Community Risk Reduction Flashcards
In what four ways will you be expected to contribute to community risk reduction in your community through the fire department?
- Conducting fire and life safety surveys of private dwellings
- Presenting fire and life safety messages to the public
- Leading fire stations tours
- Conducting pre-incident planning surveys
True or false, fire and emergency services are not responsible for people who only visit their immediate response area. They are only responsible for those who have a permanent address within their IRA.
False, they are responsible for anyone that is within their IRA.
What are the two major benefits of the FIre and life safety programs?
- Educate and empower people in the community
- build good relations between firefighters and members of the community.
When you are attending a fire and life safety program and a member fo the public approaches you with a complaint/issue/suggestion how must you behave and how can you best help them?
- Listen carefully to best understand the nature of the interaction
- Remain calm, positive, and polite.
- Be familiar with the full range of services available to citizens from the fire department so that you can resolve of redirect them.
- If you are uncertain of how to help them or where they can go to find the help they need, direct them to a superior.
- Document the interaction
True or false, all businesses in most jurisdictions are required to undergo an inspection of compliance to fire and safety codes.
True or false, Single family homes are required to pass periodic fire and life safety inspections in most jurisdictions?
False, in most jurisdictions they are not required to have periodic inspections.
What is the most common cause of residential fires in North America?
Cooking equipment
True or false, according to the CDC, fire are the third most common cause of accidental deaths in the US.
False, they are the fifth
What are some unsafe activities that home owners might exibit during a fire and life safety survey?
- Poor housekeeping
- Hoarding combustible materials
- Open burning
- Improper use of electricity
- Careless use of flammable and combustible liquids
- Unsafe smoking materials
True or false, when conducting a fire and life safety survey at single family homes, if any violations are found the surveyor must fine the owners for non-compliance.
False, the purpose of a fire and life safety survey is to educate the public of fire and life safety and not to punish them for their ignorance.
What causes more water damage; sprinkler systems or fire suppression activities?
Fire suppression activities
Are you allowed to conduct a home survey by yourself?
No, there should be at least two firefighters at all surveys
Why is it important to have a lesson plan or lesson outline before presenting a topic?
Otherwise some information may be lost.
What are the four catagories of fire and life safety messages?
- Prevent
- Prepare
- Protect
- Persuade
Give a few examples of what a preventative fire and life safety message is.
- Keep matches away from young children
- Correct any fire and burn hazards in the kitchen
- Keep children and pets 3 feet away from the oven
Give a few examples of what a prepare fire and life safety messafe is.
- Install a home fire sprinkler system
- Install smoke alarms
- Become familiar with the different sounds your smoke and CO alarms make.
Give a few examples of what a protect fire and life safety message is.
- Crawl low under smoke
- Get out fast, stay out
- Call 9-1-1 after escaping
Give a few examples of what a persuade fire and life safety message is.
- Encourage outside smoking only
- Install, test, and maintain residential smoke alarms.
- Attend public fireworks displays and avoid personal use of fireworks.
Why should you never enter a class room with young childrn in it in full PPE including SCBA and facepiece?
It scares them, if you want to demostrate what full PPE looks like, put it on one piece at a time where they can see.
List some things that you should never do in front of young children because it will frighten them?
- Activate fire alarm or PASS device without first giving them a warning and telling them to cover their ears
- Tell them stories about burning homes, pets, toys etc
- Show them pictures of burned items
- Wear contaminated PPE