T1: Implementing Culturally Sensitive, Appropriate Care (CH 3) Flashcards
Older adults are becoming increasingly diverse in terms of __ and __.
race & ethnicity
Increasing numbers of __ & __ older adults in the US population.
Understanding of cultural and ethnic differences helps get rid of __ and __
stereotypes & biases
_ __ can affect communication
Language barriers
Nurses should know one’s own __ and __ toward various ethnic/racial groups
attitude and beliefs
14% of US population is __
__ __ adults represent 8.4% of the population
Older black
__ life expectancies (due to lack os resources) until seventh decade, which then they were equal to whites.
High commitment to family and aging relatives means:
you will find a lot of individuals in this race caring for their elderly
Lower standard of living and less access to health care can result in:
Lower life expectancies until seventh decade, which is then equal to whites
___ health problems accumulated over lifetime
May hold unconventional beliefs related to __ and __.
health and illness
Black Americans look to __ for decision making and care versus formal health service agencies
Black Americans are ___ while interacting with health care providers and utilizing health services
Some diverse subgroups possess unique __ and __
customs and beliefs
Black skin color– differences in assessment:
- Examine nail beds, palms, soles, gums, and under tongue
- Absence of red tone or glow can indicate pallor
- Petechiae: check conjunctiva, abdomen, and buccal mucose
Prevalent health problems for Black Americans:
Hypertension, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS
___ need for education and counseling in lifestyle for B.A’s.
More than 10 million, 4% of the population of the United States
Asian Americans
Chinese medicine based on “__ and __”
Yin and Yang
Use of senses for assessing medical problems (touch, hear, and smell) – what race?
Chinese Americans
Like Chinese, lower unemployment rate; higher percentage of professionals
Most live in California & Hawaii
Japanese expect __ will care for elders.
__ Faith: strong sense of identity and shared beliefs.
Immigration from various nations: different customs and cultures
Scholarship important: 60% attend college
Religious traditions for Jewish: sundown Friday to sundown Saturday is ___
What is a Kosher diet?
- exclusion of pork and shellfish
- prohibit milk and meat at same meal or from same dishes
Population is steadily increasing: more than 500 tribes, nations, and villages
Native Americans
Highest population: Arizona, Oklahoma, California, New Mexico, and Alaska
Native Americans
Native American health beliefs: A person’s state of health may be linked to __ or __ forces or to punishment for their acts.
good or evil
Cancer survival is the lowest for these individuals of any population in the United States
Native Americans
Certain rituals may be practiced at death, such as members of the religious group washing the body and sitting with it until burial. Autopsy is usually opposed.
An understanding of cultural, ethnic, and sexual orientation differences can help to erase the __ and __ that can interfere with effective care
stereotypes and biases
To essentially give culturally competent care, nurses need to understand:
- ___ of persons with similar ethnic/racial background
- Beliefs, values, traditions, and ___ of various ethnic and racial groups
- Unique health-related ___, experiences, and risks
- One’s own __ and beliefs toward various ethnic/racial groups
- __ __ affecting communication
Experiences practices needs attitude Language barriers
Hispanics believe that illness results when one has violated good practices of living or is being punished by __.
__ ___ a diverse group comprised of individuals from countries such as China, Japan, the Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, and Cambodia.
Asian Americans
Largest populations reside in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Chicago.
Chinese Americans
What is yin?
What is yang?
- the female negative energy that protects the inner body
- the male positive energy that protects the body from external forces.
___ people have used the senses for assessing medical problems (touching, listening to sounds, and detecting odors) rather than machinery or invasive procedures.
Herbs, acupuncture, acupressure, and other treatment modalities, which are just being recognized by the Western world, continue to be treatments of choice for many ___ individuals.
In Chinese culture, achieving old age is a blessing, and older adults are held in high __.
Japanese Americans have preserved many of their ___.
What are some other asian groups?
- filipino
- korean
- vietnam
- cambodia
What are some similarities between the other asian groups and Asian Americans?
Strong family networks and expect the family to care of older adults.
The Indian Health Service, a division of the United States Public Health Service, provides free, universal access to health care to __ __ who reside on reservations.
American Indians
Native American culture emphasizes a strong reverence for the Great __.
Various __ __ tribes may have specific rituals that are performed at death, such as burying certain personal possessions with the individual.
Native American
Their is a growing awareness and acceptance of _____ persons in society as a whole.
gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT)
Despite the growing awareness and acceptance of (LGBT) persons, there has been minimal consideration of the __ and __ of these individuals when they reach late life.
challenges and needs
LGBT people are referred to as a largely __ population.
LGBT are fearful of :
rejection and neglect by caregivers, not being accepted by other residents, forced to hide sexual orientation
Nurses need to appreciate that the LGBT elder population represents unique individuals with different experiences, profiles, and __.
All cultures have unique histories, beliefs, and __.
Nurses need to have respect for __.
Dietary preferences should be __, adaptations made for special __, and unique ways of managing __ understood.
Nurses need to ensure that cultural, religious, and sexual orientation differences of older adults are understood, appreciated, and ___.
Cultural ___ honors older adults’ history and preserves the familiar and what is important to them.
Do not allow loss of ethnic or cultural __.