syndromes of head and neck Flashcards
what is a syndrome?
combination of signs and symptoms which are indicative of a particular disease or disorder?
WHat is a sequence?
series of ordered consequeneces which occur dut to a single cause
What is a malformation?
abnormal structure due to irregular development
what is deformation?
caused by mechanical stress on a normal structure
what are congenital diseases?
a disease that begins in the first month of life or birth
What are aqcuired diseases?
condition that develops after birth
What are the causes of head and neck syndromes?
genetics and environmental
which causes, genetic or environmental, are more common causes of H and N syndromes?
What is an example of a teratogenic syndrome?
Fetal alcohol syndrome
What are the features of fetal alcohol syndrome?
Flattened nasal bridge close set eyes Flat philtrum Epicanthal folds Underdeveloped jaw Flat midface
What is an example of a chromosomsal syndrome?
Trisomy 13 Patau syndrome
Trisomy 18 edwards syndrome
Trisomy 21 Downs syndrome
WHat is Downs syndrome? and what is the incidence of Downs? What are some non dental, relevant features?
A metotic non dysjunction Trisomy 21 1/700 Epicanthic folds Bradyceohaly 75% Brushfield spots Palmar crease Stunted growth Congenital heart defects
what are the dental implications of downs syndrome?
Hypoplsia of mid face lage tongue relative to mouth periodontal disease delayederuption of teeth hypodontia and microdontia Cleft lip and palate Difficulty to co operator
What is patau syndrome? and what is the incidence?
3 copies of chromosome 13
What are the syndromes affecting the bone?
Osteogenesis Imperfecta AchondroplasiaOsteopetrosis Cleidocranial Dysplasia MArfan SYndrome McCune Albright syndrome Craniosynotosis (aperts and crouzons)
What is affected in osteogenesis imperfecta and what is the implication of this?
Abnromal type 1 collagen synthesis
reduced bone density and tendenacy to fractrure
What features are there of Osteogensesis imperfecta?
Blue sclera deafness thin translucent skin joint hypermobilty and lax ligaments heart valve defects
How many types of OI exist?
4 types
What is achondroplasia and what is the incidence?
AD or sporadic (increased paternal age) failure of enchondral ossification at growth plates
What are the features of achdondroplasia?
normal growth in lumbar spine (lumbar lordoisis)
Large head
retruded mid part of face
What is osteopetrosis?
Defect in osteoclast activiy due to defective carbonic anhydrase enzyme
WHat are the features of osteopetrosis?
excesive formation of dense bone susceptible to fracture delayed dental eruptopn difficult extrcations blood problems
What is cleidocranial dysplasia?
AD defect affecting skul, jaws and clavicles
What are the clavicular features of Cleidocranial dysplasia?
No/Some clavicles
WHat are the maxillary features of cleidocranial dysplasia?
Poorly developed maxilla (high palate, narrow)
Retained primary teeth and elayed eruption of secondary teeth and increased risk of supernumaries
What are the skull features of cleidocranialdysplasia?
Sutures in skull remain open: frontoparietal bossing
Depressed nasal bridge and hyposplastic mid third
What is Marfans syndrome?
Connective tissue disease
Which chromosome is affected in MArfans?
What are the major criteria for marfans?
need at lesat 2 of: LADS Lens dislocation aortic dilatation or dissesction Dural ectasia Skeletal abnorm (wide spanning arms, pes planus, pectus deform, arachnodactyly)
What are the minor criteria for marfans?
High arched palate
Mitral valve prolapse
WHat is McCune albright syndrome?
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
What re the features of McCune albright Syndrom?
CAfe Au lait pigmentation
precocious puberty
hyperactive endocrinopathies
What is aperts syndrome?
Craniosynotosis dsease
Which chromosome is implicated in aperts?
Which gene is affected in aperts?
FGF2 receptor
What is the key problem in aperts?
premature fusion of boney sutures
What at the cranial features of aperts?
underdeveloped mid face
ridging along sutures
prominenet eyes
hearing loss and ear infections
What are the hand and limb features?
webbing of toes and fingers
short limbs
Which other disease falls into the same catergory as aperts?
What gene is affected in crouzons disease?
FGF2 gene
What features of crouzon syndrome exist?
cranial synotosis
What dental features of crouzons exist?
Narrow high palate
Crowded teeth
cross bite and underbite
What are the harmartoneoplastic syndromes exist?
Cowden disease Gardner syndrome Gorlin Goltz Sturge Webee MEN Peutz Jegher Tuberous sclerosis
What is gene is affected in Cowden disease?
tumour supressor gene PTEN on chromosome 10q23.3
Where are there increased risk of malignancy in people with cowden syndrome?
Where do people with cowden syndrome get cysts?
Bone and GU tract
Where do cowden people get keratosis?
acral and palmoplantar
Where do people with cowden disease get papillomas? What brain features do they have?
Brain: macrocephaly reduced IQ and development of lhermitthite duclos disease
Which mucocutanoues lesions do peoplw with cowdens get?
mucosal tags lipomas haemangiomas fibromas facial trichilemmommas
What is Gardners syndrome?
AD syndrome
variant of familial Adenomatous polyposis
Which chromsome is affected in Gardners?
What are the features of Grdeners in bone?
Benign osteomas
compound odontomes
dentigeous cysts
What are the features of Gardners in the colon?
Multiple polyps in colon
WHat are the features of Gardners on the skin?
Epidermal cysts, dermoid tumous, fibromasand neurofirbomas
What is Gorlin Goltz Syndrome?
Navoid basal cell carcinoma syndrom
What chromsome and gener is affected in GG?
What are the bone features of GG?
Odontogenic keratocysts (usually in mandible of young child)
Rib and vertebral malformation
Bifid ribs
What happens to the flax cerebri in GG?
early calcification
What happnes to the skin in patients with GG?
basal cell carcinomas
What facial features are there in GG?
fronto and temporoparital bossing
mandibular prognathism
What is srurge Weber syndrome?
Port wine stain on face ipsilateral haemangiomas within the brain and contralateral focal fitS Calcification of the leptomeninges Glaucoma hemiplegia and learning impairment
What is Peutz Jegher syndrome caused by?
AD condition
Caused by mutation of gene LKB1 on 19p
What are the oral features of Peutz Jegher?
freckling on lips and mucosa
Where else can freckling be in Peutz jegers?
palms and soles
What GI feature is preset in Peutz Jegers?
bleeding and pbstructions due to polpys
T/F the polyps in Peutz Jegher have a 0.3% risk of malignancy?
Which two syndromes affect the skin and mucous membranes?
Ehlers danlos
WHat is Ehlers danlos?
collagen production is impaired
What kind of pattern of inheritence is associated with Ehlos Danlos?
AD, AR, X linked 10 types
What are the features of Ehlers Danlos?
Hyperelastic skin
hypermobile and loose joints
Bleeds; GI, Brain, brusiing
Mitral valve prolapse and incompentance
WHat dental features are associated with Ehlers Danlos?
TMJ dislocation short deformed roots pulp stones Early onset Periodontal disease (4,8,9) resistant to LA type 3
What is HHT?
Oslers rendu weber
multiple telangectasias of the skin and mucosa
Where in the body can the arteriovenousmalormations arise in HHT?
WHat blood disease and how can people with HHT suffer from?
Chronic GI bleeding leads to anaemia
What is treacher collins syndrome?
mandibulofacial dysostosis
Which gene is damaged in Treacher Collins?
treacle protein
WHat are the features of Treacher Collins?
Micrognathia Downward slanting eyes underdeveloped zygoma drooping eyelids malformed or absent ears hearing loss cleft palate
What are rh features of Patau syndrome?
Cleft lip and palate Scalp defect Small eyes Small head Small jaw Undecesnded testicles Low set ears Eyes v close together
What are the features of trisomy 18?
Edwards Rocker bottom feet Microcephalic Mucrothalmia Micrognathia Micrstomia Destinct clenched finger
What is kinefleter? And what is the incidence?
What are the feature of kinefleter?
Hypogonadism Narrow shoulder Reduced muscle mass Broad hips Gynacomastia Less facial and body hair Female characteristics Infertility
What is Pierre robin syndrome?
Cleft lip and palate
What is RILey day syndrome?
Insensitivity to pain 5 types 1: AD late onset SPTLC1 9q 2|:AR infantile HSn2 12p 3:AR infantile IKBKAP 9q: abscence of fungiform papilloma, postural hypotension, emotional issues and abscence of tears 4:AR infantile NTRK1q 5:AR infantile NGFB1q
What is Marcus gun jaw winking syndrome?
Trigeminal occulomotort synkinesis
Stimulation of lateral pterygoid excites ipsilateral levant or paloebre superiors