Incident Scene Operations Flashcards
What are the five most common causes of firefighter deaths in terms of failures to follow the IMS?
- Improper risk assessment
- Lack of incident command
- Lack of accountability
- Inadequate communications
- Lack of SOPs
True of false, the first firefighter to arrive on-scene is automatically the IC until a more qualified firefighter arrives to replace them?
What five things must the initial IC of an incident do upon arriving at the scene?
- Establish command and communicate who the IC is
- Perform a 360 degree check
- Determine whether offensive of defensive tactics are required
- Assign tasks
- Communicate actions and observations to incomming resources
Specifically, what information must you relay to incoming resources about the incident that you have taken command of?
- Your name
- Name of incident
- Location of command post
- Location of staging area
- Assing tasks to available resources
- Call for additional resources if required
Describe the two options you have of where to assign your crew as you perform your IC duties.
- You can give command of your company to another qualified member of the company.
- You can have the company work under another qualified firefighter from a different company.
What are the three incident priorities?
- Life safety
- Incident stabilization
- Porperty conservation
What information must be gathered during an incident size-up?
- What has happened?
- What is happening?
- What will likely happen?
- Available resources
- Necessary actions
- Additional resources required
What information can you gather about the incident when you are on-route to the location?
- Review pre-incident plan if available
- Weather conditions
- Observe smoke characteristics
- Consider the structure occupied until proven otherwise
- Be aware of resources already dispatched or that might be required
In terms of fire activity, what information must the IC relate concerning the incident?
- Forecasting fire growth and development
- Identifying scene hazards
- Identifying ventilation flow path
What are the six components of an arrival report?
- Route instructions to arriving units
- Assignments to arriving units
- Description of the hazardous conditions
- Initial actions taken
- Any barriers that could impede access
- Indicate planned operational strategy
True or false, you will be reprimanded if you request too many resources to an incident.
False, it is always better to over estimate than underestimate required resources. Although requests must be within reason.
What are the five Operational assignments that the Incident Commander will have to assign to the companies arriving at the scene?
- Fire attack
- Support functions
- Personnel accountability
- Rehabilitation
When considering an operational strategy, what are the three priorities that the IC must strategize around?
- Life safety
- Incident Stabilization
- Property conservation
True or false, if victims are located at the seat fo the fire, it is imperative that they get rescued regardless of the risk to the firefighter.
False, if the IC makes a cost/benefit analysis and determines that the risk to the life of the firefighter is too great for the small likelyhood of the victim surviving, then the firefighters do not attempt a rescue.
True or false, an offensive operational strategy typically puts more risk on the safety of the firefighter, and a defensive operational strategy is more likely to end in the death of a victim.
What are the factors that can force an IC to choose a defensive strategy?
- Lack of necessary resources (fire is too intense, too few personnel, inadequate water supply, lack of equipment).
- Strutural integrity - Building in danger of collapse.
- Wind direction - Fire must be attacked into the wind, high wind speed.
What are the factors that can force an IC to choose an offensive strategy?
- RIsk-benefit analysis determines that the benefits outweigh the risks
- Sufficient resources
- Structural intergrity is intact
- Fire can be fought from upwind side and winds are light
True or false, When transfering the IC position to another officer/firefighter, the tranfer cannot be done over the radio.
False, it can be, but it is prefered to be in person
As a crew leader, what are your five primary responsibilities?
- Selecting tactics
- Selecting appropriate tools for the tasks
- Monitoring crew safety during operations
- Coordinating resources with other resourses at the scene
- being prepared to change tactics if required
What is the most important factor when choosing a hoseline?
Flow rate
What is the minimum allowable flow rate from an attack hoseline?
400 L/min
Why is it important to have a backup hoseline in addition to the attack line.
- To protect the hoseline team from extreme fire behaviour
- To protect the means of egress
- To suppress the fire should in increase in intensity
True or false, for interior fire attack a smooth bore nozzle is prefered
False, an adjustable fog nozzle is prefered.
Is it more important to fight the fire from the unburned side or from the direction that the wind is blowing?
From the direction that the wind is blowing.
What are the two methods used to signal an evacuation?
Radio messages and audible warning devices on apparatus.
What are the three types of progress reports that you will have to do when operating on a fire?
- Personnel accountability reports
- Tactical progress reports
- Hazard reports
True or false, a transition from offensive strategies to deffensive strategies are more dangerous than the other way around
True or false, while it is useful for ventilation crews to know where attack crews are located in the structure, it is not essential since the two activities are independent of each other.
False, the locationof all personnel in the structure should be know at all times during ventilation.
If you discover a hazardous class C fire, what two stepsmust you take?
- Create perimeter around the hazard
- Contact personnel who are trained in turning off the electricity.
True or false, while awaiting trained personnel to turn off the power to a class c fire, it is ok to continue to use defensive strategies.
Does the exclusion zone for electrical power poles need to be the same distace as that between two power poles or double that distance?
Tricky tricky, it’s 1.5 times