Tactical Ventilation Flashcards
Why do firefighters ventilate the structure on fire?
To control the movement of fresh air into the structure and to remove the hot flammable gases within the structure.
What actions can be taken to control the ventilation within a structure?
Opening, closing or breaking windows,
Opening, closing or breaking doors,
Breaching a wall
Are you allowed to implement your own ventilation tactics on a structure?
No, only the supervisor and the IC can decide when and how to ventilate.
At what temperature does the facepiece begin to soften?
300 F 149C
What is the maximum temperature that firefighter PPE can handle?
500F 260C
Can you intentionally ventilate a structure in order to make it fuel limited and intentionally burn off all the fuels to smother the fire?
No amount of ventilation will cause the fire to become fuel-limited or prevent flashover.
Can you just use ventilation to extinguish a fire?
No, ventilation and water application are both required to extinguish any fire.
Why do gases inside the structure move outwards when ventilation occurs?
Because the hot gas is less dense and therefore it rises.
When is ventilation most effective during supression operations?
When used in conjuction with immediate water application.
What are the four effects of tactical ventilation to the conditions in the structure?
- Increased Oxygen
- Reduced toxic gases and vapors
- Reduced temperatures
- Increased visibility.
True or false. Tactical ventilation can be used to assist in the rescue of victims?
True, air can be let into the structure to provide fresh air for the victims, but only if there is a way of also redirecting the smoke.
What six factors lead to successful tactical ventilation, when used in conjuction with fire attack?
- Careful planning
- Observations communicated to IC
- Following procedures for removing contaminants
- Coordination with other fireground activities
- Recongnition that all openings in the structure contribute the the ventilation
- Recognition of environmantal factors and their effects on ventilation
In terms of situational awareness specific to tactical ventilation, what conditions require your awareness at all times?
- Location of fire
- FIre behaviour and changes to it.
- Effects that ventilation will have of the fire
- Effectiveness of the ventilation
- Locations where smoke is escaping the structure
- Building construction
- Structural integrity of building
- Building contents and their condition
- Indicators of structural collapse
- Location of powerlines and solar panels
- Two escape locations for roof crews
- Changes to roof’s integrity
- Coordination of ventilation efforts with fire attack efforts
- Wind direction and speed
What is an unplanned ventilation?
When windows break or holes appear in the wall on roof as a result of the fire.
What two assumptions should firefighters always make about any structure fire when information is limited?
- The structure is made of lightweight construction
- The fire in the structure is ventilation limited
True or false, winds as slow as 20 km/h can make the fire wind driven.
False, winds as slow as 15km/h can make a fire wind driven.
What is an exposure and how can they be affected by tactical ventilation?
There are internal and external exposures. Both are things to which the fire could spread. Internal exposures are rooms, objects and people to which the fire could spread. External exposures are things like upper floors of the building lighting on fire due to the escape and ingnition of heated gases. It can also include other buildings adjacent to the structure on fire.
True or false, you are not allowed to give your opinion on whether or not a ventilation plan is sound based on your observations?
False, if you see something that you believe makes the ventilation unsafe, you need to communicate it with the IC.
What are the five signs of roof collapse?
- Melting asphalt
- Smoke escaping through a hole in the roof
- Roof is on fire
- Heavy objects on the roof have fallen through or are sagging
- Roof feels spongy.
What are the four most common tools used for creating openings for tactical ventilation?
- Axes.
- Power saws
- Chain saws
- Pike poles
What two tools are used for breaking windows for tactical ventilation?
Axes and pike poles
What two power tools are used for cutting holes in walls and roofs for tactical ventilation?
-Power saws and chain saws
What are the seven kinds of Air movement equipment
- Air movement
- Hoselines and nozzles
- Flexible ducts
- Stacking and hanging devices
- Generators
- Wind control devices
- Smoke control devices
True or false, Horizontal ventilation involves opening a ventilation hole in the ceiling to allow the natural boyancy of the hot gases to clear the structure.
False. that’s verticle ventilation
True or false, during wind assisted ventilation, the high pressure, or intake point is opened first and then the low pressure, or exit point is opened
False the low pressure point is opend first so that the gases are not all swirled up in the structure.
True or false. If you plan on opening a door to enter the structure, it is a good idea to open another door on the opposite side of the structure to let out the exhaust.
True, but only if you have a charged hose ready to apply water as soon as the doors are opened.
When do mechanical ventilation methods become necessary?
When the natural ventilation is insufficient to clear the structure of the smoke, heat and toxic fire gases.
True or false, when creating positive pressure, fans blow air into the structure.
Why would firefighters want to create possitive pressure inside a structure using fans for tactical ventilation?
It pushes out the air inside the building by forcing air into lower pressure areas like outside.
What are some of the disadvantages of mechanical ventilation?
- Required power source
- Requires special equipment
- Requires the use of personnel
What are some of the advantages of mechanical ventilation?
- Enhances natural ventilation
- Ensures more control of air flow
- Speeds removal of contaminants
- Reduces smoke damage
- promotes good public relations
What are the two main conciderations for positive pressure attack?
Fire location and exhaust-intake size ratio.
True or false, during positive pressure attack, the exhaust opening must be located in the same room as the fire.
True, this keeps the heat inside the room where the fire is located, and prevents spread.
How can firefighters reduce the pressure created by the fire so that positive pressure attack can be effective?
They can cool down the room with water.
True or false. In positive pressure ventilation, it is ok to have multiple exhaust points because it ventilates the structure faster.
True, once the fire is extinguished, there is no need for the intake to exhaust ratio as the fire is no longer creating pressure that the fan needs to overcome.
What is hydraulic ventilation?
When a firefighter uses a fog nozzle to create a wall of water, which they place at the intake to clear all the smoke. They stand inside the structure and shoot the water outside to create low pressure inside the structure.
True or false, Vertical ventilation is used far less often than horizontal ventilation.
True, vertical ventilation is more dangerous and impractical than horizontal ventilation.
What is sounding a roof?
Hitting it with a tool before putting weight on it to deternmine the structural integrity.
When firefighters get to the roof to ventilate, what are the steps?
- Sound the roof
- Do a Kerf or triangle inspection cut
What are the advantages of a Kerf cut over a triangle cut and vise versa?
Kerf cuts are faster and can quickly determine if the fire is burning directly below the firefighters due to the presence of smoke or flame.
The Triangle cut is slower, but it allows the firefighter to see into the roof and gather more information.
If fire and smoke are found during an inspection cut, should the team go ahead and ventilate?
no, inform IC and get out of there.
True or false. On pitched roofs you should always cut a ventilation hole at the highest possible point of the upwind side.
False, you should cut the ventilation hole on the highest point of the downwind side.
True or false. It is not possible to create a ventilation opening on a pitched roof with an axe.
False, it is possible but it takes longer that using powertools
What is a trench cut?
A trench is cut in the roof of large buildings in an effort to save a portion of the building by halting the advancing fire. Two parallel cuts are made along the length of the structure and the material in between is pushed down into the building.
True or false. Trench cuts can be done by themselves and do not need to be directed by the IC.
False, trench cuts need to be used in conjuction with other ventilation efforts to release the hot gases and smoke, with the objective of stalling the advance of the fire to give time to complete the trench
Why are basement fires so dangerous?
There is limited ventilation options, the heat of the fire rises rapidly through the rest of the structure, and firefighters must walk through the intense heat to reach the basement.
Which ventilation method is most commonly used for basement fires?
Horizontal ventilation in conjuction with water application
What is the stack effect?
When fires burn in a high rise, the smoke rises and accumulates in the upper levels.
What is horizontal smoke spread?
Smoke rises when it is hot but once it cools to the temperature of the surrounding air, it spreads horizontally. It can happen during ventilation if the exhaust hole is smaller than the intake hole.