safe by basing our actions on the ___
conditions (57)
the purpose of the simplified accountability procedure is to provide redundancy to the ___ ___ system
personnel accountability
the reason that we locate an ic in a strategic command post is to be in the most ideal position to __.
communicate (58)
companies that are in the __ zone are in the worst position to communicate
the command system is dependent upon the ic and the operating units ability to __ to one another
the most commonly used communication avenue is the ___ radio channel
the ic use __ reports to keep the strategy and iap current and monitor the progress of work
progress (59)
progress should be structured around the status of __ objectives
any urgent information that pertains to the ___ or the completion of the strategic objective should be immediately shared with the ic and anyone else who will be affected by the information
the ic main focus must be placed squarely on the units that are operating within the __ zone
the ic main focus must be placed squarely on the units that are operating within the hazard zone. this is how we manage __ level safety
the ic must expand the command team in such a way that allows him to be available to communicate with the hazard zone workers after their __ call
the __ controls the strategy manages the iap, and communicates to all the workers within the hazard zone
the ___ model is use to keep communication simple and to verify that orders were understood
order (60)
incident operations are conducted around the completion of the ___ priorities
when the ic assigns companies based upon a well thought out ___ everythin falls into place and companies will base their progress reports on their original orders
when the ic assigns companies to tactical positions, they should have a clear and definitive assignment that fits into the __
escalation of command must be a normally occurring progression that keeps pace with the __
at an incident when the ic has a deputy ic the deputy ic assumes __ responsibilities
communications should center on the completion of the __ benchmarks and ff safety
strategic (61)
div/grp supervisors and company officers should base their communications on ___ in their assigned area, action taken, the effect that it is having and any needs that they have
officer call sign number
unit id +1 (62)
engineer call sign number
unit id +2
ff call sign number
unit id + 3
paramedic call sign number
unit id + 4
what are the 3 progress reports
what are the reports
BIR follow up roof size up triage in transit personnel accountability simplified accountability CAAN completion exception
the first arriving unit on a dispatch of __ or more units including MVA should provide a BIR
what info is in a BIR
unit designation (who am I) incident location (where am I) establish, name and locate command (who is in command) brief description of the situation (what do I have) action being taken and strategy declaration (what am I doing) (63)
after the first arriving unit has evaluated the scene and identified the critical factors they may provide a __ _ report
follow up
what is in the follow up report
situation update
resource determination
any immediate safety concerns
clarify command mode, strategy and IAP if not completed within the BIR
the officer assigned to the roof will give the ic a ___ __ __
roof size up (64)
what info is in a roof size up
type of roof (flat, pitched tile, shingle)
are smoke and heat vents present and operational
conditions of roof (stable, unstable, venting)
concentrated loads
firewalls or partitions
basic blue print if unusual
action being taken
truss type and direction
at a motor vehicle accident or mci the person assigned initial triage will give a__ report to command
___ report is vital for the ic to request the appropriate resources during an MCI
what is in a triage report
the number and severity of patients
is mechanical extrication going to be necessary
which pt goes first
when the ic assigns a unit to a div/grp he will notify the supervisor of the unit that is __ __
in transit
the __ __ report tracks all personnel assigned to companies and or div/grps that are working in the hot zone
personnel accountability (65)
the __ is a confirmation that all members are accounted for and have an adequate exit air supply
reports of par should be conducted face to face within the __/__ or company whenever possible
division/ group
any no par indication requires the ic to initiate a __ __
status alert
if the affected member responds to the status alert and reports all is well the ic shall cancel the alert. if the affected member does not answer within __ second time period and no other personnel can account for his present whereabouts the ic shall declare a mayday
a roll call is required for the following situations
change from offensive to defensive
report of missing or trapped ff
sudden hazardous event (flashover backdraft collapse, mayday
when command decides that it is necessary
withdraw order is given
abandon the building is given
the following situations require a __
change from offensive to defensive
report of missing or trapped ff
sudden hazardous event (flashover backdraft collapse, mayday
when command decides that it is necessary
withdraw order is given
abandon the building is given
roll call
a __ __ will include the following
present assignment or designation
unit name
the fact that crew is par with # of personnel for each unit
roll call
what info is required for in a roll call
present assignment or designation
unit name
the fact that crew is par with # of personnel for each unit
a __ __ states that company officer and or div/grp supervisors will vocalize the number of personnel under their direct supervision to the ic anytime personnel are assigned to operate inside, on top or underneath a structure or work within an IDLH atmosphere
simplified accountability (66)
progress reports should include a __ __ __
personnel accountability report (par) (67)
progress report to command should be structured in the form of ___ report
what does CAAN stand for
the conditions portion of a CAAN report should include
fire smoke volume-level form the floor velocity-active/passive color density changes from original conditions heat general description low/mod/high changes from original conditions
___ report is given when tactical objectives or benchmarks are completed
completion (68)
___ report is given when a tactical objective or bench mark cannot be accomplished
____ are established to track the progression of the iap and time stamp events
benchmarks (69)
primary all clear knockdown secondary all clear and loss stopped are \_\_ benchmarks
what are the 4 strategic benchmarks
primary all clear
secondary all clear
and loss stopped
the strategic benchmarks indicate when the ____ priorities have been met
the strategic bench mark of ____ = the incident priority of life safety
primary all clear
the strategic bench mark of ____ = the incident priority of incident stabilization
the strategic bench mark of ____ = the incident priority of property conservation
loss stopped
the incident priority of ___ = the strategic bench mark of primary all clear
life safety
the incident priority of ___ = the strategic bench mark of knockdown
incident stabilization
the incident priority of ___ = the strategic bench mark of loss stopped
property conservation
the following are the 5 \_\_ benchmarks water supply water on fire utilities secured ventilation complete personnel in structure
what are the 5 tactical bench marks
water supply water on fire utilities secured ventilation complete personnel in structure
this should be report as soon as the initial life search has been completed
primary all clear
what is the 1 st strategic benchmark
primary all clear
the __ should be reported when the officer in charge of fire attack determines that the foward progression of the fire has been stopped
what is the 2nd strategic benchmark
this strategic benchmark is usually reported after knockdown
secondary all clear
this benchmark is made when overhaul is completed
loss stopped
what is the last strategic benchmark
loss stopped
this should be reported to command when a water supply is secured
water supply (70)
if progress in not made on the fire within __ - __ min the ic should re-evaluate the strategy
10-15 min
at a working incident dispatch will report __ min intervals to command after the BIR is given
15 min
the __ __ announcement will be utilized to provide immediate notification to all fire ground personnel that a notable hazard is either about to occur or has occured
emergency traffic (71)
__ __ will receive the highest communications priority from dispatch, command and all operating units
emergency traffic
to utilize emergency traffic personnel will repeat emergency traffic __ state the company/div/grp call sign and state the emergency
once the emergency traffic is given dispatch will sound a high low siren alert tone # __ for at least 5 seconds on all radio channels associated with incident. dispatch will then repeat the message
any member hasthe authority to utilize the emergency traffic announcement when it is felt that a notable danger to personnel is apparent. t/f
the radio message __ is a term to be used in the event that a firefighter is lost trapped, in imminent danger, or in need of immediate assistance
any report of mayday will receive __ radio traffic
if possible the ff should activate the emergency button on top of the __
what is transmitted if you have a mayday
mayday, mayday, mayday
what information is included in the initial status report for a mayday
location (or last known location) unit id your name or names of persons involved assignment resources needed for rescue ( include general status and air supply
after calling a mayday giving your lunar report you should activate your __
the primary function of the _ __ is to take a disciplined and systematic approach to ascertain the location and status of a suspected missing ff
status alert
the __ __ shall be used when an officer or crew member has been unable to contact other members under their command or in there respective company and has concern for their safety
status alert
the officer or member shall notify the __ that they are unable to contact a member and request that a status alert be given
IC (73)
upon notification that a member is suspected to be missing, the ic will request dispatch to initiate the __ __ protocol. the ic will inform dispatch of the call sign of the missing ff
status alert
during a status alert dispatch will activate alert tone #2 which is the high low siren for __ seconds
immediately after alert tone 2 during a status alert dispatch will state status alert and the unit designation of the suspected missing personnel. a __ second pause will be given to allow the missing ff to respond
15 second
only the __ has the authority to terminate a status alert
if after the 15 sec pause of a status alert the present whereabouts of the ff is not known the ic shall declare a __
a ___ order is given when the ic for whatever reason wants to remove crews from the interior of a structure or a portion of it
withdraw (74)
a __ is an orderly exit of personnel and equipment from the interior positions
after the withdraw order the company officer will assemble his crew and promptly exit to a safe location and notify command with a __. the officer should then ask for a new assignment
the signal __ __ __ is utilized whn an immediate exit of interior personnel is paramount for their safety
abandon the building
abandon the building can be initiated by the ic or any other __ who believes that an imminent hazard exists
the abandon the building order is given by utilizing __ __
emergency traffic
the officer who calls for the abandon the building shall state the hazard and it __
during the abandon the building dispatch will activate alert tone 2 similar to a high low siren for __ seconds. dispatch will repeat twice
5 (75)
during the abandon building all personnel with access to an apparatus should sound their apparatus air horn for a minimum of __ seconds
15 sec
once crews have exited the building during a abandon the building order the officer or team leader will notify command of their location and provide a ___