Overhaul, Property Conservation, and Scene Preservation Flashcards
What is loss control?
The activities performed before, during and after a fire to minimize losses to property.
What six activities are involved in loss control?
- Minimizing damage to structures and exposures
- Eliminating the chances of reignition
- Reducing the amount of time required to reopen the home or business
- Reducing stress on the owner
- Creating good relations between fire department and public
- Minimize financial loss
What are primary and secondary structure fire damage?
Primary is fire and smoke damage
Secondary is caused by fire supression activities
What are the four activities/objectives of overhaul?
- Search for and extinguish hidden or remaining fire
- Placing the building and contents in a safe condition
- Determining cause of fire
- Recognizing and preserving evidence of arson
Who has the authority to order the begining of overhaul efforts?
The IC and the lead fire investigator.
What are the seven most commonly used tools for overhaul?
- PIke poles to open ceiling for hidden fires
- Axes to open walls and floors
- Prying tools to remove door and window frames
- Power saws, drills, and screwdrivers, to instal temporary doors and windows
- Carryalls, buckets for submersing smoldering material
- Shovels, bale hooks, pitchforks, Move baled or loose materials.
- Thermal imager
What are the four steps to establishing safe conditions for overhaul operations?
- Inspect the premises
- Developing an operational plan
- Providing needed tools and equipment
- Eliminating or mitigating hazards
True or false, After all flaming and smouldering fuels are extinguished, it is ok to remove SCBA, but all other PPE must continue to be worn.
False, the air can still contain toxic gases and vapors, so firefighters must continue to wear full PPE until overhaul is complete and they are away from the structure.
True or false, firefighters that performed fire suppression are not allowed to contribute in overhaul operations because they are fatigued and therefore, far more likely to injure themselves.
False, they are allowed to participate in overhaul as long as they have spent sufficient time in the rehabilitation zone.
During overhaul, if you see a section of floor that you believe is not structurally sound, what should you do?
Identify and section off or barricade the area immediately.
True or false, handlines are necessary during overhaul in case of reignition.
Why is it important to frequently inspect the couplings of hose during overhaul?
To ensure that leaking hose does not cause unnecessary damage to the structure.
True or false. While it is essential to work in teams of two during fire supression, overhaul is much safer and can therefore be performed individually.
False, the risk of injury is still present and therefore a buddy is required.
True or false. A rapid intervention crew is required during overhaul
What are some signs of loss of structural integrity?
- Burned floor joists
- Spalling concrete
- Deformed steel joists or beams
- Offset walls due to heat warping
- Burned roof trusses
- Open mortar from heat
- Melted plastic
What are some indicators of hidden fires?
-Peeling paint
-Cracked plaster
-Burn marks
-Popping and cracking
Thermal imager reading
What are the advantages of using a thermal imager in overhaul?
- Reduces time required to search through walls
- Reduces secondary damage to structure.
True or false, the smell of smoke is one of the best ways to find hidden fires during overhaul.
False, you should not be smelling anything, if you are, there is an issue with your SCBA and you need to exit the structure immediately
Where do overhaul operations typically begin?
In the area with the most severe fire behaviour.
True or false, you must make small opening in every wall and ceiling in every room of the house to determine if there is a hidden fire
False, only create damage if there is reason to suspect that there is a hiddden fire present.
How are ceilings brought down for hidden fire inspection?
A small hole is created with a pike pole if a hidden fire is suspected.
Can furniture be moved at the firefighters’ discretion?
Only if the lead investigator has already taken pictures of the scene or they confirm that they do not require pictures of it.
Where must large burning objects be brought for extinguishment?
What are some actions that firefighters can take at the scene to reduce their exposure to carcinogens?
- Use soft bristle brush and damp towel to remove large debris from PPE
- Remove all turnout gear
- Use baby wipes or a wet towel to remove soot from exposed body parts
- Use hoseline to rinse PPE and equipment
- Bagging contaminated equipment for return to station
- Shower immediately after returning to station
- Clean all gear and apparatus interiors immediately after cleaning yourself
What is property concervation?
Ensuring that Everything that can be salvaged is salvaged, including ensuring that weather and trespasers don’t damage the structure more than it already is.
What tools are typically used in salvage operations?
- Salvage covers
- Electrical tools
- Mechanical tools
- Plumbing tools
- Carpentry tools
- Mops, sqeegees and buckets
What is a salvage cover?
They are made of canvas, vinyl or plastic and they are deployed to cover furniture to ensure that they are not damaged by water.
What is an automatic sprinkler kit?
tools used for stoppong the flow of an automatic sprinkler system
What are carryalls?
Ther are basins or tubs used for carrying debris, tools and water for immersing burning material into.
What are floor runners?
Sheets of vinyl that run along the hallways of a house to protect it from firefighter boots and debris.
What are dewatering devices?
Water vacuums suck up shallow water and submersible pumps are used in deep water.
What kind of salvage cover throw should two firefighters use if they are attempting to cover a large object?
A balloon throw
What is the best location for salvaging furniture if it is not in danger of primary damage?
In the center of the room, covered with a salvage cover and raised off the ground.
What are some other uses of salvage covers?
Salvage chutes: used for directing the flow of water.
Catchalls: Holds small amounts of water inside the structure to prevent secondary damage.
What materials can be used to cover openings?
-Plywood or heavy plastic
True or false, it is never ok for canvas salvage covers to be folded when wet.
True, they will rot
True or false, you are not allowed to dry salvage covers outdoors.
False, you can as long as it is not too windy, ans they do not remain in the sunlight for too long
True or false, firefighters are allowed to repair salvage covers with duct tape.
True (p.756)
Do firefighter 1 have the authority to determine what is and is not evidence or admissible in court?
What is the chain of custody of evidence?
- Fire scene
- Firefighter
- Fire investigator
- Laboratory
- Courtroom
- Final disposition
What are the most obvious sign of the area of origin?
- The area with the most damage, where the fire was burning the longest.
- Eye witnesses can tell you where it started.
What are some security measures that firefighters can take to protect the area of origin?
- Restricting access to the scene
- Protecting any potential evidence located in the area
- Minimizing supression and overhaul activities that could destroy evidence
- Utilizing law inforcement
What is the radius of the safety perimeter for explosions?
It should be 1.5 times away from the farthest piece of debris.
What is the required size of the safety perimeter on structure fires?
Past the farthest piece of evidence.
True or false, it is much more difficult to make a safety perimeter larger than it is to make it smaller.
True or flase. If an incident is suspected of being criminal in nature, the names of all those that enter the scene must be documented, and access limited to essential personnel only.
Is it ok to move, alter or destroy evidence once the official fire inventigation is complete?
No, the insurance company may want to do their own investigation.
Do firefighters need to clean up the debris after the fire?
In some departments they are required to do some removal of charred material because it poses a risk of reignition, but they are not responsible for taking the material away from the scene.
What is the information that you could be called upon to remember about the incident?
- Time of day - Can indicate unusual activity based on where people ought to be at that time
- Weather and natural hazards - If it’s hot, why was the furnace on, if it’s cold why are the windows open? Arsonists often set fires in inclement weather because response times are slower.
- Man-made barriers - could indicate arsonist’s attempts to slow down response time.
- People leaving the scene - most people will watch a fire burn, so anyone leaving in haste is suspiscious. Try to remember appearance or license plate.
- Time of arrival and extent of fire - When arriving at the scene, make note of the fire activity
- Wind - Remember the direction and velocity
- Locked or unlocked doors or windows - Signs or forced entry, broken glass
- Location of fires - Could be helpful in fire investigation. Look for any aditional fires in the area
- Containers - look for any discarded gas containers or anything that could be used to start a fire.
- Burglary tools - look for anything that could have been used to break into a house.
- Look for any familiar faces in the onlookers, they may be the arsonist.
- Unusual smells
- Obstacles hindering entrance- like nailed doors
- Incendiary devices
- Trailers- like lines of gasoline that lead to a fuel pile.
- Structural alterations that make fire spread easier
- Fire patterns
- Heat intensity
- A suspiscious production of insurance documents
- Tampering with fire detectors and intrusion alarms
- Location of fire
- Personal possessions
What type of company is most likely to perform a salvage operation?
Ladder companies or specially trained salvage companies.
True or false, TIs can detect fires behind mirrors, glass and metal very easily.